
20 posts

Who Cares about Your Opinion

Everyone has an opinion about something. But why? When it comes down to the nitty-gritty who cares about your opinion or what you think? Of course, other people might consider your viewpoint. But, does it really matter. On a superficial level your thoughts and beliefs seem important and valuable. And, yes, we use opinions every day in our interactions. But who truly cares about your opinion?


You care about your opinion. That is to say. You, in reference to the mind’s self-created image of this person called you. The mind demands attachment and depends on opinions as a means to validate your existence. After all, the mind bases everything on thoughts, beliefs and opinions. Thus, the ego tells you that you are nothing without your beliefs and judgments. And, you usually belief what the mind tells you. The following list are definitions of an opinion.

– A belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.

– A personal view, attitude, or appraisal.

– The formal expression of a professional judgment

– A judgment or estimate of a person or thing with respect to character, merit, etc.

– A favorable estimate; esteem.

As a result, you need opinions if you accept mind labels and explanations as the reason why you live. The world is full of people with individual and collective beliefs and viewpoints. How did you first react when you the title of this article? Did you notice a spontaneous shift in your mind and body? This is because the mind needs beliefs and personal attitudes. There are many reasons why the mind behaves this way. But, a journey of self-discovery relates to conscious awakening and not to the minds needs and wants. Continue reading

The Air That I Breathe

You are the essence of spring.
Your smile shines like the sun after the rain.
This warmth and beauty highlight the magnificence of life.
Your laughter is a symphony.
Pure and so alive.
Everyone must only deeply listen to understand.
Unfortunately, there are still but a few that become aware.
Your eyes shine brighter than the stars.
Each is heavenly blazing and dancing.
It is as pleasingly as a dream.
Your innocence shines forth with a wisp of wisdom.
You intoxicate all with your presence.
Thus, this reveals the bliss of life.
You are precious… like the air I breathe.


Look there. A tree blossoms before your eyes. Now breathe deeply and allow the tree to reach out to you. It is inviting you to lead the dance of life. Each limb and leaf are pulsating with universal life energy. Furthermore, your awareness stimulates this energy You decide the manifestation and rhythm of the dance. Life, more accurately, the universe eagerly vibrates to the energy you manifest through the inner universe. 

Each person is the manifestation of springtime through the life energy we share. As is true for all experiences. Yes, people forget. And, then there is misunderstanding, frustration, anger and fear. Nevertheless, everything shares a universality through the presence of being. Therefore, let life flow as you continue on a path of inner self-discovery. Consciousness, life and unconditionally living go hand in hand. Continue reading

A Phrase that Offers Clarity

What is all the hype about enlightenment and spirituality? Everyone wants in on this spectacular feeling. Thus, more and more people search for a way out of a mundane existence. Nevertheless, a thought, person or situation does not miraculously change because of enlightenment. Let’s refer to the following insight from a Zen Buddhism phrase to illustrate.

“Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.”


This phrase is a fundamental stepping stone for anyone on his or her inner journey. Please focus on the act of being, regardless of any detail within this state of beingness. I realize sharing this insight with you is repetitive. Nevertheless, a shift from mind to conscious living is a process that also involves relearning how to observe living life. Equally, how you observe yourself in any given moment offers either conscious clarity or continual mind slavery. Therefore, it is beneficial for us to walk the path of self-discovery with only the essentials in our backpack. Your conscious awakening during the inner journey does not need any extra baggage such as assuming, judging, labeling or searching. Continue reading


Self-dissatisfaction Is Only About You

Everyone is familiar with how dissatisfaction feels. But, what causes this dissatisfaction? Self-dissatisfaction causes annoying behavior such as frustration, sadness and anxiety. Is there actually a difference between one type of dissatisfaction or the other? Perhaps, the mind attempts to exactly label and define these behavior characteristics. Nevertheless, there is ultimately no differentiation.


Let’s view self-dissatisfaction has a core imbalance within you. This dissatisfaction smothers like hot underground lava building up pressure before an eruption. This is the outcome of any discontentment that might surface during thoughts, emotions and experiences. Each person, and not external influences, are either the cause or cure for any annoyance. You probably don’t want to consider this as a possible truth. Nevertheless, it all comes down to you and your observation of living life.

A fire of self-dissatisfaction consumes an unaware person. This dilemma is due to a lack of conscious awareness to the universality of being.  Forget religion, beliefs, science and superstitions. There is nothing religious, magical, mystical or scientific about being and the oneness of life. Yes, the mind conjures thousands of possibilities in an attempt to explain your existence and living. Nonetheless, why do you insist on defining or clarifying the act of being? Isn’t it enough to simply be alive? Continue reading

Deceit and the Mask We Wear

You, I and all others have a vast array of masks. We wear masks according to the mind’s interpretation of any given experience. Are we afraid to show ourselves to others? Definitely! And, the majority of people are also unable or unwilling to accept themselves. Furthermore, mind conditioning thrives on this evolution tendency. Moreover, the mind gives us countless reasons to explain the phenomenon of mask wearing. So, we deceit ourselves by listening to the mind and its lies. We can call this behavior many things. However, living solely in accordance with mind interpretations is a lie, plain and simple.


Nevertheless, the mask of deceit worn by most people is complex and is not intentionally worn. It is astonishing to observe the masquerade played out by everyone, including myself. Why do we need masks? It is fear that prevents us from simply accepting ourselves? Is it shame? Or lack of self-esteem? There is no easy answer. This is because the masks we wear are due to a combination of all experiences. Nevertheless, it is possible to take off your mask(s). The first step in this process is to consciously accept that you are not the image in the mirror. This acknowledgement is usually enough to widen your conscious perspective. Thus, the mirror image is actually a non-reality.

Dare to look beyond the mind
A deeper and truer beingness is always beyond the images of the mind.

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Excuses Validate the Story of Our Existence

We use excuses every day…back and forth…to and fro…up and down it goes. We are always making excuses.  It might seem as if I am over dramatizing. However, consider for yourself what is an excuse. And, then determine how often you use them each day.  The number that you will eventually add together is mind-blowing. Correspondingly, deeply reflect on our existence for the sake of this article discussion.  Then ask yourself how excuse-making behavior influences conscious awakening (conscious enlightenment).


People tend to always look outward in the search of reasons and validations. This is true whether we search for someone to blame or to make excuses. We hit our thumb with a hammer. What is the first reaction that flashes through our mind? “&#%! Dumb hammer, it hit my finger?” We are shopping and it suddenly starts to rain. &#%! Why must it rain now? You are walking. A car speeds by during your walk. The rain and water from a puddle splashes you. &#%! Why did it have to splash me? Continue reading


Chop Wood and Live Within the Presence of Now

What are you aware of in this moment? Awareness defines your existence. The search for enlightenment has become more apparent in our society. This exploration of self-discovery in the pursuit of serenity began after the awaken of self-consciousness. The Buddha offers insight for our consideration. He teaches that Before Enlightenment chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment chop wood, carry water.


Zen also teaches a similar philosophy about living life in a state of presence. The Zen quote When hungry eat, when tired sleep from Po Chang offers beneficial wisdom. The mind has difficulty accepting the simplicity of life. This mind resistance is due to the self-imposed details, complexity, and conditioning of our human existence.  Sages such as Buddha, Jesus, Jiddu Krishnamurti, and others offer us signposts to a pathway beyond the mind. 

So, what do the teachings of these sages really suggest?  Firstly, please understand that the mind is a helpful servant but a terrible master. Therefore, any understanding of life based strictly on the mind will only cause further confusion and complexity. How does insight resonate with you? The act of being allows balance and harmony in the experience of life. Nonetheless, strictly living from mind assumptions, interpretations, and definitions manipulations the simplicity of living. Here also, don’t let the mind fool you. Simplicity does not suggest a paradise without worry or pain. Foremost, your essence is universal presence. Secondarily, this presence is manifesting through an object/body. Continue reading


Forgiveness and Love on the Path of Life

Many people assume love comes from a source greater than ourselves. We created love and we are responsible for how we experience love. But, this is difficult for the mind to accept. Love, as with consciousness, is energy. But, we often misinterpret the origin and depth of love because the mind demands explanations. However, the flow of love—and life energy, for that matter—originates in you. Forgiveness is a helpful stepping stone on the path of true self-discovery. Why? Because misinterpretations of love often cause suffering. Furthermore, you see yourself as a pawn and victim of love. But, universally speaking, we can purify love and life through the simple act of consciously living. 


Yes, I am suggesting that each person is essentially the source of universal energy. Hence, this energy becomes conscious and learns to express love. Does the power of thinking or believing influence how or if it manifests? It would first seem that love, in itself, has nothing to do with how it manifests. Or does it? My intention is not to play a word game with you. The point of these questions is to give us an understanding of love. We should focus on being love and not on mind concepts of love. There is a difference, spiritually and universally speaking. Continue reading


Magical Forest on the Journey Home

This is a one of the many poems in my latest book Love Will Show you the Way. I am hopeful that the book will be helpful to others on their inner journey of self-discovery and conscious living. Have you ever entered a forest and felt the mystery of life?


There is a place of magic and mystery that awaits you each day. It is calling to you. Therefore, it would be best for you to go. There is so much to remember. Mother Nature nurtures and cares. But she can be unmerciful. Always remember that you are her guest; be wise and respectful. Many people have childhood memories of woodlands where they could go to escape into this fantasy world. Here life is pure and simple. It was easy to unite with everything as one. There we would play, sing, and forget the day. This place was an experience without thoughts that distract.

This seems so long ago. Do you think everything has changed? You may say that it seems we have grown older. However, the youthfulness of life lives on forever. Continue reading


Book: One Moment in Life Revision

I have uploaded a revised version of my first book One Moment in Life. The changes will hopefully give the reader a pleasurable reading experience. The material considers conditioned thought and belief structures. Additionally, there are examples of everyday situations relating to these topics. Are we truly aware of consciousness or is this something that we only think or belief is true?


I have presented the material to the best of my ability and understanding of the topics at the time of publication. The book can provide stepping stones on your inner journey. I do not claim or presume to be an authority on consciousness, absolute truth or any of the topics that I write about. Furthermore, my intentions are not to express favoritism or criticism for or against any religion, organization, culture, person or people. Continue reading