universal energy

22 posts


Are You Having a Lousy Day?

How is your day? Are you having a lousy day or a good day? What is the determining factor in how you experience what happens? The answer is looking back at you 😊 in the mirror. You are the one and truly only determining factor in how you experience any given moment.


We often scurry through our daily activities in a state of limbo unawareness. And, life literally passes by without us knowing why.  Thus, situations and people seem to influence how we experience life. However, conditioning taught us to think and believe that things and people are responsible for how we live. But, what we have learned is not actually true. Therefore, you can change how you live. Deconditioning through awareness to how you observe living, offers enlightenment. Live life fully, don’t just exist. Let’s use the definition for limbo to expand our discussion.

Limbo is an uncertain period of awaiting a decision or resolution; an intermediate state or condition. This is how the majority of people experience life. Why is living this way so typical? Basically, because we are not aware enough to establish a change in our behavioral responses. Hence, the shadows of our behavior characteristics darken out the brilliance of living life. The act of being alive, in itself, is an incredible experience, regardless of temporary day to day downfalls. And, conscious living is quite easy to establish as baseline for living life. Continue reading


An Inquiry into Being in Love

Being in love gives us joy. This love and affection can be to a person, a thing or even self-love. Love is marvelous and, at times, equally perplexing. This is fine. However, this reference is not necessarily about physical or emotional love. Instead, our inquiry is into the totality of love.


Therefore, let’s take the first step into this inquiry through the realization that love is energy. This energy attaches itself to either our mental or emotional center of focus. But, please understand that love is always present, as is true for all universal energy.  Have you experienced a moment when all judgments, doubts, anxiety and fear were at a minimum? What did you feel? Was it something that you cannot truly express in mere words? Would it be appropriate to describe this state of being as a blissful experience? The sensation you experience in such a moment is possible through the natural flow of universal energy. The blissfulness you experience is possible because you are going with the flow. Continue reading

Flow with Life and Embrace the Way

Let’s start this article with a simple exercise. How does it feel to embrace something or someone? This experience is a helpful stepping stone as you awaken to consciousness. Is embracing something or someone strictly a physical experience? There is much more to this interaction. Everything transfers energy. Likewise, holding something or someone is the sensation of sharing at various levels. However, the essence of this unified energy is constant. Only the frequency alters, depending on an object’s acceptance or resistance to this flow. 


Now gently embrace yourself. Consciously go beyond the physical stimulation. Thus, you equally allow awareness to expand. Visualize the drift and manifestation of energy. And, don’t guide or influence this energy. Simply acknowledge the flow and let it drift along. Likewise, recognize that you are a vibrating part of this universal movement. Embracing your physical body enhances aware presence. Accordingly, the mind loses influence over your state of presence as you flow with this universal life stream. Continue reading

Confusion Abounds When the Mind Is Astray

The mind constantly inflects confusion, anxiety, and fear upon us. Why? You might ask. And, the mind insists, why not? This behavior is due to a limbo state of living life. It is quite easy for the mind to overwhelm us when we are unaware. Can we consciously move beyond the mind? Yes, with practice. This means not allowing any mind-generated restrictions and manipulations to interrupt the flow of universal energy. What can we practice to nurture the flow of this energy? Focus on living here and now. Acknowledge the spaciousness between thoughts, emotions and situations. Universal energy flows. So, practice living for the ride and not the destination.


Our fear and confusion occur primarily from non-acceptance. We don’t want to accept this moment. And, this nonacceptance causes us to live life in a constant state of dissatisfaction. At least, this is what the mind tells us. Nevertheless, everyone experiences conscious awareness at some level. And, many times, our focus is on aware presence. But, then the mind intervenes. The mind tells us that thoughts of yesterday or tomorrow are more important than now. Continue reading


Crossing Wires Will Cause a Short Circuit

Confusion. Misunderstanding. Isn’t this the way you feel from time to time? It is as if you are crossing wires and a short circuit is certain. I have a personal experience that I hope will be helpful to you. What are we really talking about when we refer to universal manifestation, enlightenment, consciousness, even the mind? Everything is energy. Nikola Tesla acknowledged this universal flow. And, many other individuals throughout our evolution recognize that the underlining essence of the universe is energy.


So, it is beneficial, whether you wire a lamp or reflect on the universe, to realize that energy has frequencies. Imagine crossing two wires, of different polarity. What happens when the wires touch? There is either a mild or strong electrical shock. The intensity depends on the strength of the frequency flowing through the wire. So, please further imagine that this is exactly how the universe and objects within this universe vibrate. And, the vibration is either harmonious or static. Continue reading


Smile and Feel the Softness in the Air

A smile is a gesture of happiness and good will. Therefore, it is more than just a facial expression. All objects manifesting life have the ability to channel universal energy and to allow it to flow. We can enter the dimension of life conscious energy in each moment.


A Smile

A smile, every so often, may take a while.
There are sometimes days when you just can’t grin.
Why, you say, on such a day…why should I care?
The expression on your face is straight.

It is true that, at times, a smile seems out of place.
Your mind tells you not to bother.
Who cares the mind will say?
But, this happens only when you listen to your head.
These thoughts overshadow the moment.
Then there is sorrow and dread.
This should not be, but alas, often we do not see.

A smile is the golden key.
There is a twinkle in our eyes.
So, we softly chuckle as life flows.
It is the reason that we know.
Here, in this mystery called now.

This is your home.
And, you choose how to live.
You will remember just be aware.
Life offers so much more when you care.
It is deep within and also around and about.
Do you feel it?

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Human is Being and Beyond

We spend almost all of our existence searching and demanding. Does being human constitute having expectations? Is our expectancy a result of personal and social influence? Who can say for sure. The real problem is that we are always asking the wrong questions. We want and expect things not meant for us. We base our expectations purely on mind-oriented factors. Universal intelligence will not respond to such demands. It has countless gifts to give us. But we should learn to see and accept the gifts. This acknowledgment is the doorway to the essence of being.


Our – if we really want to use the word – journey is to reacquire the universal knowledge of being. There are unlimited possibilities within this recognition. Nevertheless, the mind diverts us from the truth. Thus, we disregard our true essence within this universal energy dimension.  Our ego has led us away from the innate knowledge of universal oneness. This ignorance has led us into darkness. Continue reading


You Are an Echo of the Universe

What happens when you shout from a mountain top into a valley? This causes an echo. The echo vibrates across the valley, bouncing from mountain to mountain. The vibration of your voice is a process of articulatory phonetics. The vocal cords vibrate. This produces sound. Now imagine. Astonishingly, all objects in the universe pulsate with energy. Furthermore, and equally incredible is the knowledge that objects are the manifestation of energy.


“Ultimately, all matter is just vibrations of various underlying fields.” (www.earthsky.org) the article on this site suggest that consciousness is the result of how energy vibrates. So, just for fun. Let’s paraphrase the above excerpt. Everything that manifests in the universe results from energy. Furthermore, these frequencies become conscious of themselves through universal objects. Hence, this suggest that these vibrations are the essence of consciousness, both object and universal. Mutually, being one and the same. Continue reading


Forgiveness and Love on the Path of Life

Many people assume love comes from a source greater than ourselves. We created love and we are responsible for how we experience love. But, this is difficult for the mind to accept. Love, as with consciousness, is energy. But, we often misinterpret the origin and depth of love because the mind demands explanations. However, the flow of love—and life energy, for that matter—originates in you. Forgiveness is a helpful stepping stone on the path of true self-discovery. Why? Because misinterpretations of love often cause suffering. Furthermore, you see yourself as a pawn and victim of love. But, universally speaking, we can purify love and life through the simple act of consciously living. 


Yes, I am suggesting that each person is essentially the source of universal energy. Hence, this energy becomes conscious and learns to express love. Does the power of thinking or believing influence how or if it manifests? It would first seem that love, in itself, has nothing to do with how it manifests. Or does it? My intention is not to play a word game with you. The point of these questions is to give us an understanding of love. We should focus on being love and not on mind concepts of love. There is a difference, spiritually and universally speaking. Continue reading


Does Anger Dominate Your Experiences?

Does frustration, confusion, and even anger overshadow your experience of life? What are you upset about? Is it the traffic jam? Or the neighbor’s dog barking? What you experience is the result of your state of awareness. How do you experience something? The answer reflects your inner universe. It is always about you. Your state of being decides how you experience living.


“There will be moments when everything seems overwhelming. But, you are essentially a universal part of the totality. Therefore, only you can change how you see yourself in all things. See yourself as the oneness within the totality and everything you observe and experience will change.”  Continue reading