
110 posts

Peace Is not a Place to Find

You can’t travel to a place called peace. Please, don’t even try. And, you won’t find it by looking, wishing or hoping. Peacefulness is, just like presence is presence. Likewise, enlightenment is enlightenment. These are one and the same. And, your state of being is not something you have, either you are it or you are not. (This last sentence is a useful stepping stone to conscious awakening.) So, what happens when you walk into a forest on a spring day? Strangely enough, 😊 you often relax and feel peaceful in the forest. But, why? Ask yourself these questions in such a moment. Am I being peaceful? Or, do I just think I am peaceful? There is a profound difference between thinking and being. Active awareness to the latter allows you to simply be peaceful and live in enlightenment.



Additionally, ask yourself these questions. Do I always think/feel happy when I walk in the forest? Furthermore, and importantly, must I first walk into the forest before I can relax? Foremost, how you answer the second question will reveal your overall state of being. Furthermore, ask this question. Am I always thinking and dreaming about how to be peaceful? Continue reading


Human is Being and Beyond

We spend almost all of our existence searching and demanding. Does being human constitute having expectations? Is our expectancy a result of personal and social influence? Who can say for sure. The real problem is that we are always asking the wrong questions. We want and expect things not meant for us. We base our expectations purely on mind-oriented factors. Universal intelligence will not respond to such demands. It has countless gifts to give us. But we should learn to see and accept the gifts. This acknowledgment is the doorway to the essence of being.


Our – if we really want to use the word – journey is to reacquire the universal knowledge of being. There are unlimited possibilities within this recognition. Nevertheless, the mind diverts us from the truth. Thus, we disregard our true essence within this universal energy dimension.  Our ego has led us away from the innate knowledge of universal oneness. This ignorance has led us into darkness. Continue reading


Are You Deeply Aware of Presence?

Everything is a universal presence. This suggests that universal consciousness is vibrating energy. Additionally, this energy becomes aware of itself through the consciousness of objects in the universe. (These objects are all things such as people, animals, plants, rocks, and planets.


It is possible for every person to move beyond thoughts and feelings. This allows a person to experience life and living as it is in each moment. The mind always tells us stories that are mostly not true. Mind conditioning is the result of evolution. Consequently, the mind reactions to our experiences. Meditation is a useful practice to move beyond the mind and simply live life. Still it is enough to just be aware of living and to know that you are aware of this moment. Continue reading


Awakening to Life Instead of Denying It

Existence factors add complexity to the simply state of being. At least, this is what we think. Still, we can experience a harmonious state of being through active awareness. The initial conscious awakening or enlightenment is the recognition of this state of being. We can call this being aware of awareness. Eckhart Tolle made this statement an icon.

awakeningAwakening to the dimension of life energy consciousness is the first step to exist in discovering inner peace. Dissatisfaction, worry, fear, and other ailments cause inner disharmony. Hence, the outer universe reflects the inner universe. I cannot emphasize this enough. Get the inner universe in order and the outer universe will become clear. The acknowledgement and expansion of universal consciousness is always possible. But still, difficulties arise because we disregard our true essence. Continue reading


Friendship Is Being True-Blue!

Do you have many friends? We use the word friend too often. Thus, it has no real significance or depth. Furthermore, this mannerism is a conditioned behavior. Thus, we have expectations and there are attachments. Wikipedia defines friendship as “A relationship of mutual affection between two people.”


Also, this affection can include relationships between more than two people. We base friendship, even love, on thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Likewise, and more often, we establish friendship through mutually conceived ideas, desires, and needs. This behavior causes attachment. Attachments and expectancy cause imbalance in the simple act of being. Being suggests simply living to live. Therefore, base an unconditional alliance, whether friend, family or partner on simply being. Continue reading

Isness of Life Is to Live and Be Here Now

Here is an example that we can use to illustrate the benefits of staying in the isness of now. Presence manifests without any reference to the mind storybook or our existence. The following insight relates to the recent article Storybook Experiences of the Mind.


The isness of the moment is similar to receiving an empty box. You are truly aware that the carton is empty when you are consciously awake. You see the box for what it is in that moment. Whereas the unconscious person will likely say, what do I want with an empty box? Or will say, this box is nothing but garbage. There is usually expectations, frustrations or joy associated with receiving the box.

However, the awakened person will likely experience heightened creativity. There is more conscious space, and even more awareness to the isness of the moment. The empty box offers a doorway to the universe. Many of us have experienced this as children. A child, when given an empty box, often will concentrate solely on what is there. Still, the child does not see just an empty box. Rather, children become the isness of now. What does this mean? This means that they are consciously aware of the moment. Therefore, each experience heightens their awareness. Thus, spontaneous and ongoing creativity occurs.  Continue reading


Storybook Experiences of the Mind

Stories, stories, and more stories. Everyone loves a good story. We (mind) love to tell a good story. Furthermore, the stories we tell are part of our own personal storybook. The stories are a combination of every person’s experiences. A conditioned mind orchestrates these experiences according to its own design.


There would normally be no story or storybook if we were able to live in the moment. Likewise, anything other than the isness of now is a story. We create the paragraphs, the chapters, and the book itself. It is a book of fiction. But, the mind insists it’s real. Alas, it seems very tangible. However, most of what the mind tells us is not what has or what will happen. Nothing in this storybook is as it seems unless we decide that it has or will happen.

You may ask, Steve, what are you saying? I am not responsible for the people, situations or experiences that take place in each moment. It is true that any individual cannot truly change the behavior of a person. Nor, the details of a situation. However, it is possible for each person to change his or her point of perspective in each moment. It is very difficult for the mind to accept that nothing and everything is happening each second. Still, the key is in realizing that it is each person’s conscious awareness that determines the outcome of an experience. Continue reading

How to Use the Library Card Catalog of the Mind

There are many consciously awakening people that wish to stop thinking. The desire is to reduce the number of thoughts in the mind. Thus, allowing space. This space nurtures conscious awareness. Meditation is becoming more and more popular for this very reason. Still, the mind is similar to a Library card catalog.


Thus, the mind can cause frustration for individuals during the conscious awakening process. This is because everyone uses the mind in attempts to create a state of non-thinking. We can logically conclude that this is impossible. Using the mind to reach a state of non-thinking is similar to what Albert Einstein once said about problem solving. We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

But, we can practice going beyond the mind. Does this sound absurd? So, what does this actually imply? The mind always processes information. Countless thought impulses demand our attention each moment. Must we listen? Should we jump when the mind tells us? No, of course not. But this unconscious state is still how the majority of people live life. So, how can we make thoughts stop? We cannot. This is impossible. Therefore, why don’t we simply acknowledge and accept the mind’s activities. This is, with practice, easier than it sounds. The mind’s library card catalog lists everything we experience. The mind readily gives us one or more index cards in the form of thoughts or emotions. But, presence, more so, experiencing presence doesn’t require the mind. (I realize that the mind is now telling you that I am naïve, crazy or both.) Continue reading


Living Life is the Experience of Self

We are life. Living simply means to experience life. But, the mind overwhelms us with details. Nevertheless, life does not dictate concept, definition, or purpose; neither individual nor universal. Only our mind differentiates among one and many assumptions about living. Why do I live? What is my purpose? These are typical questions the mind asks. Also, science loves to baffle us with hypotheses, theories, and theorems. Religion entertains itself and the populace with conjectures and moral principles designed to guide our existence.


What does this tell us about life or universal consciousness? Frankly, these inquires tell us nothing substantial about living. Thinking about living is not the same as living. We usually experience thoughts without being consciously aware.

Experience Isness

Living unfolds without consciously conceiving that you are life. (You are you, but you should know…you are life.) Nevertheless, conceiving can corporate hand in hand with the manifestation of life. (Our manifestation.) We can co-operate with this manifestation process. However, we must first awaken. We must relearn the isness side of life before we can once again use the potential found in conceiving life (our being). We are, as yet, not truly aware enough to grasp the significance of our “being”. Experiencing the essence of our being will fulfill us. Thus, we will stop confusing life (our being) with mind-generated thoughts about living. Continue reading


Seeking Life Is not the Same as Living It

Living life is to consciously be alive. The object through which life manifests is always changing. You cannot live if you are always looking for life. Seeking something can prevent you from actually experiencing it. Looking for happiness can result in you never truly being happy. This is true of living, loving, or conscious awareness.


This may be helpful insight for people seeking enlightenment. How is it possible to live in balance if we are always searching for something? Harmony is not possible when we keep playing a new song. Ultimately, there is one universal song of life. Therefore, experience it and dance regardless of the lyrics. The melody will change as you awaken. Continue reading