
349 posts

This is a topic category for that offers articles about object and universal consciousness, presence and living consciously.


Moth Is Lost Because the Lights Are Bright

This article pertains to an area of human behavior that is comparable to a moth. The moth repeatedly flies toward a light or campfire in a kamikaze manner. Why do they do this? Scientists theorize that this is due to a behavior called transverse orientation.  This is common in some insects and involves flying at a constant angle relative to a distant light source. The insect navigates by using the distant light source as a beacon. Thus, the moth experiences perplexity around lights and campfires. Doesn’t this sound like how we react to thoughts and feelings?


Therefore, let’s look at this from a human standpoint. How is this behavior similar to our search for enlightenment? Enlightenment (spiritual) is the full comprehension of a situation (Wikipedia). We have a built-in navigation system that constantly points to true north. We can call this our transverse orientation, such as with a moth. Continue reading


Share and Be Aware of Living Life

I wish to express my gratitude to you. We share experiences. These encounters offer us mental and conscious expansion when we are aware. Hopefully, my ideas and insights are beneficial to you as stepping stones on your inner journey. Likewise, I learn from you through our interactions. 


We share life. This is the greatest gift to experience. Sadly, we often become so occupied with existence details and distractions that we overlook the simple bliss of living life.

The activities of our existence confuse and cause fear. This is because we base everything on temporary superficiality and details. Thus, we define our life experience as something to reach with strenuous effort.  Mind Conditioning overshadows our life experience. So, most people view balance and harmony as a fantasy or paradise. Furthermore, the majority of people think or belief that we can only reach this paradise through mind details. And, still very prevalent is the thought or belief that materialistic things will give us happiness and peace. Continue reading

Blossom Just Like a Flower in the Spring

The unfolding of any person’s conscious awakening process may first involve illness or hardships. But a person free of sickness or financial burden may also become enlightened. Either is fine but not a prerequisite to experiencing conscious enlightenment. Life does not take sides or evaluate an object due to existential merits. It will happen when you are ready, or it will not; you decide. It is as simple as falling off a log; life is there to blossom through you.


Do you wish to join in its celebration?

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Separation: Why Do We Feel so Alone?

Evolution in terms of society and technology contribute greatly to our separation from each other. Furthermore, humankind has grown deaf to the voice of unity. This separation illusion is ongoing. We, mostly unknowingly, separate ourselves from the universe. Equally, we generally disregard the flow of life energy.  We think and believe, that there is something greater out there waiting for us. We actually think that salvation is something we must reach. But, don’t let the mind fool you. enlightenment can only be here and now. Please consider letting go of worn-out dogmas that tell you otherwise.

“Nonetheless, our species has developed into a conforming conglomerate. We believe the path to salvation or enlightenment will always be difficult and involve many sacrifices.”


Where and when did this misconception begin?  We pass this behavior down from generation to generation. So, what about object consciousness? Well, the mind mostly dominates our human consciousness. This humanizing process starts from birth and usually increases as we get older.  A stagnation develops that stops the flow of universal conscious energy. Thus, we degenerate from a pure universal conscious being to a mind conditioned human. Continue reading


Human is Being and Beyond

We spend almost all of our existence searching and demanding. Does being human constitute having expectations? Is our expectancy a result of personal and social influence? Who can say for sure. The real problem is that we are always asking the wrong questions. We want and expect things not meant for us. We base our expectations purely on mind-oriented factors. Universal intelligence will not respond to such demands. It has countless gifts to give us. But we should learn to see and accept the gifts. This acknowledgment is the doorway to the essence of being.


Our – if we really want to use the word – journey is to reacquire the universal knowledge of being. There are unlimited possibilities within this recognition. Nevertheless, the mind diverts us from the truth. Thus, we disregard our true essence within this universal energy dimension.  Our ego has led us away from the innate knowledge of universal oneness. This ignorance has led us into darkness. Continue reading


Life is not a Goal to Obtain

Do you think life is a goal to accomplish? Well, life is life. It sets no merits, guidelines or predetermined plans for us. Furthermore, universal intelligence has no divine plan.  Life most certainly does not want us to follow a certain path. Therefore, live life and keep it simple. Likewise, there are no prearranged stepping-stones on the path of life.


Being human offers no certainties. There are none. Nevertheless, we insist that there is a purpose for each of us. This is naive. Life does not have a purpose for us or anything.  However, all objects have a purpose; universally speaking. The universe experiences itself through the conscious awakening of any object. Hence, the search for a purpose is strictly human behavior. Being human mean having a purpose. Or does it?

A goal is a normal aspect of being human. But, this is only relevant for practical factors.  Life, on the other hand, has no such intentions. It simply is. Likewise, let’s consider the following suggestion. It is wise to flow with life energy consciousness and not against it. So, should we still make chooses? Yes, but practice making conscious chooses. Also, often it is best not to choose. Instead, just be aware and allow. Continue reading

Mind Congestion Stops Life’s Natural Flow

The word congestion invokes various images in our mind. And, that is exactly the point. The mind blocks out and can literally suffocate the experience of life. So firstly, our practice is to accept the mind’s activities. However, presence is not actually of mind or body. Yes, mind and body flow within presence. But, the objects with this moment are not the moment itself. This realization is a vital stepping stone on the path of conscious awakening.


Mind congestion, on the other hand, causes the nature flow to slow or eventually stop. Specifically, this suggests a blockage caused by thoughts. Let’s use a personal experience to illustrate. I wanted to take a shower. I placed a cloth bath mat on the floor in front of the sink. My wish was to shave before the shower. Continue reading


Unification Through Conscious Awakening

It is possible to reestablish a harmonious relationship with life. We are co-creating in a unified field of oneness. We use the word Unification in many areas of our daily experiences, including spirituality. But what is the essence of this word? Stop now, before you start listening to your mind thinking about unity. This is not something to think about, assume, or even define. Let’s attempt the Star Wars Jedi Knight approach. This suggests feeling the life energy in you and in everything that is around you.


Live truly consciously in the moment and experience the unification that is already within and surrounds you. This is the way as taught by Lao Tzu and other sages. The body experiences energy impulses. It does not need to interpret what is there, nor does the body need to consider what it does. It simply does it. Life and universal energy manifest through the being that you are in this moment. A cooperative conscious aware state of being opens a direct portal. Hence, life-forms such as you and I freely communicate with universal energy. This is to say, when we are aware, acknowledge, and allow.  Thus, we become all things in a moment of true unity. Continue reading


Are You Deeply Aware of Presence?

Everything is a universal presence. This suggests that universal consciousness is vibrating energy. Additionally, this energy becomes aware of itself through the consciousness of objects in the universe. (These objects are all things such as people, animals, plants, rocks, and planets.


It is possible for every person to move beyond thoughts and feelings. This allows a person to experience life and living as it is in each moment. The mind always tells us stories that are mostly not true. Mind conditioning is the result of evolution. Consequently, the mind reactions to our experiences. Meditation is a useful practice to move beyond the mind and simply live life. Still it is enough to just be aware of living and to know that you are aware of this moment. Continue reading

The Lass from South Africa, Is This You?

There is a lass from way down South in Africa.
Oh, they say she came from somewhere else.
But who knows? It is of little importance.
For her heart blossomed in Africa.
Indeed, this is profound.
She found her true self that day.


This lass looked within herself for the first time.
She let go of people and things as she came to Africa.
This is to say, she learned to live from within. Continue reading