
22 posts

Blossom Just Like a Flower in the Spring

The unfolding of any person’s conscious awakening process may first involve illness or hardships. But a person free of sickness or financial burden may also become enlightened. Either is fine but not a prerequisite to experiencing conscious enlightenment. Life does not take sides or evaluate an object due to existential merits. It will happen when you are ready, or it will not; you decide. It is as simple as falling off a log; life is there to blossom through you.


Do you wish to join in its celebration?

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Tangled Web that We Weave

Oh! What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

The poem Marion by Sir Walter Scott and moreover his quote can be helpful in the awakening of human consciousness. This is possible through aware observation of our relationship with the mind. Our conversation today relates to Sir Walter Scott’s insight. So, let’s focus our awareness on conditioned behavior. We often blame life for causing difficulties and suffering. However, our unawareness to mind activities causes the tangled web we weave.


We can compare this to domino’s that fall one after the other. It seems impossible to stop domino’s from falling once the chain-reaction has begun. Likewise, our mind is literally a madhouse of thoughts and emotions. The level of this madness corresponds with a person’s level of conscious awareness or the lack of it. Continue reading

Salvation or Enlightenment! Why Do We Search?

We strive for a predetermined salvation. It is the mind that self-imposes behavior and thinking patterns onto our experience of life. Thus, we willingly and unwillingly play the role of a fool. We must not suffer. But the mind tells us that to reach redemption requires sacrifice and suffering. However, thoughts, beliefs, and suffering, are solely mind based misunderstandings of how to live life.


After all, we are the source of everything we seek. Correspondingly, we are and always have been a part of the totality. Still, we fear and hate in addition to many other conditioned factors. Thus, we search in the hope of finding redemption. Now, let’s focus on the word enlightenment. However, as we have often discussed, remember that words are only words. Therefore, let words, definitions, and beliefs only have a practical purpose for you. These signposts can be beneficial on your inner path. Nonetheless, they are only signpost and no more. Hence, salvation is a product of the mind. The experience of living and being conscious is beyond words. Continue reading


You Are a Butterfly Gliding in the Wind

The evolution of humankind marks a milestone in self-conscious development among objects in the known universe. We began this journey as babies looking to the sky. Moreover, we were, perhaps, the first known species to ask why? We have struggled and fought with this self-realization. However, to what end? It would seem that we continue to overlook what we have always known. The origin of life lies deep within us. Furthermore, we are a manifestation of this mystery. It is everywhere, all around us. The recognition and acceptance of this vibrating essence will release us from a self-inflicted suffering. You are consciously awakened and aware. Now it is time to spread your wings to fly as a new born butterfly.


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Slap Your Face and Experience Living

Yes, I am asking you to softly slap your face. (Or harder if you are into that kind of thing.) 😊 Go ahead. Do it. Why is this something that I suggest? It is to remind you of living. A smack on the cheek is real. It is now. And, it is unavoidable. Why? Because you initiated it. Is everything influencing how you live? Is this what you think or assume? Most people still think that people, things, and other forces are controlling them. Likewise, many people assume there is nothing that they can do or change to live in balance and harmony.


Let’s expand on our face smacking example. We will do this to illustrate mind-conditioning and unconscious living. You might recall getting a slap on the cheek or some other similar experience. These are memories. They are no longer relevant to consciously living. Similarly, you may fear or anticipate a cuff in the face. Fear, suffering, and pleasure have become unconscious demands and anticipations. Still, this mind interference will become obvious. Then a person can let go and remain focused on now. Continue reading


Detachment or Non-attachment? Why not Both?

Let’s start by clarifying what each word represents to us for practical purposes. There is a difference and yet there is not. Therefore, the practice of both can be very beneficial in the process of conscious awakening. Why? Because detachment is a vital stepping stone to non-attachment. Accordingly, Wikipedia categorizes both with the same meaning. Still it is always best to remember that these are only words. We undergo a transformation from mind existence to conscious living. This is the experience of being. There is ultimately no need to label the act of being alive. Nor is there a need to define or explain how we became aware of consciousness.  



Still, let’s establish a common understanding. Detachment can, at first, cause avoidance, separation, and suffering. But, please don’t let this distract you. This is because the process also allows us to awaken. A shift in our state of being (living) begins. Detachment is the minds attempt to not care when you actually do care. To not love when you do truly love. This disinterest in living and loving is only a mind-illusion. It is not the true self. Continue reading


Struggle and It Becomes Worse

There are rope knots that tighten when you pull. Sailors and cowboys use such knots. A knot used on a boat or for horses on a farm are examples. This is ideal for practical purposes. But what if you are in the process of consciously awakening. Well the more you listen to the mind and struggle means less awareness to consciousness.


Unfortunately, we still struggle against almost everything. Therefore, the mind-knots just keep getting tighter. Thus, there is no space to breathe or live. We grasp fur air and cling to mind-details. But we don’t truly breathe nor do we truly live. We scuffle along always trying to get more and be more. But more of what? There is not more enlightenment. There can only be consciousness. Not more consciousness. You are you. There cannot be more of you. Not more and not less in any given moment. Continue reading


Vendetta Against Me: But Why?

The world is against me. Everyone wants something from me. Why me? What have I done to deserve this conflict. Does this sound familiar? Perhaps you have heard such statements. Or said this yourself on occasion. Does it really seem that there is a vendetta against you? It does if you listen to the mind. This is what it is always telling you. And what it thinks will gain momentum when you listen.


Let’s look at this from both standpoints. These being mind and consciousness. There may very well be people that wish to cause you problems. Or even harm you. On the other hand, a situation has no intent to make you suffer. The circumstance may cause you pain. Either due to the experience, person or even self-inflected. Or you may suffer if something unfolds due to conditioned behavior in an unconscious state. Continue reading


Unity of Life: Come Join the Party

We mostly remain unconscious to the bond that connects all things. This unity is based on life. Moreover, it is energy. What if each individual could catch a true glimpse of this oneness? Does object consciousness readily expand after the initial awakening? Definitely! Uncertainty, judgement and suffering would likely fade away. Likewise, we would acknowledge the person and divine presence as one being. Additionally, we would actually live as the unbounded life energy that engulfs us.


But, there is something to consider. Mind conditioning often influences the flow and manifestation of life. Thus, we unconsciously exist in repetitious patterns. Every new generation unknowingly inherits this behavior. Hence, thoughts manifest a conditioned and egoistical world. Therefore, egoism and isolation overshadow our unity with life. So much so that, conditioning has become a way of living. Thoughts overwhelm us. Thus, we accept mind-generated falsities and illusions as true. Continue reading


Cry, Laugh and Always Share

We are 7.9 billion worldwide. You would think that it would be possible to learn how to come together as one race. Yet, this is not true. We are becoming more isolated because of this large number. This trend is increasing. Yes, there are caring and loving people. But, these individuals often choose to remain reclusive. Still, we do mingle. Moreover, we sometimes laugh and cry when we are together. But, sharing often remains on a superficial level. Especially, upon first meeting someone.


There are always the formalities. We are usually willing to tell someone our name, how old we are, where we work, etc. Naturally, this is fine. It is part of the human experience. On the other hand, this and other factors have kept us in a repetitive cycle. The mind (ego, conditioning) thrive in these surroundings. However, to the contrary, awareness to and expansion of object consciousness withers. Thus, the mind dominates. It reminds of us of previous situations when we experienced suffering. Continue reading