life quotes

289 posts

Breath of Life: You are Alive

Breathe in slowly and breathe out even slower. What are you experiencing? We feel life in each breath. However, let’s focus on more than just the biological ramifications. We know that the body is an organism that must have oxygen to exist.


However, the breath you take also entails the flow of life within it. This, in turn, provides the basis for object consciousness to awaken. Thereupon, the portal to universal consciousness opens. Your state of presence allows passage. Continue reading


Origin of Consciousness

Consciousness has been a topic of fascination and frustration throughout our evolution. This has especially been true over the last few thousand years. Scientist and doctors tell us much about how the brain functions. Many speculate on how consciousness works; still others explain theories concerning the processes involved in consciousness. Additionally, the use of religions, science and fantasy attempt to define it. However, it and its origin are still a mystery.


We often relate religion and the supernatural with consciousness. The mind cannot truly comprehend it. Therefore, its origin must come from a higher source. Scientist approach most discussion of consciousness from the perspective of brain activate processes. Spirituality doesn’t really offer prove or non-prove of it. This is the practice of acceptance and non-attachment. Furthermore, this suggests that life and therefore our existence simply is. Continue reading


Live Now and You Will Live Forever

Now is the key to consciousness. We have heard it before. It is likely that we will hear it again. Furthermore, it is the portal to balance and harmony. Therefore, your relationship with this moment determines how you will experience the next. Are you interacting with the mind or existing on autopilot? Likewise, you can ask yourself an additional question. How do I wish to live? This is of paramount importance to the awakening of consciousness. 


This question sounds philosophical. However, we can use this as a practice application for any situation. Moreover, it can simplify everything in daily activities. Eckhart Tolle had said something during a spiritual retreat that applies to our discussion. I wish to paraphrase him. Focus your energy on now. This will allow everything to take care of itself. You can live for now and live forever. Continue reading


Crossroad: Where Do You Wish to Go?

A sharing process invokes expansion. Moreover, this development is twofold. Therefore, the mind (intelligence) and consciousness (object and universal) benefits. Furthermore, we wish to experience universal consciousness and the divinity of our existence. We can achieve this by shifting from mind-generated energy (thought patterns and conditioning restrictions) into (uninhibited) awareness. This could be considered an evolutionary crossroad.


The mind is a marvelous work of evolution. However, thoughts, emotions, ego and primarily conditioned reactions inhibit the flow of life and awakening to consciousness. The one or the other may appear to contribute in our development; but they also have a down side. Many traits have evolved through processes of conditioning, manipulation and restrictions. Therefore, we should become aware, observe and restore balance and harmony in our existence. Continue reading


Alone Among Billions of People

Do you feel alone? Does this often occur? It is likely that you take this very personal and equally serious. It is probable that you think this loneliness is only happening to you in that moment. Well, it may comfort you to know that there are billions of people that think they are lonely. However, let’s emphasis the word think because it is a mind-conditioned illusion.


Let’s break this down into two statements for discussion purpose.

 1. You are alone. (person-oriented)

2. You are never alone. (energy/spiritual-oriented)

An incidence of loneliness and despair occurs because the majority of people want to be lonely. Yes, you have read this correctly. Loneliness is a choice. Furthermore, it is one of many mind games that you either play or not. It is basically just thoughts and emotions. Additionally, it is possible that fundamental behavior and social structures contribute to our seclusion. Nonetheless, these factors are strictly based on human nature. The mind is very convincing. It insists that others must accept and love you. Continue reading


Reason for Being: Realizing your Significance

The human mind conjures up countless reasons to validate our subsistence. Do we truly belief that there is a reason for our existence? Let’s reword this and ask if there is truly an explanation for our existence other than to be? Does the mind assume there must be a reason for being? Otherwise, we could not be here now if we did not exist. Here, within and beyond these words, is the portal to enlightenment.

You are here now and that is all that is necessary to be here now.


We can naturally find many pliable mind-made reasons for being. These sound great, relatively speaking, but what about ultimately? Furthermore, the mind is very clever. It will simply make up a reason (excuse) for being. The mind thrives on complexity. This has been accumulating over tens of thousands of years. We have been in an unconscious sleep. Nevertheless, the mind tricks us into thinking that we are conscious aware; but ultimately this is not true. Continue reading


Consciousness Unites: The Mind Separates

There is a mystery that baffles the mind. Consciousness is unexplainable. Likewise, we can visualize this as a dimension that is flowing. Therefore, the objects in which this energy manifests have the potential to observe themselves and literally all things. We are this vastness of life. We are not in consciousness. It is in us and the center of the universe is this moment as it manifests through you. We have boundless possibilities to co-create within this dimension.


Many people have already experienced universal consciousness. This is that moment when you have felt yourself in other life-forms or things. What you acknowledge in other things is not per say you the person. You are actually living and breathing as the divine presence of life. I often refer to this as consciousness melting process. This is when you have gone beyond the boundaries of mind and body. Object and life consciousness are no longer separate during this experience of oneness. This separation is only a head game. The mind will repeatedly play this game; if we allow it. It sees this as a reality and conditioned reactions obstruct access to the realm of oneness Continue reading


Temporary Static: Here Today Gone Tomorrow

You are a temporary object manifesting energy in this moment. Therefore, you are alive. This, in itself, is wonderful. However, is it significant? We can consider this relatively and absolutely. The former is no and the latter is yes. Nevertheless, acknowledging and accepting this temporal state can provide a stepping stone to infinity.


Yet, we can only truly realize immortality by going beyond object generated static. Nonetheless, our daily situations often seem very ominous; even devastating. This is because of the personal and collective mind conditioning accumulated over hundreds of thousands of years (clock time). Now is forever. The current situation is temporary. How do we realize the temporary insignificance of any given situation? Firstly, deeply understand that the form is always different. This is true, regardless how the mind interprets something. Static is Static. It interferes with our awareness of the unity shared by all things. Continue reading


Energy: The Sunshine of Life

What is life energy? Where does it come from? We may never know. It is a mystery that the mind can never comprehend. This poem is about sunshine. Furthermore, it is about you, me and sharing the gift of life.



I enjoy the sunshine
How about you?
However, its true significance is often forgotten.
Do you remember?
It is possible to experience it now; in this moment.
This is because you have always known that it is there.
It is life.
Awaken and allow it to shine. Continue reading