
168 posts


Restrictions of Life and Love

Restrictions, of all types, overshadow our daily activities. You shouldn’t do this and you can’t do that. We think and believe in this way. Please understand that the mind is always in a thinking process. However, thoughts restrict our awareness to presence.

Furthermore, it is impossible to be present when you are concentrating on these thoughts and/or emotions. Naturally, you will still notice things around you. Nevertheless, these will only be in a tunnel vision range of attention; both physically and consciously. This type of awareness is not the same as being active in presence. Therefore, these restrictions are counter-productive to expansion of object consciousness. Furthermore, these mind restrictions will cause contamination in whatever manifests. Continue reading


Puzzle Pieces to Conscious Awakening

This article is lesson 3 in our contemplation of the conscious awakening process. You have become aware of the difference between mind and consciousness. Otherwise, you would not be reading this article and thus questioning the mind-made details of your existence. The puzzle pieces are falling into place. You are now aware of this mind-made puzzle. Nevertheless, the mind can still obscure our conscious observation. However, this is changing with each experience that expands your object consciousness.


Life and love are an ongoing sharing experience. Furthermore, the expansion of object consciousness is allowing us to experience more and more unmanifested space. This is a profound realization for us to reconnect with our essence. Moreover, we are observing our existence in a state of awareness. Therefore, we are recognizing how and why something manifests. You feel the puzzle pieces falling into place naturally. Additionally, we become conscious to our influence on everything. It is very empowering to become aware of how the pieces of this process fall into place. Continue reading

Trust the Universe and Trust Yourself

This is the second article relating to the process of conscious awakening. Do you trust yourself? This is to say; are you confident that what you sense is true? The personal experience that I am sharing suggests that I was not fully conscious. Furthermore, this uncertainty, although short-lived in this example, clearly restricted the naturally flow of life energy.


However, please allow me to share the experience before I continue. I went with a friend to eat lunch yesterday. He picked out the restaurant because it was his idea to eat. The meal was refreshing (salad and fish). We had several conversations varying from work related issues to human behavior and evolution. It was eventually time for us to leave. I had asked him, during the drive to the restaurant, if we could stop at a furniture store on the way home. Continue reading


Run and try to Hide

The evolution of mind and body has been a long path. Likewise, there are many behavior patterns that were necessary for our survival. However, this state of existence has resulted from our conditioned reactions. Nevertheless, prehistoric humankind would run and hide to survive.


Nevertheless, this has consequently hampered conscious evolution. Moreover, conditioned behavior causes us to run at the slightest indication of physical danger. Furthermore, our mental well-being is based on conditioned factors. This includes our conscious state of presence. However, our instinct told us to run and hide. This was the only option during the earlier development of our existence. Continue reading

Dissolved Away and Became Nothing

What would it be like if mental and physical attributes suddenly dissolved away? Likewise, what would remain if you suddenly realized that you are not your thoughts or even your body? What are you if there is no longer any attachment to mind or body?


I recently observed universal enlightenment. This was after an experience whereby the mind had been dominating any conscious awareness to the present moment. I had difficulty remaining consciously aware due to repetitive thoughts about a situation that had happened on the previous day. Everything that had seemed to dominate the now literally dissolved away. Furthermore, I once again became aware of the simple act of being present in the now.

It was amazing to feel the spaciousness that seemed to flow in and around me. It felt like a waterfall of energy cascading and engulfing the present moment. The so-called problems that the mind had insisted were threatening dissolved away as I spontaneously became aware of nothing. Continue reading

Expectations: What Do You Want?

Expectations are based on thoughts and emotions. These are, in other words, products of the mind. This determines how we react to a situation. However, an expectation depends on clock time to exist. It can only thrive when you are not aware of living in presence. The acknowledgement of this moment will render an expectation obsolete. Nevertheless, it is still possible to desire something and even focus on its manifestation without the expectations. This probably sounds somewhat confusing. Please allow me to continue.


The mind is occupied with memories, assumptions and beliefs associated with a non-existent past or an equally non existent future. Therefore, we seem to remain separate from this moment. It is a means to an end in our attempt to reach the next moment. Expectations or fear usually cause this type of conditioned behavior. Continue reading


Universe Is Awakening Through You

The universe appears so vast and yet is still expanding. Human consciousness is, evolutionarily speaking, still very young. Likewise, it is also expanding. Let’s reflect on the possibilities available at our current level of awareness. How far will our consciousness expand before it reunites with the totality of universal consciousness? Can this and will this every happen? 


This reunion seems possible but not certain. Furthermore, this expansion may correlate with the flow of consciousness. Moreover, the mind is placing limitations on the universe that are strictly based on thoughts and beliefs. This may first sound ridicules. Nevertheless, please reflect on this before the mind tells you it is not possible. What you discover will surprise you. Continue reading

Searching for Purpose

We are constantly searching for a purpose. The mind thinks that there is a reason for everything. These thoughts have become conditioned reactions. The collective belief is that there can be nothing without a reason. Furthermore, we sadly occupy each moment with the demanding need to have a function. We base the structures of our entire existence and the universe on this very assumption. This necessitated the establishment of mathematics, science and religion. However, the minds attempts to explain the unexplainable have proven faulty.


We become entrapped in the confines of these limitations. Therefore, this behavior pattern remains active in the background of our experiences. Nevertheless, it is reasonable to conclude that we have practical “purposes” in our daily activities. There are numerous experiences that fit into this category. However, there is also the search for a grand purpose. Most people would say there is a grand purpose in my life. There is no grand reason for life. Therefore, to assume that our existence is based on grandeur is purely subjective. Continue reading


Presence Is a Good Signpost

The constant desire to be in the moment can backfire. Furthermore, we unknowingly become preoccupied with the thoughts of living in presence. We allow the mind and thought patterns to basically exploit object consciousness. We no longer acknowledge the gateway between object and universal consciousness.


Therefore, presence is vital on the path to enlightenment. The reason for practicing living in the now is obvious. Eckhart Tolle and other sages suggest Being aware of awareness. This, in itself, is beneficial insight. Furthermore, existing is the natural state of any and every form in the universe. Object consciousness, at a given evolutionary level, initiates self-consciousness. We become conscious of our being, the immediate surroundings and the universe. Continue reading

Song of Rain and Sun

The song of life is playing. Do you hear it? It had started to rain during a hot day where I live. It was a beautiful spring shower. I could hear the rain drops falling onto the trees. It was mesmerizing to hear the gentle song of life as the rain fell upon the leaves. However, I realized that I was not actually hearing the rain or wind. Furthermore, the experience was intensified through active awareness to the present moment.


What I sensed was the energy vibrations as the rain fell. It felt as if I was moving in response to the tree limb movements as each swayed to and fro in the wind. I smiled as I considered what my friend would say if he would see me in that moment. What would my friend answer if I would ask him if he likes the rain? This caused me to smile even more because I know that he would complain about the rain and say that the sun should shine. Moreover, it would be impossible to suggest that life was singing to him in that moment. The song of life usually remains unnoticed by most people. Continue reading