
24 posts

The Footpath of Least Resistance

A pathway can reveal clarity or confusing. What is the deciding element during the journey? You, because you are the way. The Way is not the path itself. Nor, is it you as the person. Instead, it is how you travel this trail. The way is permanence. And, you take one step and then the next. But, will each step be unconsciously or consciously taken?  A footpath commonly indicates a simpler means of travel. Then why does the way often seem so complex? Remember, you are the way. Therefore, you cause the complications. The path is simply a path.


Thus, the footpath is helpful during conscious awakening. Whereas, the way is unavoidable. However, it can be a transition that will change everything. This depends on how you experience it. Laozi (Lao Tzu) shared profound wisdom in his insight about The Way. His teachings offer us the experience of simplicity as we travel on the path. He does not share details about what we encounter. But, he does suggest living consciously along the way. Continue reading


Science and Religion: But What About Life?

Why do we feel compiled to explain life through concepts such as religion, atheism or science? Personal and collective influences condition us to accept, reject or conform to ideas, guidelines, and beliefs. What do the three conceptual structures have in common? They invoke separation. Moreover, this is true of most existence content. Consequently, this deters the awakening of consciousness.


There appears to be generalizations in most conceptual religions. This is the belief in the big G word. (I am reluctant to use the word because of the conditioned effect it as on people.)  Atheism, on the other hand, rejects these beliefs.  Subsequently, science offers us the mind-conceived facts. However, these have really only added more complexity to the simplicity of life. Object consciousness would surely expand easier without these mind projected influences. Continue reading

Nike wisdom

Nike Wisdom: Just Do It

The act of thinking can cause us to detour away from consciousness. Likewise, this can be very manipulative and restrictive. You are alive! Living is primarily about being. Obviously, we do not really need to think about living. This discussion is an extension of the recent article Restrictions of Life and love. This long-running (no pun intended) Nike tennis shoe commercial offers us a universal wisdom of living.

Nike wisdom

The company’s philosophy is “Just Do It”. Nike naturally wants to promote the sale of shoes. Still, the simplicity of this insight is profound in regards to existence. Likewise, this wisdom can be very beneficial in our conscious awakening process. Also, living becomes simplified when we just do it (just allow it). Yet, additionally, there is something for us to consider. To simply be and to allow does not necessarily imply doing anything. Presence implies doing through the simple act of being. Continue reading


Reason for Being: Realizing your Significance

The human mind conjures up countless reasons to validate our subsistence. Do we truly belief that there is a reason for our existence? Let’s reword this and ask if there is truly an explanation for our existence other than to be? Does the mind assume there must be a reason for being? Otherwise, we could not be here now if we did not exist. Here, within and beyond these words, is the portal to enlightenment.

You are here now and that is all that is necessary to be here now.


We can naturally find many pliable mind-made reasons for being. These sound great, relatively speaking, but what about ultimately? Furthermore, the mind is very clever. It will simply make up a reason (excuse) for being. The mind thrives on complexity. This has been accumulating over tens of thousands of years. We have been in an unconscious sleep. Nevertheless, the mind tricks us into thinking that we are conscious aware; but ultimately this is not true. Continue reading