
38 posts


Universal Consciousness Awakens Through You

You are a receptacle of life. And, everything is a part of you and you of the totality. Universal life energy flows through you. Therefore, you are influencing and thus responsible for the universe. Does this sound like too much for you to handle? Well, this is happening in every moment, whether you accept being accountable for it or not. I do not wish to imply that you are to blame for what happens. Blame, judgment, fear, etc. are instruments of the mind. Furthermore, we are consciously moving beyond the limits of our conditioned behavior as we awaken to living consciously.


What this insight suggests is the sanctity of life within your state of being. This refers to your spiritual essence in the universe and has nothing to do with religion or science. Your active and consciously awakened participation, or lack of it, reflects how you observe and experience yourself in this universe. This is your responsibility to the universe and is not truly a liability per se. It indicates how unobstructed you can live when the mind no longer dominates the presence of your being. Continue reading


Your Existence Is the Gateway to Love

Wouldn’t it be much easier to simply love and live without the reasons why? And no, I am not suggesting the impossible. This is probably the key insight of my latest book and definitely the heartthrob of our existence. It is possible to live in harmony with life and to unconditionally love ourselves and all people and things. It sounds great to write or say this. However, accepting it and allowing it often seems to cause us great difficulty.


Ask yourself these questions. Is the manifestation of love in my existence usually flowing naturally? Or is it manipulated and restricted by the burden of thoughts, emotions, details, and reasons? It will not benefit your experience of love by saying you love someone because of this or that. In the end it comes down to a universal simplicity.

Do you wish to love? How do you desire to live? It may seem that this is an oversimplification of something that has always been a mystery. However, what do you have when you remove the excess baggage associated with love? This is a weight that has accumulated in our attempts to love and be loved by someone. Nevertheless, it was, is, and will always be within our power to change how we observe and experience love and life. The next stepping stone on this journey involves understanding deeply that because has nothing to do with love. Continue reading


Co-creating all Experiences

I wish to share a personal experience with you. This experience signifies how we are co-creating through the vibrations of energy.  I had various obligations recently involving several appointments.  Furthermore, I also needed to travel to the next city via subway for the last appointment. I had intended to cancel this appointment. But, then decided to just let things unfold.


Everything went well during the morning. I then rode a bus to the train station for the last appointment. There, I purchased a ticket and started up the ramp to board the subway. I glanced at the electronic subway schedule display. To my surprise, there was a message flashing on all the displays that read.

“All subways and trains are not running due to a technical malfunction.”

Instantly a smile spread across my face. I felt a free-falling sensation within the space of conscious awareness. Wow! It was obvious that I co-created this experience. Please let me explain. I had not actually wanted to go to this appointment. And, this is the energy vibration that had manifested from me.  I felt fortunate to have become aware of this energy vibration over the last few days. Hence, I could smile and clearly understand the subway technical malfunction. This was my co-creation. Continue reading


Heart Flow: Life Is Eternal and so Are You

Heart flow is a way to express the union of human consciousness with universal consciousness. Nevertheless, acknowledging, accepting, and allowing are prerequisites for this unification. How long have you been alive? Primarily, as a manifestation of life, you are ageless. Secondarily, as this object manifestation called you that comes and goes.  You are outside walking in nature. Suddenly, the fragrance of blossoming flowers fills the air. Something shifts in your state of being. You experience something that is much more than just the smell of flowers. Is this just your memory? Or, has your conscious essence awakened to the eternity of being?


Factors, such as memory and even conditioning, play a role in how we experience living. Still, we innately know that there is more to living. It is the space beyond mind that unites us with life. So, what does our heart flow tell us in a moment of awakening? We acknowledge living through the observation of object consciousness. But, who is observing this awakened moment? Universal consciousness. This is the essence of our being. Continue reading


You Are a Butterfly Gliding in the Wind

The evolution of humankind marks a milestone in self-conscious development among objects in the known universe. We began this journey as babies looking to the sky. Moreover, we were, perhaps, the first known species to ask why? We have struggled and fought with this self-realization. However, to what end? It would seem that we continue to overlook what we have always known. The origin of life lies deep within us. Furthermore, we are a manifestation of this mystery. It is everywhere, all around us. The recognition and acceptance of this vibrating essence will release us from a self-inflicted suffering. You are consciously awakened and aware. Now it is time to spread your wings to fly as a new born butterfly.


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The Beginning to the End and Again and Again

Would it be accurate to say that everything has a beginning and an end? Let’s rephrase. Everything that we experience begins and ends. This is in reference to and strictly from the level of our existence. These cycles of start and stop, come and go, do and don’t are repetitive. Likewise, everything except living often results in anticipation, attachment, joy, or frustration; to name a few. This imposes limitation illusions unto our essentially boundless state of being.  Please reflect on this insight before you continue reading.


Living (being) is to experience life. This is flowing energy. There is no beginning or end. Life is, so to say, alive. You manifest this energy. There are two possibilities. Go with the flow. Or resist. But, it seems that we would rather resist the flow. Nevertheless, is is as it is. But, we should not define or label our inquiry into conscious awakening. Such behavior is typical for the mind. Still, we are becoming aware. Henceforth, we live life fully and practice consciously observing the mind’s activities. Thus, we will not adhere to thoughts and conditioned behavior. Continue reading


Pursuit of Purpose Without Having a Purpose

We are familiar with the pursuit of purpose. This relentless quest for existential validation begins in childhood. Furthermore, needing a purpose has become our prime directive in living. However, what if we are wrong? What if there is ultimately no purpose for your existence? Oh no! What will you do without a purpose and what will you be?


“Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force.” – Lao Tzu

This simple wisdom is very accurate. Nevertheless, the mind usually wants to ignore or deny this truth. You do not need to think to live. Thinking is a by-product of living. Presence does not require thinking. But, this frightens the mind. What would you be without a reason for being? Well, you “are” with or without a purpose for being. Continue reading


Thought Compression or Conscious Relaxation?

Ask this question. How do I wish to live? Let’s compare the mind to a computer. It has a program (conditioning) used for the compression of data (thoughts). However, the mind usually overloads us with too many thoughts. Why? Simply because we are not consciously aware. We could also call this living consciously or freedom from mind interference.


Otherwise, the mind will attempt to compress more and more thoughts into your conscious state of being (presence). This compression can be an advantage for the storage and transfer of data on a computer. However, it can be very burdening for a life-form with a deeper level of consciousness. Why? Simply because consciousness suggests that an object has the potential to be self-aware. Self-consciousness, in turn, causes us to ask why. Continue reading


Unity of Life: Come Join the Party

We mostly remain unconscious to the bond that connects all things. This unity is based on life. Moreover, it is energy. What if each individual could catch a true glimpse of this oneness? Does object consciousness readily expand after the initial awakening? Definitely! Uncertainty, judgement and suffering would likely fade away. Likewise, we would acknowledge the person and divine presence as one being. Additionally, we would actually live as the unbounded life energy that engulfs us.


But, there is something to consider. Mind conditioning often influences the flow and manifestation of life. Thus, we unconsciously exist in repetitious patterns. Every new generation unknowingly inherits this behavior. Hence, thoughts manifest a conditioned and egoistical world. Therefore, egoism and isolation overshadow our unity with life. So much so that, conditioning has become a way of living. Thoughts overwhelm us. Thus, we accept mind-generated falsities and illusions as true. Continue reading


Law of Attraction: Around and Around It Goes

Almost everyone has heard of the law of attraction. But, is it only a spirituality cliché or does it hold true merit?

“The law of attraction is the name given to the maxim “like attracts like” which in New Thought philosophy is used to sum up the idea that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life. This belief is based upon the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from “pure energy”, and the belief that like energy attracts like energy.” – Wikipedia


Hence, the law of attraction is an interesting phenomenon that very likely occurs in any and every moment. You attract what you focus on.  Whether you know it or not. The energy you release is what will return to you. We and all living organism are the catalysts. Still, a life-form with a higher level of object consciousness will influence universal energy more than a life form with less. Likewise, there is a further benefit relating to higher object consciousness.  It offers the possibility to actively observe how this energy influences this dimension. The very fact that we can be aware of consciousness allows us to experience the results of the law of attraction. Continue reading