conscious evolution

24 posts

Existence Attributes Distort the Flow of Life

Are human attributes such as love and forgiveness active integrates in universal life consciousness?  Of course, this is not an easy question to answer. And, most likely, we can’t actually answer it. This question suggests that love is universal because we and other life-forms experience it. But, is love truly a component of life?  Here again it is not possible to definitely answer such a question. Eckhart Tolle, in The Power of Now, has said that love is a state of being. This statement feels good to say, but it does not really offer pure enlightenment. Nevertheless, let’s use this statement as a reference point for our discussion.


Firstly, thoughts and emotions have the potential to become our state of being. That is to say, if we allow the mind to dominate. Therefore, the level of active awareness to a given state of being determines how you will live. The form this moment takes is merely a detail when a person observes it consciously. We could make it easy by saying that life will be as we choose it to be. This may at first sound farfetched. But, let’s consider it for a moment. Continue reading

Confusion Abounds When the Mind Is Astray

The mind constantly inflects confusion, anxiety, and fear upon us. Why? You might ask. And, the mind insists, why not? This behavior is due to a limbo state of living life. It is quite easy for the mind to overwhelm us when we are unaware. Can we consciously move beyond the mind? Yes, with practice. This means not allowing any mind-generated restrictions and manipulations to interrupt the flow of universal energy. What can we practice to nurture the flow of this energy? Focus on living here and now. Acknowledge the spaciousness between thoughts, emotions and situations. Universal energy flows. So, practice living for the ride and not the destination.


Our fear and confusion occur primarily from non-acceptance. We don’t want to accept this moment. And, this nonacceptance causes us to live life in a constant state of dissatisfaction. At least, this is what the mind tells us. Nevertheless, everyone experiences conscious awareness at some level. And, many times, our focus is on aware presence. But, then the mind intervenes. The mind tells us that thoughts of yesterday or tomorrow are more important than now. Continue reading

Do You Live in the Suchness of Now?

Have we forgotten how to live? Sound ridicules? This question is not as crazy as you think. Why do we insist on avoiding the suchness of life? We overlook the simplicity that is at the foundation of life and love. Complexity is the name of the game in our world. So, we make the endeavors associated with interpreting and defining life and love our priorities. But, just living and loving have become secondary in our life experiences. We are usually busy doing something or asking questions about everything. Thus, we see the beauty and true significance of being here and now as trivial. This same pattern of misunderstanding is evident in matters of the heart, such as love. We insist on pursuing our love interpretations and expectations, instead of just pure and simple loving.


The awakening of self-consciousness was wonderful and equally burdening. Mind development overshadowed this awakening. Thus, conditioned behavior became the foundation of our existence through the intervention of the mind. And, many of these patterns still contaminate a modern existence that is relatively simplistic. Consequently, and ultimately, the suchness of life is undeniable. And yet, we usually want life to be anything other than what it is now. Nevertheless, perhaps a conscious evolution is upon us. More and more people are consciously aware.  There is always the suchness (Tathātā, Buddhism) of now. Therefore, living within presence frees us from the concepts of the mind. Not by avoiding the mind. But, rather by accepting thoughts, emotions and situations as temporary. Continue reading


Crossing Wires Will Cause a Short Circuit

Confusion. Misunderstanding. Isn’t this the way you feel from time to time? It is as if you are crossing wires and a short circuit is certain. I have a personal experience that I hope will be helpful to you. What are we really talking about when we refer to universal manifestation, enlightenment, consciousness, even the mind? Everything is energy. Nikola Tesla acknowledged this universal flow. And, many other individuals throughout our evolution recognize that the underlining essence of the universe is energy.


So, it is beneficial, whether you wire a lamp or reflect on the universe, to realize that energy has frequencies. Imagine crossing two wires, of different polarity. What happens when the wires touch? There is either a mild or strong electrical shock. The intensity depends on the strength of the frequency flowing through the wire. So, please further imagine that this is exactly how the universe and objects within this universe vibrate. And, the vibration is either harmonious or static. Continue reading

Limitations Are Mostly of the Mind

Who sets the limits within our life experience? Are evolution characteristics responsible for the restrictions we encounter? Do personal, family, and social structures inhibit how we live? We can answer all of the above with a definite “maybe 😊”. However, limitations result mostly from mind set conclusions and conditioned behavior. 


Nevertheless, there is another consideration. An inquiry into our conscious awareness is of true significance in the process of awakening to consciousness. Who is responsible for consciously observing the aspects of your existence? Naturally, you, as the observer of all that unfolds. So, there will be situations that might first seem restrictive. But, a conscious observer chooses non-attachment and stillness. Thus, there are no limitations. This suggests that conscious awareness encourages a state of being that is beyond the mind. Continue reading


Striving for More and Then What?

The desire to have more overshadows our behavior. But, this does not necessarily mean we should say it is good or bad. We probably would not be where we are now without striving for more. Prehistoric human beings struggled for more just to survive in a hostile environment. And, this continues onward throughout our evolution.


So, striving for more started as a primal need to endure. Nevertheless, there came a point when the desire to have more outweighed the actual need for more. Early humans instinctively wanted to live. This was a do or die scenario. We reached for more. Thus, established a place in the evolution tree structure of life. And, yes, we can say that the need to overcome all odds has been beneficial regarding practical aspects. Continue reading

Time Is a Foolish Game So Stop Playing

Time reflects your specific interpretation. Is this not evident in all aspects? How you view the inner universe decides everything. This allows us to reach for feats of grandeur. But, on the other hand, this phenomenon can restrict conscious awareness evolution. What is the deciding factor? Naturally, it is you. Your observation of the mind and inner universe determines what manifests. Likewise, a conscious understanding of what and why something manifests offers clarity and serenity. Acceptance is the key. The superimposed rules of time, for example, mean nothing. We create such things and we can just as easily do away with such manipulations and restricts. Of course, these guidelines have practical and relative use for us. But, do not benefit a conscious state of being.


Everyone is probably familiar with sayings such as time flies when you’re having fun or beat the clock. But, let’s consider something. Why does time fly or how do we beat the clock? So, we are solely responsible for creating these personal and collective illusions. And, the mind is indirectly responsible for this behavior. I use indirectly to suggest that the brain is simply doing what it does. However, each individual is responsible for becoming conscious of the minds demands and conditioned behavior. Continue reading

Are We Just Like Dust in the Wind?

Is there any truth to the saying we are just like dust in the wind? Is everything meaningless? The unconscious person will say yes. No one is sure who wrote the Book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible. However, this person understood the meaninglessness of our mind-generated existence. This is the Passage from Ecclesiastes as translated in the Bible (ISV).

“I observed every activity done on earth. My conclusion: all of it is pointless—like chasing after the wind.”
Ecclesiastes 1:14, Bible (ISV)


Nevertheless, we are approaching a period of conscious evolution. We no longer continue down a path of delusion-induced duality and insignificant mind details. People around the world are awakening to a different understanding of humanity and life. This could allow humankind to accept our existence. And through this acceptance we may end suffering while nurturing conscious expansion. We are embracing the universal self within us that is beyond mind and body. Continue reading

Describe Who Are You, But Why?

So, how would you describe yourself? Don’t worry if this question causes anxiety. The world tells you who you are. People and situations distract us every day. This results in conditioned thought and behavior patterns. Thus, contaminates your inner universe and the manifestation of your outer universe.


This contamination preoccupies and overwhelms the majority of people. Thus, spend their life experience in an energy field of doubt, worry, and fear. Still, and for that reason, you claim to not know who you are. Meanwhile and additionally, the world tells you to keep searching for your purpose. Do you detect the vicious and repetitious patterns this causes? But, the world has many distractions that basically confuses you even more. These mind detail factors change throughout our evolution. But then again, somehow nothing changes because we mostly remain unconscious to the simplicity within the complexity. And, yes, the mind constantly insists that everything is of a complex nature. So, the mind demands that you describe the simply act of being, of living. Continue reading


Dwell Within Life and Be Fully Alive

You live and then you cease to live. This is the simplicity of our existence. Therefore, we can say that you are now alive. Also, this seems logical and plausible. Basically, it is everything in a nutshell. Then why is it difficult to accept how life manifests in our existence? After all, believe it or not. You are responsible for how something unfolds. Or, at the least, you are responsible for how you observe something when it manifests. Are you consciously aware or unconsciously unaware? Do you dwell fully within life? This suggests living regardless of the form in which it manifests. Or are you a spiritless existence?


(Spiritless adj: Lacking energy or enthusiasm; listless. Lacking liveliness, charm, or surprise. I.e. “Complaining and anxious to suit your own thoughts, feelings, and opinions or those of others.”)

You are an object that experiences life. This means that you can mentally and self-consciously live life. Therefore, you will experience happiness, sadness, sickness, and death. However, this is not really you. The true you (universal self) is now manifesting through a temporary doorway called mind and body. Furthermore, what happens to this life-form does not define you. Unless you choose and allow it. This does not mean that you should resist what occurs. Rather, accept and dwell within everything because this nurtures conscious awareness. This suggests that simply living life is the grandest experience. Trust me, the sudden spaciousness and freedom within the acceptance of life will be awesome. Just let everything be. Continue reading