conscious awareness

102 posts


Spilled Milk Causes Confusion

Have you every spilled milk or experience some other mishap? This happens to everyone and usually many times every day. Nevertheless, is any experience really that serious?  We can reassuringly answer this question with a no. But, everyone reacts differently. The unconscious or conscious understanding of life influences a person’s behavior patterns. Thus, I am not suggesting that you will not or should not react seriously to any encounter. After all, our experiences are relatively serious but not absolutely. However, I ask that you consciously respond, instead of unconsciously reacting when something happens.


Therefore, our conversation relates to the practice of conscious awareness during daily activities. Firstly, it is accurate to write that people take the details of most experiences too seriously.  It would also be beneficial to accept the actuality of any given situation that the mind labels as serious. Spilled milk is a useful example for our discussion. Let’s consciously observe the aftermath of a glass of milk that spills. Let’s keep it simple. You pour milk. The glass tips and the milk flows unto the kitchen counter and floor. Let’s freeze this image. Ask yourself.  What happens when milk spills? Please focus on the obvious answer because the easiest answer is the most likely answer 😊.

Yes, that’s right. The milk spills. Nothing more and nothing less. Any ifs, buts or whys will not change the fact that the milk has spilled.  Furthermore, you cannot alter what has happened by unconsciously listening to mind feedback. (thoughts, feelings or beliefs) Continue reading

Self-observation and Consciousness

Many people understand consciousness and spirituality as an expression of the self. And, instantly, the mind confuses this as a reference to the person, such as the human self or self-consciousness. Therefore, the mind restricts access to our innate knowledge of a true, universal self. Thus, ego and conditioned behavior block out the flow of universal life oneness. The mind insists that there is only the self from a human being standpoint. However, consciousness and self are ultimately an act of self-observation without mind interaction.


Therefore, do you wish to take a closer look at the self beyond yourself? If yes, this is easier than you might think. Look at everything surrounding you now. Where you are and what you are doing is of no importance because these are merely mind details. What do you see when you look around? What you are observing is yourself. You as a presence of being (self) are essentially in everything. Thus, this self-observation is not a reference to yourself the human form, the mental, emotional, and physical you. Instead, this refers to the self, the one that is universal. Ultimately both are one and the same as a singular state of being. But, let’s take one conscious step after the other. Let’s briefly reflect on both, the human and universal self as in inquiry into consciously living. Continue reading


Accident on the Path of Life

A recent accident caused bodily discomfort for me due to a concussion and inflamed rotator cuff in the shoulder. This might seem bad. But, please recall that the mind loves to label everything. And, the mind thrives on experiences that it can label as bad.

Instead, let’s not consider the accident as anything. Neither good or bad. Yes, there are factors to consider from a bodily standpoint. But, discussing or even treating the bodily discomforts does not require labeling the experience.


The practice of non-attachment and non-dependency are beneficial. I wish to again emphasize the usefulness of this practice in all daily situation. Non-attachment and non-dependency are corner stones in the foundation of your/our conscious awakening experience. Please, reach out to me if there is any confusion about the practice and usefulness of non-attachment. Let’s share ideas and insight. Continue reading


Brainiac Needs to Dominate You

We consider the mind to be a biological machine capable of fantastic feats. DC Comics have a popular comic book super villain named Brainiac. The word Brainiac derives from two words. Brain and maniac. This is the focus of our discussion.


What causes our brain to often become a maniac? Comic books depict Brainiac as an arch enemy of Superman. This scenario suggests the age-old struggle between good and bad. However, let’s use this scenario as an inquiry into the confusion that results because the mind overshadows conscious awareness.  As a result, the mind demands and absorbs energy from our conscious state of being. Continue reading

Beingness Includes Being Human

Existentially speaking, we cannot avoid being human. Nevertheless, the essence of our being is universal. Furthermore, this beingness is within all objects. Therefore, a see-saw effect between being human and universal beingness causes us to forget. And, this results in a daily no win – no win existence dilemma.


People usually, without realizing it, reject and wish to avoid the part of our being that is human. This is evident in the manner by which people experience living. Evolution aka, classic conditioning syndrome causes us to take sides. The majority of people think they are human and must reach for absolution through beliefs. Countless dogmas remain prevalent due to a side-effect resulting from the above-mentioned existence dilemma.

The mind obstructs conscious clarity.  Equally, the minds’ search for fulfillment, balance and bliss, blocks our awareness to universal beingness. This imbalance causes separation and fear to dominate/contaminate how we interact with ourselves, others and living life. Continue reading


How to Add a Spice to Life

A spice adds flavor or taste to food. Therefore, let’s use this descriptive word to express your conscious awakening. Do you have a zest for life? And, do you wish to live life to its fullest? If yes, then the practice of conscious awareness is beneficial. It is a process. Everything you experience is a spice that adds flavor to life.  However, your active participation is necessary. Indeed, how you observe any moment determines the outcome of your experience.


Let’s illustrate how the flavor of life can alter through any given experience. I will use a personal experience for this example. Recently, I cleaned my apartment. Suddenly, my focus was on the reflection in a mirror. I observed my mouth. My attention remained on my mouth as the act of breathing become obvious to me.

I cannot explain how. But, my entire state of aware beingness focused on breathing. I felt the air enter and expand in my body. It was clear that breathing was the spice that gave life depth and flavor. Continue reading


Clarity Via Conscious Awareness

Living life in impartiality offers true clarity in relation to any thought, emotion, person or situation.  The practice of non-attachment is your walking stick on the path of life.


This simple realization can change everything. And moreover, it changes how you experience everything. This becomes clearer as you observe situations that usually cause frustration, sadness and confusion. Suddenly, whatever unfolds does not radically influence your conscious beingness. This is the actual enlightenment that you seek. And, it is here and now. Continue reading


Perfect Life and Path to Absolution

Here is a spoiler alert. There are three words that accurately express the ideas and insight that I share in this article. You are perfectly absolute! Furthermore, don’t doubt or reject anything you experience. Everything is perfect.  And no, I am not a dreamer nor am I attempting to see the world through rose-tainted glasses.


Nevertheless, conscious living is a necessary stepping stone to your life experience. Moreover, this inner path is an exercise in non-attachment.  The natural enlightenment of your essence blossoms when you let go of life and just live. Therefore, practice this mantra. I am perfect. Every situation is faultless. And, any given person is blameless.

Does this sound absurd? The mind surely thinks that life without attachments and dependency is impossible. However, mind assumptions and definitions are conditional reactions to living life. The mind literally disregards that the act of being, in itself, is perfect.  This is true, regardless of what the mind thinks, what you feel or what another person suggests. It seems difficult to accept life when everything fails your wants and expectancy.  However, don’t even try to change life. However, a shift in your perception of life offers clarity. An alteration in perception reveals that you are the essence of all your experiences. Life is not happening to you. You are happening to life. Continue reading

Box of Thoughts and a Life Beyond

Let’s consider a practical exercise that can eliminate excessive mind chatter. We use terms such as boxed in and living in a box to express anxiety and frustration. Instead, let’s use these expressions as stepping stones to conscious living.


A box, of your own making, surrounds you each day. Thoughts and even emotions confine you within the box’s walls. You might think that the exercise I mention implies restricting thoughts and emotions. However, and foremost, you can’t stop the mind from thinking. Therefore, your practice is to do exactly the opposite. Acknowledge deeply that the majority of thoughts and emotions don’t honestly reflect the actuality of this moment.  Additionally, the act of simply being is a priority for consciously living regardless of the content within the mind’s box. Therefore, let’s focus on how to practice thinking in the box. But, experience the isness of life and your beingness outside of the box. Continue reading


Self-dissatisfaction Is Only About You

Everyone is familiar with how dissatisfaction feels. But, what causes this dissatisfaction? Self-dissatisfaction causes annoying behavior such as frustration, sadness and anxiety. Is there actually a difference between one type of dissatisfaction or the other? Perhaps, the mind attempts to exactly label and define these behavior characteristics. Nevertheless, there is ultimately no differentiation.


Let’s view self-dissatisfaction has a core imbalance within you. This dissatisfaction smothers like hot underground lava building up pressure before an eruption. This is the outcome of any discontentment that might surface during thoughts, emotions and experiences. Each person, and not external influences, are either the cause or cure for any annoyance. You probably don’t want to consider this as a possible truth. Nevertheless, it all comes down to you and your observation of living life.

A fire of self-dissatisfaction consumes an unaware person. This dilemma is due to a lack of conscious awareness to the universality of being.  Forget religion, beliefs, science and superstitions. There is nothing religious, magical, mystical or scientific about being and the oneness of life. Yes, the mind conjures thousands of possibilities in an attempt to explain your existence and living. Nonetheless, why do you insist on defining or clarifying the act of being? Isn’t it enough to simply be alive? Continue reading