conscious awareness

102 posts

Everything Is Unfair or Is It?

We tend to accuse everything; whether person or situation, of being unfair. Also, we expect to live life as in the descriptive illusions of a Garden of Eden. Let’s consider the following correlations. We assume things and people are unfair. Equally, we presume to lose people and things during our life. So, this must mean that life is unfair. And, sooner or later, we lose everything. But, what are we actually saying when we use such assumptions? We actually mean that people and situations are do not fulfill our expectations. So, we label things as fair or unfair.


And, the loss of something is often overwhelming to most of us. We literally label life as a series of highs and lows. We are on a self-constructed road of delusional Hell. The center point of this delusion is strangely enough, a misinterpretation of our own being. Continue reading


Object Space Occupation and You

This almost sounds like the title for a science fiction thriller. However, the focus of this article is to awaken your awareness to the space you occupy. Firstly, acknowledge that you are an object that occupies space. Does this sound ridiculous? You know that you are here. But, do you really know what it means to be here now? Everything tangible occupies space. At least, this is how we interpret it through sensory perception. But, there is so much more of a non-tangible something than there is tangible entities in the universe. Here are some fun facts.

– The universe comprises the following.
– 68% dark energy (unknown properties and pushes matter outward)
– 27% dark matter (unknown properties and pulls matter inward)
– 5% normal matter (you, me and all objects)


And, astonishingly, 99.9999999% of any tangle object (this means you) is non-space. Let’s call this emptiness. 95 percent of the universe is dark energy and dark matter. Let’s just simplify these terms. There is more non-manifested empty/beingness than manifested isness/beingness. So, what is the common denominator in the universe? Everything is here and now as an expression of being this moment. Still, the insight I share today is not a lesson in science. So, don’t let the mind pull you in that direction. Continue reading

The Grey Zone We Call Life

Active awareness is available to us. However, let’s be honest with ourselves. We basically live neither here nor there. The following article illustrates our tendency to stay within a grey zone. So, please sit in silence. Become aware of the background clutter within this moment. But, don’t attach yourself to these distractions. It seems difficult. Nevertheless, try. Surprisingly, you might discover that insignificant details congest 99 percent of your now experience. What does this mean? This suggests that what the mind deems as real is only conceptional and unrelated to the essence of this moment.


A state of conscious being has nothing to do with the content of this moment. This may sound confusing. Nevertheless, confusion and fear arise easily in this grey zone. It is a place that seldom offers long-term satisfaction and fulfillment. And, it often holds us captive in a limbo state of existence. What does this featureless area mean in relation to consciousness?

Firstly, a conditioned mind causes a lack of conscious awareness to the mind’s activities. You might insist that you are very aware of the mind activities. But, actually, thoughts and emotions congest awareness. Thus, it might appear that you are aware. But, you are only aware of the manipulative details of a given moment. Awareness to the moment itself, is different than the distractions that come and go. The grey zone is an existential structure resulting from a lack of depth and focus in our conscious awareness. Furthermore, this pattern of living has become the standard in our daily experiences. So, do you wish to change how you live life? Then, ask yourself the following question. Continue reading


Touch Yourself and Feel the Miracle

Firstly, this article is not about sex. 😊 The following shared insight is also not actually about miracles. So then, what do I wish to share with you? Do you realize the significance of being you? Please do not allow the mind to convince you this question is about temporary details of your existence. You are not special because you have a specific career, an expensive house, or an enormous ego. And, you are no less a person because you don’t have these things. Instead, your profound greatness is the simple experience of being you. Accordingly, I ask you to touch yourself on the cheek or arm. Acknowledge the true essence of this experience. You are. The realization of yourself is the gateway to the totality of being. Thus, touching your hand to cheek is not merely a physical phenomenon. You are, straightforwardly, aligning yourself with the universe.


The act of conscious awareness is the doorway to a self-realization that is beyond all details of this existence. Here also, I wish to assure you that this is not nonsense/ philosophical gibberish that I share. But, we often become confused about our true nature. The mind induces this misinterpretation. Nevertheless, you are not your mind. Rather, it is you. And, now is the time to remind the mind who’s boss. So, again, please consciously touch your hand to cheek. Awaken to the sensation of absolute beingness. Consider this awareness to be a state of being alive, if the last sentence is too philosophical for you. Continue reading


Anxieties Crawling Near and I Am Afraid

Thoughts and emotions overwhelm you. You are tense and fearful. But, strangely, you are sitting under a tree in the sunshine at that moment. Therefore, your anxiety is about something that might happen, could happen, or should happen. So, this fear is a mind illusion. Not real. But, it seems so real. Memories and thought patterns attempt to invoke a non-real scenario onto this moment. Everything was wonderful. But, somehow crawling anxieties of the mind manipulate your sense of being.


This reaction is similar to seeing a huge threatening spider crawling toward you. You are unaware of anything else except this supposed threat. This unawareness of the mind causes you to react instead of respond to a situation. Realize that there is a difference between react or respond.

Can you recall such an experience? It, referring back to something ominous crawling toward you, can interrupt your state of presence. This manipulates and can even restrict a person from experiencing the spaciousness within presence.  Mind behavior generally initiates a sequence of reactions within an unconscious person. And, an unaware person is oblivious to mind activities. Continue reading

Honorable Intentions can Offer Clarity in Life

It is not easy to be honorable in a world that seems so unfair. Situations initiate memories and conditioned behavior. Fear is one, among many, thoughts and emotions that overshadow our life experience.  Thought density obscures the vast clarity found within presence. Nonetheless, consciousness via presence is available in each moment. However, the mind details of any given moment obstruct conscious clarity. Thus, the mind convinces us that we are our thoughts. Accordingly, we project our state of being onto specific thoughts and mind details.


The mind dominates and reacts. And, the mind bases reactions solely on conditioning. Thus, the mind basically contaminates the purity and clarity of presence.  A person can feel the nature flow of life manifesting through the body and all objects. We could say that this, in its essence, allows us to respond to life in an honorable manner. This is the natural harmony between an object and life. But, we have temporarily forgotten. Continue reading


Unconscious Living with a Dominate Mind

But what if this happens or what if that happens? Should I do this or shouldn’t I do that? Such thought behavior patterns are prevalent in daily activities. And, the eventual mind-reaction to most situations. The mind induces this conditioned reaction mechanism into our experiences. Whereas, an unconscious person has no influence over the mind. So, an unaware person accepts thoughts and feelings as reality. This happens even if the thought or feeling is harmful to the person’s state of being. Let’s consider the following questions. How do thoughts affect an unconscious person’s body and state of being? Likewise, do thoughts influence the vibrating energy of everything. On the other hand, does the energy output of a consciously aware person also stimulate how and what manifests?  


I can share a personal experience with you to clarify and illustrate these questions. A recent situation offered me clarity as I consciously observed my state of being. This allowed me to experience, first hand, the difference between thought influence or presence awareness. Cleaning is meditation for me. Hence, I enjoy it very much. The other day a moment of blissful freedom overcame me during the cleaning. (This blissfulness is always available for us. And, we can become more and more attuned to this energy vibration.) I share this with you as a call to action. Focus on such a moment when you are aware and let the feeling of presence engulf you. Continue reading


Striving for More and Then What?

The desire to have more overshadows our behavior. But, this does not necessarily mean we should say it is good or bad. We probably would not be where we are now without striving for more. Prehistoric human beings struggled for more just to survive in a hostile environment. And, this continues onward throughout our evolution.


So, striving for more started as a primal need to endure. Nevertheless, there came a point when the desire to have more outweighed the actual need for more. Early humans instinctively wanted to live. This was a do or die scenario. We reached for more. Thus, established a place in the evolution tree structure of life. And, yes, we can say that the need to overcome all odds has been beneficial regarding practical aspects. Continue reading


A Couch by Any Other Name

Are you familiar with the play Romeo and Juliet? William Shakespeare offers universal wisdom within this play. Similarly, a quotation from this play shares profound insight into the essence of being. A rose by any other name indicates that things are as they are in this moment. Call anything any name you wish. You can assume much. Thus, label and define everything. But, everything is what it is now. Regardless, if this is a person, thing, or situation. I often reflect on Shakespeare’s insight and this quote is a helpful signpost in the process of conscious living. The depth of this insight became obvious to me last week after the delivery of a new couch.


The couch was heavier than most (as least that’s what I told myself 😊). But, I got the sofa inside the apartment with help from a friend. However, a surprise came after unpacking the boxes. The furniture company sent two sofa components that do not fit together. I stood back in awe and considered the situation. Thoughts and feelings of disappointment, sadness, and frustration initially overcame me. Fortunately, it was obvious that this was the mind’s attempt to distract me. Thus, I simply acknowledged these thoughts and feelings. But, it did not seem necessary to attach my state of being to this circumstance nor any particular thought. Continue reading

Time Is a Foolish Game So Stop Playing

Time reflects your specific interpretation. Is this not evident in all aspects? How you view the inner universe decides everything. This allows us to reach for feats of grandeur. But, on the other hand, this phenomenon can restrict conscious awareness evolution. What is the deciding factor? Naturally, it is you. Your observation of the mind and inner universe determines what manifests. Likewise, a conscious understanding of what and why something manifests offers clarity and serenity. Acceptance is the key. The superimposed rules of time, for example, mean nothing. We create such things and we can just as easily do away with such manipulations and restricts. Of course, these guidelines have practical and relative use for us. But, do not benefit a conscious state of being.


Everyone is probably familiar with sayings such as time flies when you’re having fun or beat the clock. But, let’s consider something. Why does time fly or how do we beat the clock? So, we are solely responsible for creating these personal and collective illusions. And, the mind is indirectly responsible for this behavior. I use indirectly to suggest that the brain is simply doing what it does. However, each individual is responsible for becoming conscious of the minds demands and conditioned behavior. Continue reading