universal consciousness

101 posts


Universe Is Awakening Through You

The universe appears so vast and yet is still expanding. Human consciousness is, evolutionarily speaking, still very young. Likewise, it is also expanding. Let’s reflect on the possibilities available at our current level of awareness. How far will our consciousness expand before it reunites with the totality of universal consciousness? Can this and will this every happen? 


This reunion seems possible but not certain. Furthermore, this expansion may correlate with the flow of consciousness. Moreover, the mind is placing limitations on the universe that are strictly based on thoughts and beliefs. This may first sound ridicules. Nevertheless, please reflect on this before the mind tells you it is not possible. What you discover will surprise you. Continue reading


Reason for Being: Realizing your Significance

The human mind conjures up countless reasons to validate our subsistence. Do we truly belief that there is a reason for our existence? Let’s reword this and ask if there is truly an explanation for our existence other than to be? Does the mind assume there must be a reason for being? Otherwise, we could not be here now if we did not exist. Here, within and beyond these words, is the portal to enlightenment.

You are here now and that is all that is necessary to be here now.


We can naturally find many pliable mind-made reasons for being. These sound great, relatively speaking, but what about ultimately? Furthermore, the mind is very clever. It will simply make up a reason (excuse) for being. The mind thrives on complexity. This has been accumulating over tens of thousands of years. We have been in an unconscious sleep. Nevertheless, the mind tricks us into thinking that we are conscious aware; but ultimately this is not true. Continue reading


Consciousness Unites: The Mind Separates

There is a mystery that baffles the mind. Consciousness is unexplainable. Likewise, we can visualize this as a dimension that is flowing. Therefore, the objects in which this energy manifests have the potential to observe themselves and literally all things. We are this vastness of life. We are not in consciousness. It is in us and the center of the universe is this moment as it manifests through you. We have boundless possibilities to co-create within this dimension.


Many people have already experienced universal consciousness. This is that moment when you have felt yourself in other life-forms or things. What you acknowledge in other things is not per say you the person. You are actually living and breathing as the divine presence of life. I often refer to this as consciousness melting process. This is when you have gone beyond the boundaries of mind and body. Object and life consciousness are no longer separate during this experience of oneness. This separation is only a head game. The mind will repeatedly play this game; if we allow it. It sees this as a reality and conditioned reactions obstruct access to the realm of oneness Continue reading

Searching for Purpose

We are constantly searching for a purpose. The mind thinks that there is a reason for everything. These thoughts have become conditioned reactions. The collective belief is that there can be nothing without a reason. Furthermore, we sadly occupy each moment with the demanding need to have a function. We base the structures of our entire existence and the universe on this very assumption. This necessitated the establishment of mathematics, science and religion. However, the minds attempts to explain the unexplainable have proven faulty.


We become entrapped in the confines of these limitations. Therefore, this behavior pattern remains active in the background of our experiences. Nevertheless, it is reasonable to conclude that we have practical “purposes” in our daily activities. There are numerous experiences that fit into this category. However, there is also the search for a grand purpose. Most people would say there is a grand purpose in my life. There is no grand reason for life. Therefore, to assume that our existence is based on grandeur is purely subjective. Continue reading


Presence Is a Good Signpost

The constant desire to be in the moment can backfire. Furthermore, we unknowingly become preoccupied with the thoughts of living in presence. We allow the mind and thought patterns to basically exploit object consciousness. We no longer acknowledge the gateway between object and universal consciousness.


Therefore, presence is vital on the path to enlightenment. The reason for practicing living in the now is obvious. Eckhart Tolle and other sages suggest Being aware of awareness. This, in itself, is beneficial insight. Furthermore, existing is the natural state of any and every form in the universe. Object consciousness, at a given evolutionary level, initiates self-consciousness. We become conscious of our being, the immediate surroundings and the universe. Continue reading

Song of Rain and Sun

The song of life is playing. Do you hear it? It had started to rain during a hot day where I live. It was a beautiful spring shower. I could hear the rain drops falling onto the trees. It was mesmerizing to hear the gentle song of life as the rain fell upon the leaves. However, I realized that I was not actually hearing the rain or wind. Furthermore, the experience was intensified through active awareness to the present moment.


What I sensed was the energy vibrations as the rain fell. It felt as if I was moving in response to the tree limb movements as each swayed to and fro in the wind. I smiled as I considered what my friend would say if he would see me in that moment. What would my friend answer if I would ask him if he likes the rain? This caused me to smile even more because I know that he would complain about the rain and say that the sun should shine. Moreover, it would be impossible to suggest that life was singing to him in that moment. The song of life usually remains unnoticed by most people. Continue reading


I Am so Lonely

How many times have you or someone you know said this sentence? I am so lonely or I don’t want to be alone. There is a world of people who are together, but unfortunately separated and alone. What is loneliness? Is it possible to be lonely or is it only a state of mind? The mind is constantly confronting us with conditioned factors that can restrict us from living consciously.


Furthermore, it is a baffling topic to discuss. There are many forlorn people who have become deeply depressed, even suicidal. How can thoughts push us to the brink of despair? Is loneliness real or a phantom of the mind? Does this result due to a lack of awareness? Or would this make the discussion too easy? Loneliness can develop into mental disorders. However, it can solely result from misconceptions of the mind. Continue reading


Automatic Random Output

The title “Automatic Random Output” suggests that we are going to discuss computer calculations. However, it is a reference to conditioned mind behavior. The title is a proper description of our mind activities. A person usually accepts conditioned mind behavior as normal; even necessary. Furthermore, we interact with the flow of mind output similarly to the behavior of a laboratory mouse.

Thoughts and feelings programmed through conditioned behavior are similar to a carrot placed in front of a donkey to get it to move forward. Furthermore, the mind is able to keep us distracted with this old worn-out information. Object consciousness; when unaware, will attach itself to a random mind / thought or emotion. We often remain in this unaware state of being for most of our existence. The mind continues to generate and regenerate thoughts and emotions. This behavior is automatic because it is a conditioned reaction. Continue reading

And the Walls Come Crashing Down

We experience life in an object existence filled with perpetual walls. However, these are not only physical barriers. There are also such structures that consist of nothing more than mind induced thoughts and images. Nevertheless, mentally constructed blockades seem very durable and even more difficult to surmount then the physical walls.

Moreover, these obstacles have been firmly established in our existence. The mind’s complexity has interlaced these into our daily experiences. This gives the appearance of a virtual mansion with rooms. The mind has constructed endless numbers of these imaginary mental rooms. These often seem inescapable. However, there are doors and windows to a void beyond the mind. Nevertheless, most of us choose to stay within the boundaries of these well-established mental barriers. Continue reading

The Path to Becoming Conscious

We use the word “path” to describe the way from here to there. A path indicates a beginning and usually an eventual ending. This could be called an arrival. It is obvious that we also choose this terminology in describing our experiences with the conscious awakening process. However, it is beneficial for us not to lose ourselves in the definition itself. A journey is a proper word to use here, but it is never about the “path”. Being conscious is very likely not even about the experiences on this path. The experiences are only useful as sign posts during this journey.


Is there a necessity to travel down a path during the conscious awakening process? This question is ultimately unnecessary because it is a mind creation. A tree, a bird or even a rock does not practice becoming conscious. They do not spend each moment of existence in thoughts about being conscious or aware. These life-forms simply “are” life and consciousness. They are engulfed in the suchness of now. I have a deep appreciation for this expression of presence. Continue reading