life quotes

289 posts


Masculine and Feminine so Why the Confusion

Masculine and feminine invoke duality. Why is this duality structure, as with many other concepts, superimposed onto our existence? There is the natural flow of evolution to consider. The conception of offspring requires both in most species. But here also the mind has developed a complex game of assumptions and labels based on this naturally occurring phenomenon.


This has led to us establishing concepts and opposites according to mind structures, beliefs, and definitions. The introduction of any type of duality into our existence—or the universe, for that matter—is merely mind imposed. Still, is it possible that the essence of all objects is based on a unit of one? All objects manifest energy at a given level. This dimension may consist of different frequencies, but these have the potential to vibrate as one. Continue reading

Are We Just Like Dust in the Wind?

Is there any truth to the saying we are just like dust in the wind? Is everything meaningless? The unconscious person will say yes. No one is sure who wrote the Book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible. However, this person understood the meaninglessness of our mind-generated existence. This is the Passage from Ecclesiastes as translated in the Bible (ISV).

“I observed every activity done on earth. My conclusion: all of it is pointless—like chasing after the wind.”
Ecclesiastes 1:14, Bible (ISV)


Nevertheless, we are approaching a period of conscious evolution. We no longer continue down a path of delusion-induced duality and insignificant mind details. People around the world are awakening to a different understanding of humanity and life. This could allow humankind to accept our existence. And through this acceptance we may end suffering while nurturing conscious expansion. We are embracing the universal self within us that is beyond mind and body. Continue reading

Manifestation of Life Energy: You Are It!

“Our true essence originates in the manifestation of life. I am who I am (ongoing) holds true for us in each moment. Therefore, it is essential that our species awakens to the potential within this statement. We determine the content of our existence through active awareness.”


The content structures of our existence, whether of mind or body, are helpful in our daily activities. Nevertheless, these can also be very manipulative and restrictive concerning conscious awakening. Thoughts and emotions can be excellent students of life. However, they cannot and should never be the teacher or master of this mystery.

Experience life through active awareness to the realm and vibrating frequency of pure consciousness. This universal intelligence is beyond the mind, body, and soul but still a part of everything. This mysterious energy flows through you, and you flow through it. It is your true essence. Continue reading


What Is Beyond All That You Think?

The mind is wonderful for helping us in daily activities. It is very practical and has provided an opportunity for us to evolve to our present state of existence. But there is a price that we have paid regarding our dependency on the brain. This price has been a suppression of our awareness to true consciousness. Consciousness is a result of local and universal evolution. But the mind overshadows this development. This is why a practice of going beyond the mind can result in a more acute perception of space consciousness. 


This word and statement sound very peculiar when we use it in reference to obtaining access to higher consciousness. I speak to many people about this and suggest practicing it during meditation. Meditation offers easy access to a beyond the mind experience. Furthermore, with practice, you will choose to live life beyond the mind in all experiences. This will be your daily state of being. Regardless of whether you have prepared yourself through meditation or not. Continue reading

Complicated Mind Lost Within the Simplicity of Life

It’s complicated! How often have you either used this expression or heard it said? These complications seem to appear in not only relationships but in all aspects of our daily activities. However, is our existence, the universe, and life really that intricate?

Did you answer with yes? Okay, but let’s reflect on this topic before we so eagerly assume that everything is unbearably difficult. This type of mind conditioning usually causes us to view the universe as a place of countless complexities.


But, is life, love, or any detail of our existence really that complex? There are situations that warrant our attention. This is unavoidable for a life-form living in a universe with other objects. However, it is the mind that infests the moment with random thoughts and emotions. The mind is usually the master that dominates, and conscious awareness is the servant. Whereas, it should be the other way around.

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Straightforwardly as We Live and Love in Life

Love seems so wonderful when it first appears. Time seems to stand still; other people, things, and situations are irrelevant. Why does this happen? Truthfully experiencing love or life involves several things, one of which is how we focus our attention. We can use love as a practical example to determine if a person is truthfully experiencing it. And, this applies also to life. The word truthfully is useful in expressing how we should observe the unfolding of this moment. Synonyms for this word are openly, accurately, genuinely, sincerely, and honorably, to name a few. There is one additional synonym that I wish to use to expand this discussion: straightforwardly.


There is spiritual insight within and beyond either of these words, whether we use truthfully or straightforwardly to describe it. What I am referring to can be love, life, or any other object, thought, or emotion. Therefore, the key to a deeper understanding of you lies within your relationship with the mind. Thus, our relationship with the mind, the inner universe, and this moment is the highest priority in our life experience. This active observation is helpful to go beyond mind and ego adversities. It is otherwise very difficult to truthfully observe and know, much less interact with, the essence of now. Continue reading

Describe Who Are You, But Why?

So, how would you describe yourself? Don’t worry if this question causes anxiety. The world tells you who you are. People and situations distract us every day. This results in conditioned thought and behavior patterns. Thus, contaminates your inner universe and the manifestation of your outer universe.


This contamination preoccupies and overwhelms the majority of people. Thus, spend their life experience in an energy field of doubt, worry, and fear. Still, and for that reason, you claim to not know who you are. Meanwhile and additionally, the world tells you to keep searching for your purpose. Do you detect the vicious and repetitious patterns this causes? But, the world has many distractions that basically confuses you even more. These mind detail factors change throughout our evolution. But then again, somehow nothing changes because we mostly remain unconscious to the simplicity within the complexity. And, yes, the mind constantly insists that everything is of a complex nature. So, the mind demands that you describe the simply act of being, of living. Continue reading


Pain! No, Thank You! I Have My Own

Pain has many faces. Physical discomfort, mental conditioning and behavior are examples of this suffering. So, let’s consider the discomfort that originates from these mindset traits. The pain body, as Eckhart Tolle describes it, is a menacing entity. And, is always lurking in the mental shadows of the mind during our interactions.


So, this mind affliction accompanies the majority of people each day. Similarly, what happens to this mind torment when two or more people meet?  Almost every person has some level of mind discomfort. Likewise, a few people are aware of this torture, most are not. This suffering is a personal and collective accumulation of experiences, conditioned behavior, and reactions.

Ask yourself this question? Is my conscious awakening deeply rooted in daily experiences? The majority of people are still not consciously awake. This gives any type of mental activity a chance to overtake a person’s conscious state of being. Therefore, two consciously unaware people add even more suffering to a given experience.  And so, on and so forth.

I recall many such encounters when I was younger. In hindsight, I realize that my lack of present moment awareness caused ongoing agony.  Myself and any given person often experienced unneeded suffering due to the lack of aware presence. Thus, we literally absorbed each other’s mental energy. This, in turn, acted as a catalyst for the inner pain body energy. Continue reading


Knowing Love Deeply Is to Be Alive Completely

Knowing doesn’t always originate from theory or fact-finding. There is a knowledge resonating within us, through us, and around us. It is here to experience. There is a true knowing within life and of love. Universal intelligence derives from life and nurtured by conscious energy input. We need not search, expect, or even demand it. Life and love are fundamentally energy. Therefore, there is always life. And, there is always love. The key is to look beyond the mind and simply know, accept, and allow everything to be.



There is something I have inside.
You have it to, it would seem.
It is there both day and night.
Thus, joy fills each day.
The nights are peaceful; dreams abound.
What I have…what you have…is for us to feel.
It is a treasure.
It is love.
You cannot buy love.
It is not something that you simply find.
Rather it is love that has found you.
Love, you may say, is often so far away.
When it is there, why does it not stay?
Feeling love is thrilling.
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Peace Is not a Place to Find

You can’t travel to a place called peace. Please, don’t even try. And, you won’t find it by looking, wishing or hoping. Peacefulness is, just like presence is presence. Likewise, enlightenment is enlightenment. These are one and the same. And, your state of being is not something you have, either you are it or you are not. (This last sentence is a useful stepping stone to conscious awakening.) So, what happens when you walk into a forest on a spring day? Strangely enough, 😊 you often relax and feel peaceful in the forest. But, why? Ask yourself these questions in such a moment. Am I being peaceful? Or, do I just think I am peaceful? There is a profound difference between thinking and being. Active awareness to the latter allows you to simply be peaceful and live in enlightenment.



Additionally, ask yourself these questions. Do I always think/feel happy when I walk in the forest? Furthermore, and importantly, must I first walk into the forest before I can relax? Foremost, how you answer the second question will reveal your overall state of being. Furthermore, ask this question. Am I always thinking and dreaming about how to be peaceful? Continue reading