
16 posts

Turn Off the Engine and Walk

Don’t let the title mislead you. Our discussion is not about an engine or the environment. Although, ultimately, there is a connection between everything. The mind is a motor. Experiences, memories, and emotions are catalysts. Thoughts are the fuel. Conditioned behavior starts the motor.


Unconsciousness a.k.a. unawareness is the road map we use to travel on after the engine starts. Naturally, the mind always functions. Therefore, please note that our discussion refers to our interaction with the mind. We do not need to ask or define why the mind does what it does. However, our observation of the mind is paramount for conscious awareness. This observer/mind relationship is either conscious or unconscious. Sounds simple enough. Still living consciously is difficult until it is not. What am I suggesting? Conscious observation of how you live will spontaneously and naturally blossom during the process of conscious awakening. Suddenly you are consciousness without understanding how you became actively conscious. The knowing is significant. And consciously being (living) is the ultimate experience of enlightenment. Continue reading


A Conditioned Mind Sways from Place to Place

There is one love, one consciousness, and one state of being. Humans, animals, plants, and the entire universe are a part of this oneness. We need one another to share, grow, and mature in our experiences of love, unity, and life. We consider that the two parts of duality as necessary to balance the universal scale. But this type of conditioned thinking may be nothing more than another mind game.


I do not wish to suggest that such a thing as feminine/masculine or yin/yang do not exist, but rather I would like to ask why these exist. We have actually defined energy as having male and female characteristics. Again, my wish is not to deny established concepts. But, I do question how and why we always interpret and define such things. The slow process of conditioned behavior and reactions has been ongoing throughout our species’ development. This has resulted from our unawareness to the unbounded and unmanifested space within each moment. This is where life energy is always present, and object consciousness has a much stronger influence on universal consciousness than most people realize. Continue reading

Tangled Web that We Weave

Oh! What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

The poem Marion by Sir Walter Scott and moreover his quote can be helpful in the awakening of human consciousness. This is possible through aware observation of our relationship with the mind. Our conversation today relates to Sir Walter Scott’s insight. So, let’s focus our awareness on conditioned behavior. We often blame life for causing difficulties and suffering. However, our unawareness to mind activities causes the tangled web we weave.


We can compare this to domino’s that fall one after the other. It seems impossible to stop domino’s from falling once the chain-reaction has begun. Likewise, our mind is literally a madhouse of thoughts and emotions. The level of this madness corresponds with a person’s level of conscious awareness or the lack of it. Continue reading


Energy, Mind, and Consciousness: It’s Really You

Traits such as empathy, love, and forgiveness in the purest form may be very conducive to awakening universal conscious energy. The, for lack of a better word, problem that we experience derives from corrupted frequencies of these behavioral characteristics. The mind is very dominating, and reactions based solely on conditioning and unconsciousness usually are not pure.


The mind insists that there is separation. This behavior results because of the localized brain/body field of consciousness (object consciousness). Nonetheless, this energy field contributes and can influence the totality which we call universal consciousness. The two frequencies are actually one, but our self-consciousness gives us the ability to experience both the localized field of consciousness and universal consciousness. The mind tells us that these are two dimensions when in actuality they are only one. Continue reading

Ghosts of the Mind: Don’t Let Them Haunt You


There are ghosts. But they are only of the mind. But be careful. They will possess you.  This will cloud the clarity of consciousness. A mind clouded by thoughts and emotions will also concede quickly to the influence of other minds. This results from conditioned imprints. Consciousness is vulnerable to the trickery of these mind-created impressions.



The unconscious behavior of another person can also cause these apparitions. Mind-conditioning summons these ghosts. And they thrive in the realm of unconsciousness. This can happen in any given situation. These phantoms of the mind seem to always be lurking in the shadows of an unaware person. Continue reading

Personal Is Never Personal

Don’t take it so personal. Most people are familiar with this statement. It seems to happen often each day. Nevertheless, we usually don’t realize the potential for conscious awakening that is within this comment. Furthermore, it is our interpretation and state of unawareness that makes it seem very personal.


Yes, of course, there are people that will do something to you with malicious intent. However, even this is not personal. It is your interpretation and lack of awareness of a person or thing that makes it seem personal. You are observing a person’s short-shortsightedness in that moment. The other person is not doing this intentionally and you should not take it too personally. Continue reading