awareness quotes

65 posts

The Insignificance of Our Thoughts

Terms such as self, human, or being are actually irrelevant. They ultimately mean nothing. These are only definitions and labels that our creative mind fabricates to categorize what we insist on interpreting. This is part of the evolutionary course of our mental development. We live from the mind. And, this is what we do. This does not mean that it is good, bad, right, or wrong. I am spelling this out with the hope of awakening an awareness in you that is beyond the mind. Acknowledge that there is an insignificance within your mind activities. This does not necessarily mean that we should not do what we do. We are human beings; what we do is part of existing as this person now.


Nevertheless, have you ever heard the statement: Being in the world but not of it? The Bible and many other writings dating back thousands of years share this wise insight. This is basically saying that we are now human beings in this world. It is okay to accept this form, but we do not need to be only this form with all its behaviors and tendencies. It is possible, through the level of our species’ consciousness, to witness the mind development (dilemma) that we impose onto the true conscious self. Continue reading


Intelligence Within the Act of Being

Life: What is it? And, where do we find love? These are questions that we always ask. But, our object illusions are primarily responsible for integrating falsehood into our existence. The delusions we have placed on our existence engulf all factors of our experiences. It is not your purpose to define life or love. Instead, simply experience your beingness through awareness to consciousness.  In other words, wake up! There is an intelligence within you that innately knows the truth of your being without needing to search.


What is this intelligence? Firstly, I ask that you don’t put energy and effort into labeling what I have written. Secondly, this mysterious something within and surrounding you is not supernatural and not a god. Therefore, simply observe the depth of the inner universe as a space that resonates with common sense. However, please do not minimize the depth and magnitude of this inner dimension. And, we should not define the act of this observation from a standpoint of our worldly activities. The common sense within you is of universal proportion and brilliance. And, your true essence flows from a pool of unconditional beingness that is indifferent to mind details and interactions. Continue reading

Ebb and Flow Within Presence

Presence is a state of being. However, it is not the details of living such as thoughts, feelings and situations. Aware presence is beneficial in the process of conscious awakening. Furthermore, active awareness to the vibration of universal energy within everything changes how you experience life. Conscious awakening and the shift from mind details allows you to focus more readily on the transfer of universal energy. We can compare the movement of this energy to the ebb and flow of water.


Ask yourself the following questions. Do I nurture this ebb and flow? Or, do I contaminate it? Am I truly aware of presence itself? Or, do I unconsciously focus solely on mind details within this moment? Mind details and interventions appear to manipulate the act of presence and conscious awareness. Nevertheless, it is more accurate to express mind interference as a distortion of this flowing universal energy. Are you conscious of the flow of energy within this moment or just the detail symbols projected by the mind? There is a significant difference.

Here is an exercise, helpful during the process of conscious awakening. Focus awareness simply on the act of your being and living. Thus, with practice, you feel the vibrational flow and manifestation of energy within the beingness of your person.  Then, actively observe this interaction and transition in any given moment of awareness.  Sooner or later, you experience the unconditional act of being within this universal flow. This practice exercise reveals the ebb and flow within the universe. And, it becomes obvious that you are a co-creator of this marvelous movement. The universe swims within this manifested/non-manifested energy. Accordingly, so do you. And, you greatly influence how this energy manifests. Continue reading


Innocence Is Eternal Wisdom

Life is perpetual freshness, in permanent movement, as such, we need to be the same way; childlike innocence is requested by existence, every time, in every circumstance – a priceless purity. – Ilie Cioara


Mr. Cioara shares a timeless truth that illustrates consciously living within the flow of life. There deep within the recesses of your being is an innocence that never fades away. Furthermore, your essence holds the sincerest level of beingness. Therefore, you innately know the difference between existing and living.

Similarly, a young child does not mask the experience of life with false labels, definitions or illusions. A child lives life now. And, so can you. Therefore, acknowledge that existence details within this moment do not truly express the life manifestation that flows through you. Continue reading


Patience on the Path of Life

Let go and just allow. This sounds so easy. However, to simply flow with life and to just live is difficult for most people. And, this resistance is the result of a million plus years of mental and emotional barriers that suppress conscious awakening. Thus, most of our behavior is repetitious with slight detail alterations. Our unawareness to these mental processes keeps us in an endless loop of uncertainty, frustration and often fear. We can express this conditioned state of being as follows. We do not really know how to do what we do any other way then how we do it. Just for fun, repeat the last sentence three times really fast. 😊


Let’s determine a common ground. Letting go is not truly difficult when you practice active patience. However, a given level of conscious awareness is beneficial. Additionally, the experience of serenity is an inner experience and not an outer activity. We can illustrate the unity of conscious awareness with any experience through the following examples.

Firstly, focus on being and not wanting, having or doing. Primarily because the isness of your being is everything. You place your hand in cool water. How does this feel? A consciously aware person becomes the water in that moment through the act of unconditional being.  Another example is walking through a field. You smell wild flowers and reach out to caress the nearest flower. The conscious beingness within you knows that essentially you are this flower. Ultimately, the act of being and knowing encompasses the moment without needing to think about the experience. Therefore, any thought or emotion within here and now is unnecessary baggage that the mind attaches to the experience. Continue reading

Theorist and Abstract Thinking

I was recently labeled a spiritual theorist that offers ideas and insight about conscious living that are abstract. A person with whom I regularly correspond wishes to discover the secrets to conscious awareness. Firstly, living in a state of unattached presence is not a secret. Furthermore, and therefore, no one has a magical wand that summons conscious living. One moment any given person is consciously aware. And, the next he or she is not aware. Our practice is to overcome temptations of the mind that can pull us back into the darkness of unconscious behavior.


She recently wrote that I base my writings on theories that are actually just projections of the mind. Her reaction was due to frustration. I suggested that she attempt to practice non-attachment in decisions relating to daily activities. I have never offered her any background stories of my experiences as a person. Therefore, the term theorist was the best explanation she had for my ideas and insight. The mind convinced her that I speak strictly from theory and not from experience. I share this with now to assure you that you, me and everyone experience all aspects of our human existence. It is not necessary to debate if any given person knows more or does more. Such categorizations only weaken conscious awareness. The act of being is universal to everyone and everything. Therefore, the unconditional acceptance of our beingness offers conscious enlightenment. Continue reading

The Dreams of a Woman

A recent conversation inspired me to write the following poem. It was heartwarming for me to hear the woman speak of her experiences in nature. She discovered the significance of our life experience as a young child. Thus, she lives with a willingness to just be in this moment. Nature is a gateway. And, she returns home, again and again, to her essence through the spaciousness beyond. Thus, she openly lives and she loves without a reason for either. She dreams the dream of life each moment as it carries her along.


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Think About Thoughts! Why should I?

I don’t want to think about it. You are probably familiar with this statement. However, saying or thinking these words will not stop the mind from thinking. Thoughts constantly bombard any given moment. Thus, thoughts pull an unaware person into a thinking process loop. And, the brain continues to think, regardless of what you do or want. Therefore, let’s use the sentence at the beginning of this paragraph as a gateway to conscious awakening.


Thoughts come and go. Consequently, you must not attach yourself to any thought or emotion. Consciously observe your relationship with the mind and thought repetitions. Otherwise, you will think that you are a thought. Awaken to the presence of being. Thus, you remain in a place that is beyond thoughts. Beingness becomes the focus of your observation. The portal to active conscious awareness opens more easily for you when thoughts become insignificant. Instead, you bask in a light of enlightenment that results from your non-attachment to the details of living. Mind conditioning and repetitious behavior patterns fade away as the conscious observer awakens more often in daily situations. Continue reading


Depression and Mind Repression

The world suffers from a state of global depression. I reflected on depression after a recent email correspondence. There are the medical aspects of depression. A person can experience unhappiness and anxiety due to biological factors that are genetic and chronic. Nevertheless, the majority of people experience self-inflected misery. This behavior irregularity undermines a person’s state of being. The assumption is that situations and people cause us despair and sadness. And, there is a tad of truth to this statement strictly from a practical viewpoint. Thus, most people are likely to believe themselves to be the thoughts in their head. A person will literally lose his or her true identity due to influences of the mind. 


Hence, depression results due to unconscious reactions in daily experiences. A disoriented person misinterprets thoughts and emotions as something that defines them. However, another person, a thing, a thought or situation cannot truly express your state of beingness. The expression of life that manifests through you is your responsibility.

Let’s use the following example to illustrate. There is an accident. You experience bodily harm. The ailment or injury is real. There is pain. Are you the pain that is felt in that moment? No, of course not. The pain is strictly of the body. Therefore, whether you have anxiety, frustration or suffer is your choice. Continue reading


Shut Up and Just Live

Be defiant in your approach to living life in a state of aware presence. Your mind always speaks to you, day and night. However, 99 percent of the mind’s dialog is useless and insignificant to fully living in this moment. Therefore, let your mind know that enough is enough. Tell your mind, straightaway, to shut up so that you can experience living life, firsthand. This exercise might seem silly. Therefore, I suggest that you review everything that you can remember that the mind told you today. Then, ask yourself what is more ridiculous. You telling the mind to shut up and stop interfering with your experience of life. Or, is it sillier to continue listen, believing and reacting to everything the mind tells you?


Please consider these questions deeply and consciously before you disregarding it for nonsense. The exercise is a practice that allows a clear observation of the mind’s activities. Nevertheless, the mind will first continue to insert dominance over you through a train of never-ending thoughts. Thus, the bottom line is for you to recognize that the majority of thoughts are unnecessary. You don’t need these as much as the mind tells you. Therefore, let thoughts come and go. And, on occasion tell your mind to shut up. Continue reading