conscious awareness

102 posts


Corruption or Purification? It Is Your Decision

The mind overwhelms us with wants and demands. Moreover, it has become a victim of its own demise. The mind experiences a corruption of its own making. The need for more is always in the background of our activities. We want more. But why? Perhaps evolutionary development and conditioning are two main factors.


You may first ask what is this mind corruption? Well, let’s look at it as a type of de-evolution. Or, the term devolved is also accurate. So, what does this mean? We were once very conscious and pure before the mind began to dominate our experiences. We basically lived as the plants and animals live and die. Then along came mental development and self-consciousness. Conditioned thought and behavior patterns developed in the mind. The mind became clever and egoistic. Suddenly, it was not enough just to live. We experienced contamination of the mind. Life could no longer simply flow. This resulting in a type of unbalance and disharmony. And, the mind thrives on the energy vibrations caused by this imbalance.  And the mind always needs more.

But our awareness of presence, however, has become distracted by this mind corruption. This trend would suggest that we are living a lie. We use trivialities, such as technology, materialistic objects, and misguided thought intentions to define, structure, and dominate our existence. Continue reading


You Exist but Are You Truly Living?

Everything is happening as it should happen. Moreover, we are experiencing everything according to our specific vibrations. We exist.  But often we are not aware of being alive. This may sound very silly. But, please stop listening to the mind clattering away and tune into the vibrations of life.


Our behavior is still mostly repetitive and unconscious. Yes, it is correct to say that we laugh, we cry, and often we are afraid. But are we actually experiencing life? Everyone will have a slightly different answer. So, how alive are we? This will depend on the level of our conscious awareness. The mind is always analyzing. Still, we cannot interpret or define the act of living or being conscious. Nor, should we try. Therefore, the mind distracts us. Thus, it seems that we strive to obtain the knowledge of life. But, in actuality, this mind-game keeps us catching our own tail without knowing why. There is a down-side to this phenomenon. The mind manipulates us with details. Thus, we cannot truly experience life. Continue reading


You Are Blissful Conscious Enlightenment

Many people wish to reach spiritual enlightenment because we interpret this as something that will give us peace. We assume this will make us happy. However. must we feel good or must everything be blissful before we can experience enlightenment? This is unlikely because a universe of objects is not permanent. There will always be changes occurring that can cause confusion and discomfort.


Enlightenment does not necessarily become obvious only when we are happy and healthy. Conscious awareness is possible through the relationship with the self, the mind, and the universe. This determines how we experience everything. We either acknowledge and accept enlightenment or not. 

Therefore, it is wise to experience any situation as a human being. But understand that true enlightenment is beyond superficial details and limitations. Our behavior and perception are usually based on a conditioned mind. Thus, the mind can actually limit us from experiencing life first-hand. Similarly, the mind paints a picture that illustrates blissfulness as a portal to enlightenment. But, it is the other way around. We accept our state of enlightened being and bliss blossoms. Continue reading


Intentional demands or Conscious Living

Does living consciously suggest that experiencing consciousness must be intentional? Furthermore, must awareness be intentional before it is possible to consciously awaken and to be conscious? Let’s ask one additional question. Does the intention to live more consciously originate in the mind, from the realm of consciousness, or both?


Let’s first start with a clear understanding of intentional. The internet Dictionary describes it as something done on purpose and being deliberate. Many life-forms experience consciousness at a given level. Therefore, does a bird or plant have the intention to be conscious? No, this is unlikely. You would probably agree that it is also unlikely that other known objects in the universe contemplate being conscious. And yet, a rock, tree, or bee exists and is one with the universe and life without any intent. Continue reading


Things Are not Thoughts Nor of Mind

Objects are not in any way, shape, or form related to our thoughts. Does this should odd or even wrong? Still, let’s consider this further. Things manifest in the universe. They are there without the need for classification. Yesterday, I was relaxing during the transition into meditation. I was aware of a bird singing, a lawnmower, and an airplane during this shift in perspective. There, within it all, was a state of presence and I was observing the brains interactions.


Here it is beneficial to acknowledge how the mind is interacting. This is because the things detected were uninteresting to the mind. Instead, it cleverly disregarded everything because the mind is egocentric. Nevertheless, it was busy labeling everything. Furthermore, the mind was having a wonderful time talking to itself.

This never-ending self-dialogue went on an on as the mind chattered away. The mind literally seemed to be on a crusade. The thoughts consisted of assumptions, questions, and supposed answers. But, everything that the mind was talking to itself about was irrelevant. The mind’s dialogue was a self-analysis such as “why I like this” and “why I don’t like that”. Continue reading


Is Life Obligated to You? Does Life Owe You?

Do these questions seem odd to ask? Still, we expect life to give us something every day. Whether we are aware of it or not. We demand that life be fair. We assume living means getting what we want. Yes, indeed! Life is obligated to do our bidding. You may say that I am generalizing and the majority of people don’t think this way. However, we all do, at some given level. It is, so to say, in our blood. Life owes us. But, life is not here to fulfill our desires. Or, is it?  


We must first burst this illusion bubble before we can truthfully answer this question. The origin and implication of this conditioned thinking started long ago (clock-time). But, when these expectations started is irrelevant. We attach ourselves to thinking patterns and belief systems. These dictate that everyone should live in paradise. Hence, Life has an obligation to give us the ideal circumstances to obtain nirvana. Thus, we are apprehensive about living. This causes us to await something from life. This is actually a self-inflected dependence. Continue reading


Seeking Life Is not the Same as Living It

Living life is to consciously be alive. The object through which life manifests is always changing. You cannot live if you are always looking for life. Seeking something can prevent you from actually experiencing it. Looking for happiness can result in you never truly being happy. This is true of living, loving, or conscious awareness.


This may be helpful insight for people seeking enlightenment. How is it possible to live in balance if we are always searching for something? Harmony is not possible when we keep playing a new song. Ultimately, there is one universal song of life. Therefore, experience it and dance regardless of the lyrics. The melody will change as you awaken. Continue reading

The Blight of Human Unconsciousness

Why did it begin? How will it end? What is it? It is humankind. More specifically for our discussion. It is human unconsciousness. But the questions how, what, and why are ultimately irrelevant. The use of the word blight is actually useful in conscious awakening. However, please practice going beyond words and definitions. These, are at best, the portals to universal intelligence. Still they can be beneficial signposts on the path to our true essence.


Let’s begin by reflecting on our unconscious state of being. We can call this our species blight. Unconsciousness could very well be the root of our personal and social diversities and suffer. It causes judgement and separation. Yes. An unconscious state of living inhibits us from fully experience the world, the universe, and life. Still, it would be wise to simply accept this condition. Being is absolute. Only the form changes. We are experiencing a transition. Sometimes this transformation is very apparent. Other times it is not.
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Declaration of Conscious Awakening

The American Declaration of Independence is a proclamation of freedom. Humankind is entering a new era of awakened consciousness. Thus, we can freely proclaim an affirmation of independence. This liberation is from everyone and everything. Moreover, it is a release from the mind-created self-image. It would allow us to experience self-sustainability as a universal being.


We have spent thousands of years existing according to the whims of the mind. And yet there has always been a desire to live free of mind limits. But we have not established a clear declaration of conscious awareness. Still, we are awakening more and more to a conscious reality. This inner universe has mostly remained hidden due to mind-conditioned thinking. Continue reading

Awareness Nurtures Conscious Living

It is each and every person’s choice to change or not. Are you ready? You only need to let go. Acceptance is the key. It may be very beneficial for us to focus on the flow of life. This, in turn, would open the portal to presence. What is holding us back? Generally, most people believe that deeper consciousness is only reachable through hard work and sacrifice. Still, there are others that think it is unreachable. It is an individual and collective mindset that cause these assumptions. A deeper level of consciousness often instills images of magical powers and or lengthy meditation practices. It is the over-active story-teller within the mind that conjures up these illusions. Whereas, it will gladly portray a universe of illusion and impossibilities. Realistically there are two stepping stones that can initiation deeper awareness.


The first is not really a step. It is the awakening to the limitless simplicity of consciousness. Thus, we will experience true presence. This awakening process often involves different levels. Every person will experience various stages at different intervals. There is no right or wrong in the process. But, it is beneficial to acknowledge that the process has begun. What follows the initial awakening? This is usually based on a shift in how a person observes his or her thinking. A change in perception/focus will develop as a person actively remains within the awakening process. Continue reading