
3 posts

The Dreams of a Woman

A recent conversation inspired me to write the following poem. It was heartwarming for me to hear the woman speak of her experiences in nature. She discovered the significance of our life experience as a young child. Thus, she lives with a willingness to just be in this moment. Nature is a gateway. And, she returns home, again and again, to her essence through the spaciousness beyond. Thus, she openly lives and she loves without a reason for either. She dreams the dream of life each moment as it carries her along.


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A Day Filled with Miracles: Part One

Miracles are all around us. There for us to experience and share. Do you wish to experience them? The key is to change our conditioned field of perspective. Furthermore, this is strictly a self-created mind dimension. It has resulted in manipulating and restricting our awareness to the miracles which life offers us in abundance. We have lost focus; thus, we remain confused. A miracle will reveal itself to us freely; when a person is willing to adjust his or her field of perception.


This adjustment is crucial to the development of object consciousness. This would allow the gifts of life (miracles) to manifest in our dimension of existence. The miracles are always there for us; such as life is always there. It is significant to understand that life is revealing itself through every object (human or otherwise). However, each life-form is influencing this manifestation. Therefore, you are co-creating what you experience.

“Do you want to experience miracles? Then be the miracle that you want to experience.”

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A Day Filled with Miracles: Part Two

Do Miracles happen every day? Moreover, what is a miracle? We automatically associate a miracle with religion, a deity or some other supernatural power. Google Search offers this definition.

“Miracle: A surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.”



We have convinced ourselves; through lack of explainable definitions, that a miracle originates from a good greater than ours. What if it is nothing more than life manifesting itself through a given object? Furthermore, what if a proclaimed miracle has neither motive nor a purpose? What if it is just a result of life flowing naturally? Here again human beings have superimposed a form definition unto an occurrence that is perhaps nothing more than the flow of energy. Continue reading