conscious awakening quotes

94 posts


Harmony Is at the Foundation of Beingness

We all want peace. Don’t we? This desire lies deep down at the root of our essence. Harmony and unity are within the universal blueprint. The essence of stillness is Synchronicity. Let’s call this ground zero or simply a state of being. Therefore, an inquiry into the underlying nature of this universal vibration is consciously beneficial in our life experience. Still, this topic is perplexing to the mind. Thus, please use the following insight as an exercise in conscious awareness beyond the mind.


It is unlikely that life or consciousness implores universal objects to find peacefulness. However, a simple state being automatically generates a universal blissful rhythm. Then along comes countless objects forms that also produce vibrations at different levels. I can understand if you choose to debate this insight. After all, conditioning causes the mind to resist simplicity. Of course, there are many viewpoints and perspectives that reflect a person’s mind-made code of conduct. But, let’s focus on that magical something beyond mind details. Non-manifested stillness is at the core of your being. This is inner peace.

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Unconscious Living with a Dominate Mind

But what if this happens or what if that happens? Should I do this or shouldn’t I do that? Such thought behavior patterns are prevalent in daily activities. And, the eventual mind-reaction to most situations. The mind induces this conditioned reaction mechanism into our experiences. Whereas, an unconscious person has no influence over the mind. So, an unaware person accepts thoughts and feelings as reality. This happens even if the thought or feeling is harmful to the person’s state of being. Let’s consider the following questions. How do thoughts affect an unconscious person’s body and state of being? Likewise, do thoughts influence the vibrating energy of everything. On the other hand, does the energy output of a consciously aware person also stimulate how and what manifests?  


I can share a personal experience with you to clarify and illustrate these questions. A recent situation offered me clarity as I consciously observed my state of being. This allowed me to experience, first hand, the difference between thought influence or presence awareness. Cleaning is meditation for me. Hence, I enjoy it very much. The other day a moment of blissful freedom overcame me during the cleaning. (This blissfulness is always available for us. And, we can become more and more attuned to this energy vibration.) I share this with you as a call to action. Focus on such a moment when you are aware and let the feeling of presence engulf you. Continue reading

Boundaries of the Mind Are Usually Not Real

Boundaries are a part of our existence in one way or another. There are planetary, geographical, social, and personal to name a few. The mind and body seem to strictly control our daily mental and physical activities. But, often these limitations are not real.


However, what have these restrictions done to our conscious development? Most of our shortcomings are due to the mind’s manipulations of conscious presence. The mind confines us within a self-made box filled with questions, doubts, beliefs, and assumptions. Thus, pure consciousness remains just out of reach. This is because self-inflected limits impair our understanding of universal energy and the awakening of consciousness. We sense the presence of something beyond the mind. But, we cannot break free of conditioned behavior patterns. This invokes a constant need to search and obtain a key to this universal presence. Nevertheless, there is no need for a key because the door is always open. The spaciousness of presence is always here. Continue reading

Satan in Disguise While Baking Bread Rolls

Does the word Satan cause you anxiety or fear? Relax, everything is fine. This is only a word. And, just like everything, we experience the word based on conditioned thoughts and emotions. So, what is this devil that everyone fears? Satan is a symbol of fear, evil, and corruptions. As well as, anything considered bad and deceitful. Hebrew scriptures and documents from before 300 BCE often use this word (root word s‘tn). The word is a derivative of the Hebrew verb satan. The original meaning meant to oppose. The Christian church used the Hebrew Scriptures Greek translation of the word. They translated satan as diaboloc from which we derive our English term devil and diabolic. (source:


So, our understanding of the universe implies that the devil is the root of all evil. These thoughts and beliefs are equal to the countless stories of a God or gods. A devil is the opposing force to all that is good. Thus, we entertain ourselves with God and devil misconceptions and labels. We superimpose these into our daily experiences. Love a God and fear the devil are typical dogmas throughout the world. And yet, there is also a certain type of fascination about the devil. But, so what? We tell similar stories and make comparable assumptions about many of our experiences throughout history. Human beings have an acute imagination and fantasy primarily based on creativity, fascination, and fear. Continue reading

Limitations Are Mostly of the Mind

Who sets the limits within our life experience? Are evolution characteristics responsible for the restrictions we encounter? Do personal, family, and social structures inhibit how we live? We can answer all of the above with a definite “maybe 😊”. However, limitations result mostly from mind set conclusions and conditioned behavior. 


Nevertheless, there is another consideration. An inquiry into our conscious awareness is of true significance in the process of awakening to consciousness. Who is responsible for consciously observing the aspects of your existence? Naturally, you, as the observer of all that unfolds. So, there will be situations that might first seem restrictive. But, a conscious observer chooses non-attachment and stillness. Thus, there are no limitations. This suggests that conscious awareness encourages a state of being that is beyond the mind. Continue reading


Words Are Best Used and Then Forgotten

Words are only symbols. We use them as sticky tags. Thus, they seem to take on a meaning according to a thought or feeling. So, here is poem that offers a portal to the spaciousness beyond the labels and meanings.


Words are only expressions
And yes, these terms take on meaning.
But, these tags, in reference to living, can cause confusion.
So, what is right or wrong?
Everyone wants to know.
But, no one can really say.
And, such assertions only conceal the true way.
A word or phrase always demands attention. Continue reading

Make the Decision to Love and to Live

How often do you experience love? There is no actual research to verify how often this occurs. But, it is probably more than we realize. However, there is an interesting aspect to this question. Let’s consider loving and living relating to active conscious awareness. How we love and live is a decision. This choice is either unconscious or conscious. So, let’s reword the question. How often do you decide to love? How often do you choose to fully live?


Any decision influences our state of being. Once applied, this choice is the focus point of our brain’s output activity. This energy transfers through thoughts and emotions. These impulses directly influence our life experience. Thus, how you experience loving and living is dependent on either a conscious or unconscious act of being (Way of life). Also, unconditional love and absolute life should never be just a mental or emotional experience.  Observe love and life from within the flow of presence. Choose conscious awareness as a way of being. Continue reading

Discover the Path to All Possibilities

Usually, the mind bases our daily activities on routine and repetition. But why? Is everything really so tedious? The mind triumphantly says yes, it is all so mundane. Furthermore, the mind insists that this is normal because living life is dull. The mind is capable of many feats. But, pure creativity is not necessarily a mind creation. In fact, it is likely that the mind just hit the emergency brake. The mind will tell you that I am crazy for making such a statement. Nonetheless, I suggest that you continue reading and simply let the mind babble on. Remember, never take the mind too seriously. Thus, you discover that living life is so much more than the thoughts about living life.


Creativity is a blossoming flower that originate within the silence between thoughts. It is in this stillness that the process of conscious awakening occurs. This acknowledgement offers a beneficial sign post on our inner journey. We can call this silence the unmanifested energy of consciousness. Or let’s simply use the expression conscious awareness for our discussion purposes. This is a haven of calmness in the midst of any mind-made storm. So, how do we discover this vastness?  Life, love, and all that is creative are here between words, between thoughts, and even between emotions.
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Chop Wood and Live Within the Presence of Now

What are you aware of in this moment? Awareness defines your existence. The search for enlightenment has become more apparent in our society. This exploration of self-discovery in the pursuit of serenity began after the awaken of self-consciousness. The Buddha offers insight for our consideration. He teaches that Before Enlightenment chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment chop wood, carry water.


Zen also teaches a similar philosophy about living life in a state of presence. The Zen quote When hungry eat, when tired sleep from Po Chang offers beneficial wisdom. The mind has difficulty accepting the simplicity of life. This mind resistance is due to the self-imposed details, complexity, and conditioning of our human existence.  Sages such as Buddha, Jesus, Jiddu Krishnamurti, and others offer us signposts to a pathway beyond the mind. 

So, what do the teachings of these sages really suggest?  Firstly, please understand that the mind is a helpful servant but a terrible master. Therefore, any understanding of life based strictly on the mind will only cause further confusion and complexity. How does insight resonate with you? The act of being allows balance and harmony in the experience of life. Nonetheless, strictly living from mind assumptions, interpretations, and definitions manipulations the simplicity of living. Here also, don’t let the mind fool you. Simplicity does not suggest a paradise without worry or pain. Foremost, your essence is universal presence. Secondarily, this presence is manifesting through an object/body. Continue reading


Assumptions Restrict the Universal Flow of Life

Life and love are very simplistic and pure. Life needs no validation through assumptions or beliefs. Love can equally only be truly fulfilling when felt in its purity, without conceptual definition or restriction. There is naturally a basic pattern of unity that derives from a species individual and collective development. This does not however explain how we feel what a plant feels or what an animal feels. There are two factors to consider in the discussion of empathy.


The first factor, as the first definition of empathy states, is a state of imaginative projection. This is naturally possible for a species such as our own. This may result from the developed field of creative intelligence and our emotions. We place behavior and emotions definition labels on objects and other living forms to explain everything for our own purposes. The second factor is very significant. This is the field of oneness. This is much more than just projecting a subjective state of being into another form, animate or inanimate. Continue reading