Eckhart Tolle quotes

112 posts

Enchantment of Life and You the Magician

There is magic within this moment. Living life is the experience of enchantment. But, not because of the details within this instant. Mind details and diversity actually cause us to overlook the isness of now. For example, memories recently overcame me while listening to music during a rainstorm. There were memories of a fireplace, reading a book, sharing time with someone, and a candle.


It first felt as if I was experiencing these memories in that instant. Consequently, I realized that the magic of any particular memory was not then but now. The mind is a vast storeroom of memories, anticipations, and anxieties that have nothing to do with this moment. Therefore, perplexity results due to a memory or memories. But, these do not have anything to do with the current situation. Continue reading

Time Is a Foolish Game So Stop Playing

Time reflects your specific interpretation. Is this not evident in all aspects? How you view the inner universe decides everything. This allows us to reach for feats of grandeur. But, on the other hand, this phenomenon can restrict conscious awareness evolution. What is the deciding factor? Naturally, it is you. Your observation of the mind and inner universe determines what manifests. Likewise, a conscious understanding of what and why something manifests offers clarity and serenity. Acceptance is the key. The superimposed rules of time, for example, mean nothing. We create such things and we can just as easily do away with such manipulations and restricts. Of course, these guidelines have practical and relative use for us. But, do not benefit a conscious state of being.


Everyone is probably familiar with sayings such as time flies when you’re having fun or beat the clock. But, let’s consider something. Why does time fly or how do we beat the clock? So, we are solely responsible for creating these personal and collective illusions. And, the mind is indirectly responsible for this behavior. I use indirectly to suggest that the brain is simply doing what it does. However, each individual is responsible for becoming conscious of the minds demands and conditioned behavior. Continue reading


Chop Wood and Live Within the Presence of Now

What are you aware of in this moment? Awareness defines your existence. The search for enlightenment has become more apparent in our society. This exploration of self-discovery in the pursuit of serenity began after the awaken of self-consciousness. The Buddha offers insight for our consideration. He teaches that Before Enlightenment chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment chop wood, carry water.


Zen also teaches a similar philosophy about living life in a state of presence. The Zen quote When hungry eat, when tired sleep from Po Chang offers beneficial wisdom. The mind has difficulty accepting the simplicity of life. This mind resistance is due to the self-imposed details, complexity, and conditioning of our human existence.  Sages such as Buddha, Jesus, Jiddu Krishnamurti, and others offer us signposts to a pathway beyond the mind. 

So, what do the teachings of these sages really suggest?  Firstly, please understand that the mind is a helpful servant but a terrible master. Therefore, any understanding of life based strictly on the mind will only cause further confusion and complexity. How does insight resonate with you? The act of being allows balance and harmony in the experience of life. Nonetheless, strictly living from mind assumptions, interpretations, and definitions manipulations the simplicity of living. Here also, don’t let the mind fool you. Simplicity does not suggest a paradise without worry or pain. Foremost, your essence is universal presence. Secondarily, this presence is manifesting through an object/body. Continue reading

Everyone Wants to Be a Superstar

Conditioning causes us to strive for more, and therefore we demand and expect many things. This is the downside of an imperialistic system that eventually became a democracy in most parts of the world. Thus, personal and social ramifications started early in our evolution. Therefore, there is a demand to do more, have more, and be more as a result of our development factors. Everyone wants to be a superstar.

There is only you, the one presence in this universe. And, it is you that is either consciously aware of this isness and oneness or not.


It is not necessary for us to consider social systems, politics, or even evolution. Still, reflecting on our evolution regarding the mind and object consciousness is a helpful spiritual stepping stone. The need to achieve more is evident in most industrial and heavily populated countries. Strive and do more is a way of life for most people. Continue reading


Masculine and Feminine so Why the Confusion

Masculine and feminine invoke duality. Why is this duality structure, as with many other concepts, superimposed onto our existence? There is the natural flow of evolution to consider. The conception of offspring requires both in most species. But here also the mind has developed a complex game of assumptions and labels based on this naturally occurring phenomenon.


This has led to us establishing concepts and opposites according to mind structures, beliefs, and definitions. The introduction of any type of duality into our existence—or the universe, for that matter—is merely mind imposed. Still, is it possible that the essence of all objects is based on a unit of one? All objects manifest energy at a given level. This dimension may consist of different frequencies, but these have the potential to vibrate as one. Continue reading

Are We Just Like Dust in the Wind?

Is there any truth to the saying we are just like dust in the wind? Is everything meaningless? The unconscious person will say yes. No one is sure who wrote the Book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible. However, this person understood the meaninglessness of our mind-generated existence. This is the Passage from Ecclesiastes as translated in the Bible (ISV).

“I observed every activity done on earth. My conclusion: all of it is pointless—like chasing after the wind.”
Ecclesiastes 1:14, Bible (ISV)


Nevertheless, we are approaching a period of conscious evolution. We no longer continue down a path of delusion-induced duality and insignificant mind details. People around the world are awakening to a different understanding of humanity and life. This could allow humankind to accept our existence. And through this acceptance we may end suffering while nurturing conscious expansion. We are embracing the universal self within us that is beyond mind and body. Continue reading


What Is Beyond All That You Think?

The mind is wonderful for helping us in daily activities. It is very practical and has provided an opportunity for us to evolve to our present state of existence. But there is a price that we have paid regarding our dependency on the brain. This price has been a suppression of our awareness to true consciousness. Consciousness is a result of local and universal evolution. But the mind overshadows this development. This is why a practice of going beyond the mind can result in a more acute perception of space consciousness. 


This word and statement sound very peculiar when we use it in reference to obtaining access to higher consciousness. I speak to many people about this and suggest practicing it during meditation. Meditation offers easy access to a beyond the mind experience. Furthermore, with practice, you will choose to live life beyond the mind in all experiences. This will be your daily state of being. Regardless of whether you have prepared yourself through meditation or not. Continue reading

Describe Who Are You, But Why?

So, how would you describe yourself? Don’t worry if this question causes anxiety. The world tells you who you are. People and situations distract us every day. This results in conditioned thought and behavior patterns. Thus, contaminates your inner universe and the manifestation of your outer universe.


This contamination preoccupies and overwhelms the majority of people. Thus, spend their life experience in an energy field of doubt, worry, and fear. Still, and for that reason, you claim to not know who you are. Meanwhile and additionally, the world tells you to keep searching for your purpose. Do you detect the vicious and repetitious patterns this causes? But, the world has many distractions that basically confuses you even more. These mind detail factors change throughout our evolution. But then again, somehow nothing changes because we mostly remain unconscious to the simplicity within the complexity. And, yes, the mind constantly insists that everything is of a complex nature. So, the mind demands that you describe the simply act of being, of living. Continue reading


Pain! No, Thank You! I Have My Own

Pain has many faces. Physical discomfort, mental conditioning and behavior are examples of this suffering. So, let’s consider the discomfort that originates from these mindset traits. The pain body, as Eckhart Tolle describes it, is a menacing entity. And, is always lurking in the mental shadows of the mind during our interactions.


So, this mind affliction accompanies the majority of people each day. Similarly, what happens to this mind torment when two or more people meet?  Almost every person has some level of mind discomfort. Likewise, a few people are aware of this torture, most are not. This suffering is a personal and collective accumulation of experiences, conditioned behavior, and reactions.

Ask yourself this question? Is my conscious awakening deeply rooted in daily experiences? The majority of people are still not consciously awake. This gives any type of mental activity a chance to overtake a person’s conscious state of being. Therefore, two consciously unaware people add even more suffering to a given experience.  And so, on and so forth.

I recall many such encounters when I was younger. In hindsight, I realize that my lack of present moment awareness caused ongoing agony.  Myself and any given person often experienced unneeded suffering due to the lack of aware presence. Thus, we literally absorbed each other’s mental energy. This, in turn, acted as a catalyst for the inner pain body energy. Continue reading


Story-writer Tell Me Another Story

A story-writer stares you back each day when you look in the mirror. This person has the mental capacity to write story after story, moment to moment and day by day.  However, please understand that the mind writes these stories. There are mental bookcases upon bookcases within the mind. The Library of Congress currently has 170 million books. But, compare this to the vast stories within the mind and it is like a water drop in a bucket.

And, please note that firstly these stories and mental books belong exclusively to you. At least, this is what the mind tells you. There are many characters, both good and bad in your stories. Additionally, there are vast selections of story genres; drama, adventure, and horror, to name a few. And the mind, as the story-writer, has an exclusive copyright. This enormous collection of personal and collective stories belongs to you. Wow, that is marvelous. Or is it?


The brain is an incredible body organ that can process huge amounts of information simultaneously. This is fine, when considering it strictly from the level of brain data processing. But what about beyond our mental and physical field of existence? Simply said. What about our conscious state of being? What happens to our conscious awareness during the mind’s storytelling? Well, mental energy blocks out the spaciousness of consciously living. The mind constantly reviews, redefines, and retells these mental stories. On the other hand, conscious universal life energy is always available. So, why don’t we live life consciously? Mostly, because the countless drama and never-ending mind stories overshadow our life experience. Continue reading