
168 posts


Awakening to Life Instead of Denying It

Existence factors add complexity to the simply state of being. At least, this is what we think. Still, we can experience a harmonious state of being through active awareness. The initial conscious awakening or enlightenment is the recognition of this state of being. We can call this being aware of awareness. Eckhart Tolle made this statement an icon.

awakeningAwakening to the dimension of life energy consciousness is the first step to exist in discovering inner peace. Dissatisfaction, worry, fear, and other ailments cause inner disharmony. Hence, the outer universe reflects the inner universe. I cannot emphasize this enough. Get the inner universe in order and the outer universe will become clear. The acknowledgement and expansion of universal consciousness is always possible. But still, difficulties arise because we disregard our true essence. Continue reading


The Universe Vibrates in Synchronization

You and I are so much more than we think. The face in the mirror masks the true self. We are ultimately universal energy. It is everywhere. This is a priceless treasure. Life vibrates within this energy flow. It is within us and far beyond. We can love. So be aware. Share love and care. We are life. Therefore, and enthusiastically, we should be in love with life. This is my wish to you. I hope that you are joyfully alive. I offer you love. Indeed, you inspire me. And you teach me. All things, objects and experiences, offer a portal to conscious awareness. The mind will say that there is good and bad. But always observe the spaciousness beyond mind details.


You are a gateway to I as one. We can acknowledge universal essence as home. Therefore, let it flow. Living can be so wonderful. Awaken and experience life as it is now. We can consciously share, care, and forgive. Loving life is to unconditionally love living. Thus, practice loving life and love living. Know deeply that you are the creator of your experiences. Accordingly, you will forget mind-generated details. This is a human-made world. And, it has gone rotten. But, you are not and can never be only of this world. You are ultimately responsible for how universal energy vibrates. All objects, whether consciously aware or not, are influencing this universal flow. Continue reading


Bees and Butterflies: Pain or Pleasure?

Bees and butterflies fly around your head. Are you afraid. Or do you feel delight? Does the buzz of a bee cause you frustration? The flight of a butterfly probably gives you delight. But why? Well, our reaction to the bee or the butterfly illustrate conditioned behavior. Both bee and butterfly are symbolic and insignificant. Does this surprise you? Let this statement sink in for a moment before we continue. Experiences are temporary in reference to the details of a situation. But, the moment is real in reference to the spaciousness within the experience.  


Bees fly from flower to flower. Butterflies fly from place to place. Why do we differentiate between the two? The bee causes fear. Not because the bee is fearful. But, because we think that it is dreadful. So, we make the experience personal. The bee wants to sting us. Or, at least, this is what we think. But, the thought is an illusion. Thus, insignificant to the present experience. However, lets be fair to the bee by given an example of the butterfly. A butterfly glides around our head. We think of joy. But, this joy is also temporary, also an illusion. Continue reading


Sunshine and Life Shine from Within

“The sunshine and life that you are looking for out there is in you. Metaphorically speaking.  So, let it shine!” The sun rises and sets and it often seems that we are a puppet dancing on a string called time. However, you can cut the strings. Furthermore, you are the co-creator of all you experience. The foremost question to ask in each moment would be what you will create now.


Sunshine is something to enjoy.
It is energy of a source that is everywhere.
We can experience it every moment;
It is there each day and in every way.
But, don’t look for it. Rather, feel it
You may now say okay, but the sun is not there every moment.
Surely it is not there every day.
What should I do?
Where is the sun on a cloudy day?
Don’t despair, it is there.
Do you feel it?
The warmth is so intense.
It is a flowing, vibrating frequency.
It is here now and will be here tomorrow.
Be active, be aware, and feel what is always there.
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Universal Consciousness Awakens Through You

You are a receptacle of life. And, everything is a part of you and you of the totality. Universal life energy flows through you. Therefore, you are influencing and thus responsible for the universe. Does this sound like too much for you to handle? Well, this is happening in every moment, whether you accept being accountable for it or not. I do not wish to imply that you are to blame for what happens. Blame, judgment, fear, etc. are instruments of the mind. Furthermore, we are consciously moving beyond the limits of our conditioned behavior as we awaken to living consciously.


What this insight suggests is the sanctity of life within your state of being. This refers to your spiritual essence in the universe and has nothing to do with religion or science. Your active and consciously awakened participation, or lack of it, reflects how you observe and experience yourself in this universe. This is your responsibility to the universe and is not truly a liability per se. It indicates how unobstructed you can live when the mind no longer dominates the presence of your being. Continue reading

Isness of Life Is to Live and Be Here Now

Here is an example that we can use to illustrate the benefits of staying in the isness of now. Presence manifests without any reference to the mind storybook or our existence. The following insight relates to the recent article Storybook Experiences of the Mind.


The isness of the moment is similar to receiving an empty box. You are truly aware that the carton is empty when you are consciously awake. You see the box for what it is in that moment. Whereas the unconscious person will likely say, what do I want with an empty box? Or will say, this box is nothing but garbage. There is usually expectations, frustrations or joy associated with receiving the box.

However, the awakened person will likely experience heightened creativity. There is more conscious space, and even more awareness to the isness of the moment. The empty box offers a doorway to the universe. Many of us have experienced this as children. A child, when given an empty box, often will concentrate solely on what is there. Still, the child does not see just an empty box. Rather, children become the isness of now. What does this mean? This means that they are consciously aware of the moment. Therefore, each experience heightens their awareness. Thus, spontaneous and ongoing creativity occurs.  Continue reading


Storybook Experiences of the Mind

Stories, stories, and more stories. Everyone loves a good story. We (mind) love to tell a good story. Furthermore, the stories we tell are part of our own personal storybook. The stories are a combination of every person’s experiences. A conditioned mind orchestrates these experiences according to its own design.


There would normally be no story or storybook if we were able to live in the moment. Likewise, anything other than the isness of now is a story. We create the paragraphs, the chapters, and the book itself. It is a book of fiction. But, the mind insists it’s real. Alas, it seems very tangible. However, most of what the mind tells us is not what has or what will happen. Nothing in this storybook is as it seems unless we decide that it has or will happen.

You may ask, Steve, what are you saying? I am not responsible for the people, situations or experiences that take place in each moment. It is true that any individual cannot truly change the behavior of a person. Nor, the details of a situation. However, it is possible for each person to change his or her point of perspective in each moment. It is very difficult for the mind to accept that nothing and everything is happening each second. Still, the key is in realizing that it is each person’s conscious awareness that determines the outcome of an experience. Continue reading

Tangled Web that We Weave

Oh! What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

The poem Marion by Sir Walter Scott and moreover his quote can be helpful in the awakening of human consciousness. This is possible through aware observation of our relationship with the mind. Our conversation today relates to Sir Walter Scott’s insight. So, let’s focus our awareness on conditioned behavior. We often blame life for causing difficulties and suffering. However, our unawareness to mind activities causes the tangled web we weave.


We can compare this to domino’s that fall one after the other. It seems impossible to stop domino’s from falling once the chain-reaction has begun. Likewise, our mind is literally a madhouse of thoughts and emotions. The level of this madness corresponds with a person’s level of conscious awareness or the lack of it. Continue reading

How to Use the Library Card Catalog of the Mind

There are many consciously awakening people that wish to stop thinking. The desire is to reduce the number of thoughts in the mind. Thus, allowing space. This space nurtures conscious awareness. Meditation is becoming more and more popular for this very reason. Still, the mind is similar to a Library card catalog.


Thus, the mind can cause frustration for individuals during the conscious awakening process. This is because everyone uses the mind in attempts to create a state of non-thinking. We can logically conclude that this is impossible. Using the mind to reach a state of non-thinking is similar to what Albert Einstein once said about problem solving. We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

But, we can practice going beyond the mind. Does this sound absurd? So, what does this actually imply? The mind always processes information. Countless thought impulses demand our attention each moment. Must we listen? Should we jump when the mind tells us? No, of course not. But this unconscious state is still how the majority of people live life. So, how can we make thoughts stop? We cannot. This is impossible. Therefore, why don’t we simply acknowledge and accept the mind’s activities. This is, with practice, easier than it sounds. The mind’s library card catalog lists everything we experience. The mind readily gives us one or more index cards in the form of thoughts or emotions. But, presence, more so, experiencing presence doesn’t require the mind. (I realize that the mind is now telling you that I am naïve, crazy or both.) Continue reading


Sanctuary of Life: Enjoy Your Stay

Are you aware of something blissfully mysterious that seems to be beyond mind and body? But, does the mind still interrupt this deeper awareness with its frantic thoughts and searching behavior? Well, look no further because you are dwelling within the flow of life. Furthermore, this realization will synchronize mind, body, object and universal consciousness. Just let it happen if you are ready and willing. Realize deeply that there is a sanctuary within you.


A sanctuary is a retreat or safe haven. Isn’t this what the mind is compelling us to find each day? It wants us to run and hide in an oasis where everything will be just like we dream about. The minds intentions are honorable. However, listening to these thoughts will only add discontentment and suffering to our daily experiences.

The mind does not have the capacity to grasp that it cannot help us to live consciously. Furthermore, it tells us that everlasting peace and harmony are not truly possible. And yet, the mind tells us to keep searching. But, these thought patterns keep us confined within the mind. Nevertheless, we do experience clarity and enlightenment. Although, for most people, this conscious state of being seems transitory. Therefore, it is wise not to adhere to the mind’s thoughts. Focusing on these thoughts will only cause anxiety and confusion. Of course, the mind will continue to ask questions. But, we do not need to take these questions too seriously. Rather, we can focus on the experience  of presence, life, and enlightenment without mind details.

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