
63 posts


Life Vibrates So Just Let It Flow

The universe vibrates with energy. Accordingly, life is a frequency of the universe. You can flow with universal life energy. Or, you can attempt to resist it. Either way, you are influencing these vibrations. You exist.  But, often are not aware of the essence of being. It is accurate to write that you are alive. But, are you truly living life? Let’s start this conversation with a quote. Moreover, Abraham Lincoln’s insight offers much more about living than just the written words.

“People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” – Abraham Lincoln


This sounds silly but please stop listening to the mind for a moment. Instead, reflect on what you sense beyond words and thoughts. That deep innate sensation is your true state of being. So, I ask again. Are you truly alive?

The answer is still no for the majority of people. This is because we experience most of our existence in a state of automation. Oh, it is correct to say that we laugh, we cry, and often we are afraid.  But, are we actually truly aware of being? Your individual answer will either reflect a state of unconsciousness being or an active conscious state of being. Furthermore, the mind cannot accept the simply act of being. And the mind does all that it can to fabricate anything that might explain why.  This unconscious behavior is why we mostly exist in a limbo state of automation. Continue reading


Crossing Wires Will Cause a Short Circuit

Confusion. Misunderstanding. Isn’t this the way you feel from time to time? It is as if you are crossing wires and a short circuit is certain. I have a personal experience that I hope will be helpful to you. What are we really talking about when we refer to universal manifestation, enlightenment, consciousness, even the mind? Everything is energy. Nikola Tesla acknowledged this universal flow. And, many other individuals throughout our evolution recognize that the underlining essence of the universe is energy.


So, it is beneficial, whether you wire a lamp or reflect on the universe, to realize that energy has frequencies. Imagine crossing two wires, of different polarity. What happens when the wires touch? There is either a mild or strong electrical shock. The intensity depends on the strength of the frequency flowing through the wire. So, please further imagine that this is exactly how the universe and objects within this universe vibrate. And, the vibration is either harmonious or static. Continue reading


A State of Being Beyond Empathy

Equanimity is a state of balance between mind and consciousness. Leonard Nimoy played the character Spock in Star Trek. Spock depicts a person capable of experiencing thoughts and emotions. But, never (well at least almost never 😊) let these human attributes control his state of being. 


Indifference and non-attachment to thoughts, emotions, people, or situations nurtures clarity. Of course, empathy is useful in practical situations. And, even sympathy is beneficial in our interactions. However, these emotions actually cause an imbalance in an unaware person’s state of being. On the other hand, the practice of equanimity changes how you see yourself, the mind, and everything around you.

Here is the Wikipedia’s link and info for Equanimity (inner peace).  We innate know that there is calmness within the spaciousness of presence. But, the mind still has a strong influence over our perception of living life. Especially, when too many thoughts and emotions overshadow our awareness of here and now. Continue reading


Impermanence Is Being Whatever Will Be

Doris Day shares useful insight in her song Que Sera, Sera Whatever Will Be Will Be. Do the lyrics offer us a gateway to presence? Yes. Did the song writer intend for the song to be a signpost to conscious living? Who knows for sure? However, the songs philosophical ramifications are clearly evident. Likewise, whatever will be in our state of being indicates awareness to the space of impermanence. 


Impermanence (anicca) is the first of three Buddhism characteristics of existence and being. Dissatisfaction or suffering (dukkha) is the second. The third Basis Marks of Existence according to Buddhism is non-self (anattā). These three are focus points of the Buddhist Four Noble Truths and Noble Eightfold Path.

Here are the Buddhists Three Basic Marks of Existence.

  1. Saṅkhāras (conditioned things) are impermanent.
  2. Saṅkhāras are unsatisfactory.
  3. dharmas (conditioned or unconditioned things) are not self.

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Experience Calmness of Mind and Body

Calmness is a state of balance between mind and consciousness. We can describe this calm state as being equanimous. Leonard Nimoy played the character Spock in Star Trek. Spock depicts a person capable of experiencing thoughts and emotions. But, never (well at least almost never 😊) let these human attributes control his state of being.


Indifference and non-attachment to thoughts, emotions, people, or situations nurtures clarity. Of course, empathy is useful in practical situations. And, even sympathy is beneficial in our interactions. However, these emotions actually cause an imbalance in an unaware person’s state of being. On the other hand, the practice of equanimity changes how you see yourself, the mind, and everything around you. Continue reading

Limitations Are Mostly of the Mind

Who sets the limits within our life experience? Are evolution characteristics responsible for the restrictions we encounter? Do personal, family, and social structures inhibit how we live? We can answer all of the above with a definite “maybe 😊”. However, limitations result mostly from mind set conclusions and conditioned behavior. 


Nevertheless, there is another consideration. An inquiry into our conscious awareness is of true significance in the process of awakening to consciousness. Who is responsible for consciously observing the aspects of your existence? Naturally, you, as the observer of all that unfolds. So, there will be situations that might first seem restrictive. But, a conscious observer chooses non-attachment and stillness. Thus, there are no limitations. This suggests that conscious awareness encourages a state of being that is beyond the mind. Continue reading


A Couch by Any Other Name

Are you familiar with the play Romeo and Juliet? William Shakespeare offers universal wisdom within this play. Similarly, a quotation from this play shares profound insight into the essence of being. A rose by any other name indicates that things are as they are in this moment. Call anything any name you wish. You can assume much. Thus, label and define everything. But, everything is what it is now. Regardless, if this is a person, thing, or situation. I often reflect on Shakespeare’s insight and this quote is a helpful signpost in the process of conscious living. The depth of this insight became obvious to me last week after the delivery of a new couch.


The couch was heavier than most (as least that’s what I told myself 😊). But, I got the sofa inside the apartment with help from a friend. However, a surprise came after unpacking the boxes. The furniture company sent two sofa components that do not fit together. I stood back in awe and considered the situation. Thoughts and feelings of disappointment, sadness, and frustration initially overcame me. Fortunately, it was obvious that this was the mind’s attempt to distract me. Thus, I simply acknowledged these thoughts and feelings. But, it did not seem necessary to attach my state of being to this circumstance nor any particular thought. Continue reading


Chop Wood and Live Within the Presence of Now

What are you aware of in this moment? Awareness defines your existence. The search for enlightenment has become more apparent in our society. This exploration of self-discovery in the pursuit of serenity began after the awaken of self-consciousness. The Buddha offers insight for our consideration. He teaches that Before Enlightenment chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment chop wood, carry water.


Zen also teaches a similar philosophy about living life in a state of presence. The Zen quote When hungry eat, when tired sleep from Po Chang offers beneficial wisdom. The mind has difficulty accepting the simplicity of life. This mind resistance is due to the self-imposed details, complexity, and conditioning of our human existence.  Sages such as Buddha, Jesus, Jiddu Krishnamurti, and others offer us signposts to a pathway beyond the mind. 

So, what do the teachings of these sages really suggest?  Firstly, please understand that the mind is a helpful servant but a terrible master. Therefore, any understanding of life based strictly on the mind will only cause further confusion and complexity. How does insight resonate with you? The act of being allows balance and harmony in the experience of life. Nonetheless, strictly living from mind assumptions, interpretations, and definitions manipulations the simplicity of living. Here also, don’t let the mind fool you. Simplicity does not suggest a paradise without worry or pain. Foremost, your essence is universal presence. Secondarily, this presence is manifesting through an object/body. Continue reading


Feel Bad? You Think It Is Real. But It Is Not

Do you often feel bad about a situation, person or even yourself? Feeling bad is of the mind, nothing more…nothing less. How consciously awake are you? Most likely, you realize that the mind thinks this way and that. However, this does not mean that what the mind thinks is real. Yes, it feels real. But, it’s not. You experience a mind projection. This is the mind jumping to conclusions. Thus, an unconscious person, experiences a mind-induced reaction. Moreover, this thought is temporary. Acknowledge this fact and take a further conscious step to living in a state of non-attachment. Thought activity is nothing more than time-based memory. We can call these anxiety phantoms. Still and foremost, remember that these are temporary. Thoughts and feelings come and go.


Now, and literally now, recognize that you are not your thoughts. Nor will you ever be your thoughts. However, you might try this and still feel bad. Trust the awakening process. Thoughts and feelings will pass. Bad is the same as good. You feel it because you unconsciously choose to experience one or the other. And, yes, you always have a choice. Continue reading


Guess What? None of This Matters

It seems there is always something happening. People complain about this and that and often about everything. Yesterday and Tomorrow is always of importance. Yet, all things are a bother. There is frustration in many of our experiences. It is as if a dark threatening cloud is just out of sight. But guess what? Everything is not as it seems. Nor, as the mind tells you. Actually, we bask in the bright light of life. Nevertheless, a single thought or emotion can obscure life’s brightness.


Why do we so easily disregard or even forget the radiance and clarity within presence? The list of answers to this question is long. There are many factors that manipulate or restrict our conscious awareness. Fear, anticipation, and attachment are a few of these influences and result from mind conditioned behavior. So, what does the title of this article suggest? The short explanation is that nothing truly matters. Still, let’s expand on this insight. Likewise, let’s consider an exercise to practice conscious awareness each day. This stepping stone has the potential to keep us in the now of life. Continue reading