life experience

24 posts

Loveliness of Life and How to Live

How we label something does not define the loveliness of living. The sheer manifestation of life holds its true beauty. Nevertheless, the mind labels everything. These labels can easily confuse and manipulate your behavior. Thus, our life experience is usually not accurate. Therefore, we acquire a tunnel vision. This phenomenon limits the vast possibilities within life. The total grace of your existence is here for you to acknowledge. It is life energy and it is flowing through you now.


Therefore, too many questions, assumptions and labels restrict our relationship with life. Isn’t this behavior true for any partnership, especially the intimacy of two people in love? Too many questions and labels are not beneficial. The wish in a true interrelationship is to unconditionally give and receive. This offers a nurtures balance and harmony between two people. And, we can discover this bliss when we unconditionally live life. Furthermore, equilibrium, let’s say enlightenment is the ultimate desire in any interconnection. Hence, this is the true loveliness of living and loving. Continue reading


Do You Embrace Life or Push It Away?

The word embrace offers a signpost to conscious awareness. Do you wish to live in balance and harmony? If yes, then welcome life with open arms. This gateway can offer a clearer understanding of life and living. This is a practical stepping stone in moving beyond mind limitations.  Nevertheless, the majority of people are anxious and fearful in daily activities. We cover-up anxiety with superficial and temporary distractions. Therefore, mind and body are always nervous with little or no genuine inner stillness.


But, mind-generated energy seeks a way out. Thus, this energy flow affects your interactions, whether personal or collective. And, the point of focus determines your life experience. So, please practice using the word as a signpost to the space that is beyond the mind. Your center of conscious attention is the gateway. I personally practice using the word embrace during various activities. Years ago, I came to realize that I almost always practice this in my experiences. An example of this would be my philosophy on weather conditions. I always embrace any weather condition, regardless if this is rain, snow, hot or cold. I literally consciously hug the heat or cold that I experience. Again, and again it is fascinating to observe how my state of conscious awareness benefits from this exercise. Continue reading


Caring Is a Double-edged Sword

The message that I would like to share is about human beings and our knack for caring. The fact is that so often we do care even when we think or say I don’t care. Unfortunately, we submit to a strange behavioral ritual when confronted with situations involving what we define as caring. These reactions are largely due to ego, emotions, and even intelligence.


I don’t care! Do you recall how many times you have used or heard this sentence? We don’t realize it, but we use it quite often. I remember pondering on these three words when I was a teenager. It has always been a sentence that sticks in my throat. Still, these three words offer us much. A willingness to openly and consciously go beyond the mind to experience living offers conscious enlightenment.

When I write this, I am referring to the true intent behind the words. Words are only words. Still, it is interesting to know how we feel and observe what is beyond the words. What are we really feeling in such a moment? It is logical to surmise that from time to time we really do or don’t care about a particular situation that is unfolding. This is not what I wish to examine. I wish to suggest it is possible that when we say I don’t care what we really mean is I do care. Continue reading


Life Vibrates So Just Let It Flow

The universe vibrates with energy. Accordingly, life is a frequency of the universe. You can flow with universal life energy. Or, you can attempt to resist it. Either way, you are influencing these vibrations. You exist.  But, often are not aware of the essence of being. It is accurate to write that you are alive. But, are you truly living life? Let’s start this conversation with a quote. Moreover, Abraham Lincoln’s insight offers much more about living than just the written words.

“People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” – Abraham Lincoln


This sounds silly but please stop listening to the mind for a moment. Instead, reflect on what you sense beyond words and thoughts. That deep innate sensation is your true state of being. So, I ask again. Are you truly alive?

The answer is still no for the majority of people. This is because we experience most of our existence in a state of automation. Oh, it is correct to say that we laugh, we cry, and often we are afraid.  But, are we actually truly aware of being? Your individual answer will either reflect a state of unconsciousness being or an active conscious state of being. Furthermore, the mind cannot accept the simply act of being. And the mind does all that it can to fabricate anything that might explain why.  This unconscious behavior is why we mostly exist in a limbo state of automation. Continue reading

Make the Decision to Love and to Live

How often do you experience love? There is no actual research to verify how often this occurs. But, it is probably more than we realize. However, there is an interesting aspect to this question. Let’s consider loving and living relating to active conscious awareness. How we love and live is a decision. This choice is either unconscious or conscious. So, let’s reword the question. How often do you decide to love? How often do you choose to fully live?


Any decision influences our state of being. Once applied, this choice is the focus point of our brain’s output activity. This energy transfers through thoughts and emotions. These impulses directly influence our life experience. Thus, how you experience loving and living is dependent on either a conscious or unconscious act of being (Way of life). Also, unconditional love and absolute life should never be just a mental or emotional experience.  Observe love and life from within the flow of presence. Choose conscious awareness as a way of being. Continue reading


Dance with a Tree and Sing Your Song

Being one with Life is a discover that changes how you live. More and more people are awakening to the simplicity of conscious living. People either realize this simplicity or they don’t. Please understand that active conscious awareness is not necessary to exist. You will continue to live with or without conscious awareness. Nevertheless, the quality of your life experience changes greatly when you consciously live in the flow of life. Also, there is no ready-made guideline or map leading to X marks the spot. The X represents the shift from mind to active consciousness in your life experience. You will deeply know when you are truly awake. Henceforth, you will recognize that life is a dance. And, you are the composer. Everyone composes a life song. But, most people unconsciously write this composition. Therefore, most individuals repeatedly experience drama, confusion, and fear. 


Life and universal energy literally dance to the rhythm of our inner universe. There is a vibrating flow within the state of our being. This music is always playing. But, we don’t really listen.  We compose a dance through the simply act of being. Everything in our surroundings, include the vibration of life, blend into this rhythm. Our conscious or unconscious energy energizes the manifestation of life and the universe.

Therefore, it is best to lead this universal life song from a conscious state of being. Continue reading


Feel Bad? You Think It Is Real. But It Is Not

Do you often feel bad about a situation, person or even yourself? Feeling bad is of the mind, nothing more…nothing less. How consciously awake are you? Most likely, you realize that the mind thinks this way and that. However, this does not mean that what the mind thinks is real. Yes, it feels real. But, it’s not. You experience a mind projection. This is the mind jumping to conclusions. Thus, an unconscious person, experiences a mind-induced reaction. Moreover, this thought is temporary. Acknowledge this fact and take a further conscious step to living in a state of non-attachment. Thought activity is nothing more than time-based memory. We can call these anxiety phantoms. Still and foremost, remember that these are temporary. Thoughts and feelings come and go.


Now, and literally now, recognize that you are not your thoughts. Nor will you ever be your thoughts. However, you might try this and still feel bad. Trust the awakening process. Thoughts and feelings will pass. Bad is the same as good. You feel it because you unconsciously choose to experience one or the other. And, yes, you always have a choice. Continue reading


Masculine and Feminine so Why the Confusion

Masculine and feminine invoke duality. Why is this duality structure, as with many other concepts, superimposed onto our existence? There is the natural flow of evolution to consider. The conception of offspring requires both in most species. But here also the mind has developed a complex game of assumptions and labels based on this naturally occurring phenomenon.


This has led to us establishing concepts and opposites according to mind structures, beliefs, and definitions. The introduction of any type of duality into our existence—or the universe, for that matter—is merely mind imposed. Still, is it possible that the essence of all objects is based on a unit of one? All objects manifest energy at a given level. This dimension may consist of different frequencies, but these have the potential to vibrate as one. Continue reading

Straightforwardly as We Live and Love in Life

Love seems so wonderful when it first appears. Time seems to stand still; other people, things, and situations are irrelevant. Why does this happen? Truthfully experiencing love or life involves several things, one of which is how we focus our attention. We can use love as a practical example to determine if a person is truthfully experiencing it. And, this applies also to life. The word truthfully is useful in expressing how we should observe the unfolding of this moment. Synonyms for this word are openly, accurately, genuinely, sincerely, and honorably, to name a few. There is one additional synonym that I wish to use to expand this discussion: straightforwardly.


There is spiritual insight within and beyond either of these words, whether we use truthfully or straightforwardly to describe it. What I am referring to can be love, life, or any other object, thought, or emotion. Therefore, the key to a deeper understanding of you lies within your relationship with the mind. Thus, our relationship with the mind, the inner universe, and this moment is the highest priority in our life experience. This active observation is helpful to go beyond mind and ego adversities. It is otherwise very difficult to truthfully observe and know, much less interact with, the essence of now. Continue reading


Negativity Be Gone! But, Will This Really Help?

We struggle against an energy frequency called negativity. Everyone tells us to abolish negative thinking. How? By thinking positive thoughts. Why do we negatively think? Perhaps because it is the opposite of positively thinking. Why? Because conditioning causes us to see everything as good or bad and right and wrong. Thus, this compels us to take a side. Either, we must choose one or the other. Most often, we choose negativity as a viewpoint.


We can refer to this behavior as dualism. Therefore, we experience everything as parts and not the whole. Is this a universal or object created phenomenon? Who can say for sure. We are familiar with ideas and methods to fight negativity. The most typical example is to use the statement, think positive. There are also many people that feel it is important to be a light warrior or light worker. These, in themselves, are nothing but titles. Such words describe a method to share energy, healing or love.

So, the intentions surrounding any given thought or idea can and will usually influence how something manifests. We exist in a state of object consciousness. Object consciousness is a stepping stone to universal consciousness. But, please don’t let words fool you. The terms object or universal consciousness are classic examples of dualism. And, ultimately, words and definitions used to describe consciousness are insignificant. Consciousness is simply there to experience. So, why differentiate between human defined frequencies of something we call consciousness? Continue reading