conscious awakening quotes

94 posts


Infinite Consciousness and Limitations of the Mind

The following is in response to George Ionita’s (Facebook) recent question about Ramana Maharshi’s insight relating to consciousness. Do you often feel uneasy? Does it seem that you are suffocating due to daily activities and interactions?  These are limitations of the mind. Yes, I realize that we think that the mind is the answer to all questions. But, the mind is a box. Our essence, on the other hand, is infinite. So, now is the moment for us to go outside of this box. Then we can experience how it feels to unconventionally and unconditionally live.


Our natural state of being is outside the limits of conventional thinking. But, the mind has kept us closed up within a self-constructed box that it has defined as “our” reality. That is to say. Until now. The emphasized is on the now as a portal to conscious awareness. How do you feel after reading the insight within these sentences? Does something deep within you silently, but encouragingly, acknowledge this unlimited space as you true essence? Trust this feeling because your awareness is allowing universal consciousness to flow unrestricted by the mind. Continue reading


Asking for Your Support and Kindness

Recently, I wrote about my wishes to reach out and share with more people on a more personal level. Therefore, after long reflection, I am reaching out to ask for your kindness and support.  My wish is to start speaking with groups at schools, libraries, book stories, spiritual retreats, etc. Still, I really have no idea if and how my desire to share more personally with everyone will manifest. Not knowing and letting go is awesome. I simply go with the flow and continue to share the energy of my wish with the universe.  


Well, I exercise letting go and allowing everything to flow. And, it seems that the ebb and flow energy transfer of universal consciousness has offered me a chance to take the next step. Likewise, my desire to continue sharing and serving others through my writings and public speaking might be possible with your help. Continue reading

How to Use the Library Card Catalog of the Mind

There are many consciously awakening people that wish to stop thinking. The desire is to reduce the number of thoughts in the mind. Thus, allowing space. This space nurtures conscious awareness. Meditation is becoming more and more popular for this very reason. Still, the mind is similar to a Library card catalog.


Thus, the mind can cause frustration for individuals during the conscious awakening process. This is because everyone uses the mind in attempts to create a state of non-thinking. We can logically conclude that this is impossible. Using the mind to reach a state of non-thinking is similar to what Albert Einstein once said about problem solving. We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

But, we can practice going beyond the mind. Does this sound absurd? So, what does this actually imply? The mind always processes information. Countless thought impulses demand our attention each moment. Must we listen? Should we jump when the mind tells us? No, of course not. But this unconscious state is still how the majority of people live life. So, how can we make thoughts stop? We cannot. This is impossible. Therefore, why don’t we simply acknowledge and accept the mind’s activities. This is, with practice, easier than it sounds. The mind’s library card catalog lists everything we experience. The mind readily gives us one or more index cards in the form of thoughts or emotions. But, presence, more so, experiencing presence doesn’t require the mind. (I realize that the mind is now telling you that I am naïve, crazy or both.) Continue reading


Non-attachment Gives Us Universal Freedom

The world is changing. You, me, everyone, and everything are changing. It often seems too much. We spin in circles but don’t seem to move. Likewise, silence and equilibrium seem to remain just out of reach. Oh, there are brief seconds of tranquility. And, we experience a moment of blissful harmony on occasion. Still, our desire is to live enlightened in life. Well, guess what? Living in harmony and balance is possible through the practice of non-attachment.


Does tiredness, anxiety, and even fear plague you each day? Does it seem that everything is too much? Stop being the puppet and reclaim your birthright as a being of universal proportion. Practice embracing the pulse of life that flows through you. Yes, life energy manifests through you. However, this does not mean that you will not encounter difficulties. There will be health problems and other issues. After all, the body is impermanent. Furthermore, these situations are details of living but are not life. You can be the bliss that you seek. Just let go and be. Continue reading


Mystery of Life: Experience It Without Labels

The mystery of life has held us in awe since the awakening of self-consciousness. The year was one million B.C. A silhouette appeared on a hilltop overlooking a valley. It was a primitive human being that stood there looking to the stars. A second member of the tribe appear, then a third, and a fourth. The first person pointed to the shiny points of light in the sky. He did this repeatedly for several minutes. And, this is how it began. We started to ask why? This was the dawn of self-consciousness.


Welcome to the mystery of life. Since then we have been labeling this mystery. The assumptions and labels are many. We first said that Gods gave us life. Eventually, this assumption changed to one God. Strangely, there is supposedly one God. But, many cultures and belief structures have a different God that is the only ‘one’ God.  Additionally, we use words and symbols to define what this God can do. Moreover, we assume to know what this God wishes and plans.

But why do we assume, interpret, and define this secret called life? We do this for the same reason(s) as the primitive tribe on the hillside. Because, the mind is always asking “why?” Continue reading


Intentional demands or Conscious Living

Does living consciously suggest that experiencing consciousness must be intentional? Furthermore, must awareness be intentional before it is possible to consciously awaken and to be conscious? Let’s ask one additional question. Does the intention to live more consciously originate in the mind, from the realm of consciousness, or both?


Let’s first start with a clear understanding of intentional. The internet Dictionary describes it as something done on purpose and being deliberate. Many life-forms experience consciousness at a given level. Therefore, does a bird or plant have the intention to be conscious? No, this is unlikely. You would probably agree that it is also unlikely that other known objects in the universe contemplate being conscious. And yet, a rock, tree, or bee exists and is one with the universe and life without any intent. Continue reading


Vibrations of Life Are Flowing Everywhere

What are the vibrations of life? Life is energy. The universe is an energy field occupied by objects. This energy has the potential to become conscious of itself. The transformation of energy into manifested objects is ongoing. These objects, such as ourselves, have the potential to become conscious of consciousness. Likewise, all objects are essentially in sync with the flow of universal energy. So, what happened to us? Why do we often feel alone, confused and frightened?


We are, so to say, out of sync. Still, it is possible to be aware of consciousness. Enlightenment is a universal constant.  But, evolutionary characteristics such as mind and even motor sensory development disrupt balance and harmony. Governing these characteristics is behavioral conditioning. Thus, we feel separated from the flow of life. Hence, we rely on the mind to dictate insignificant details and illusions.

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The Winding Eternal Path of Being

The image of a winding path depicts a journey. And, obviously, a path must go somewhere. Is that an accurate statement? A twisting trail begins and it usually ends at some point. Is this true? Most people would say yes.  However, this is not necessarily correct when we refer to life and being. We literally take hundreds of journeys down a curving road. These are usually physical journeys. But, can also be mind-made. Still, are we truly going anywhere? Or, are we always there where each journey began?


The winding road to somewhere really leads nowhere; spiritually speaking. It is always about where you are in each moment and not where you are going. The concepts of past and future lose validity when a person is actively conscious. I was walking the other day. It is a gratifying experience to walk outside in nature. Especially during the springtime. I became very aware of the curves and directions of the path. Continue reading


Flowers or Daggers: What Will You Choose?

Words are one method by which we communicate. Mind-oriented subconscious energy is another way. We can either unconsciously or consciously behave and react. There is a flow of energy during either process. These frequencies influence everything as they ripple inward and outward. Imagine, if you will, holding daggers in one hand. And flowers in the other. What will you offer yourself, others, and the universe? This is what it means to unconsciously or consciously live life.


The mind can influence these frequencies. Thus, this energy takes on countless forms. Therefore, it would be wise to choose thoughts, words, and actions in a state of presence. This will allow you to unit with universal life energy. Thus, you are indifferent to these mind-invoked frequencies. Ask yourself this question as often as possible. What energy am I offering others, the world and the universe? Focus your awareness on presence. Here and now. This will help to attune you with the flow within the dimension of life. Henceforth, you will actively observe your interaction with the mind. There will be less and less unconscious thoughts and behavior. Continue reading


Seeking Life Is not the Same as Living It

Living life is to consciously be alive. The object through which life manifests is always changing. You cannot live if you are always looking for life. Seeking something can prevent you from actually experiencing it. Looking for happiness can result in you never truly being happy. This is true of living, loving, or conscious awareness.


This may be helpful insight for people seeking enlightenment. How is it possible to live in balance if we are always searching for something? Harmony is not possible when we keep playing a new song. Ultimately, there is one universal song of life. Therefore, experience it and dance regardless of the lyrics. The melody will change as you awaken. Continue reading