mind conditioning

60 posts


Slap Your Face and Experience Living

Yes, I am asking you to softly slap your face. (Or harder if you are into that kind of thing.) 😊 Go ahead. Do it. Why is this something that I suggest? It is to remind you of living. A smack on the cheek is real. It is now. And, it is unavoidable. Why? Because you initiated it. Is everything influencing how you live? Is this what you think or assume? Most people still think that people, things, and other forces are controlling them. Likewise, many people assume there is nothing that they can do or change to live in balance and harmony.


Let’s expand on our face smacking example. We will do this to illustrate mind-conditioning and unconscious living. You might recall getting a slap on the cheek or some other similar experience. These are memories. They are no longer relevant to consciously living. Similarly, you may fear or anticipate a cuff in the face. Fear, suffering, and pleasure have become unconscious demands and anticipations. Still, this mind interference will become obvious. Then a person can let go and remain focused on now. Continue reading

The Blight of Human Unconsciousness

Why did it begin? How will it end? What is it? It is humankind. More specifically for our discussion. It is human unconsciousness. But the questions how, what, and why are ultimately irrelevant. The use of the word blight is actually useful in conscious awakening. However, please practice going beyond words and definitions. These, are at best, the portals to universal intelligence. Still they can be beneficial signposts on the path to our true essence.


Let’s begin by reflecting on our unconscious state of being. We can call this our species blight. Unconsciousness could very well be the root of our personal and social diversities and suffer. It causes judgement and separation. Yes. An unconscious state of living inhibits us from fully experience the world, the universe, and life. Still, it would be wise to simply accept this condition. Being is absolute. Only the form changes. We are experiencing a transition. Sometimes this transformation is very apparent. Other times it is not.
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Knowledge of Life: It Is Within You

Universal intelligence engulfs us. There is ultimately no need to question it. Still we have called this knowledge by many different names over thousands of years. Hence we have neglected the wisdom and flow of life. Physical conflicts dominate our existence. This is unavoidable for an object in this universe. But there are also conflicts that are unseen. These originate from mental and emotional manipulations and restrictions of the mind. We can change the experience of life.

“But this won’t happen until we have recognized and accepted the space within conscious living.”


There are barriers of the mind. Furthermore, the individual and collective mind invokes countless energy vibrations that can be damaging. Additionally, the lack of awareness causes a feeling of separation between yourself and the flow of life. The incapability to acceptance that there is something there that doesn’t need defining isolates people. Continue reading


Look Within, Without, and Beyond

Do you wish to take a closer look at yourself? This is easier than you may think. Look at everything surrounding you. What do you see? Furthermore where you are and what you are doing is of no true importance. You are actually observing yourself. You and the self are in everything. This refers to you as a person. This is the mental, emotional and physical aspects of being. And this refers to the self that is universal. Ultimately both are one and the same.


We usually experience mind energy resulting from mental, physical or emotional aspects. Additionally there are behavioral factors. Assumptions, beliefs, judgments, fear, and ego are the result of mind conditioning. Thus the mind uses these as reasons for labeling and defining everything. This occurs because we only mentally see something. Continue reading


Life Is to Be Lived in Unity: Don’t Be Afraid

We often use the word unity in our daily activities; including spirituality. But what is beyond the word?  Stop before you start thinking about unity. This is not something to think about, define, or even assume. At least not if you wish to truly experience it.  The pure essence of the universe is unification. Living is much more than what we can think. Let’s attempt the Star Wars Jedi Knight approach. This suggests feeling the life energy in you and in everything that is around you. Moreover, please realize that you are within everything. What you experience is essentially a reflection of yourself.


Aware presence will allow you to experience harmony. The body is already flowing harmoniously with life energy. Therefore, it does not need to interpret anything.  Nor does the body need to consider what it does. It simply is. The flow of energy is constant. Your body is a catalyst. Life awareness can and will nurture this flow. A conscious state of awareness opens a portal to the isness of life. You awaken. Thus, this gateway will remain open. Henceforth, we awaken more and more to the isness of life. Furthermore, the alliance between everything becomes very clear. Thoughts and feelings of separation will still appear. But they will have no manipulative power of you. Continue reading


Unity of Life: Come Join the Party

We mostly remain unconscious to the bond that connects all things. This unity is based on life. Moreover, it is energy. What if each individual could catch a true glimpse of this oneness? Does object consciousness readily expand after the initial awakening? Definitely! Uncertainty, judgement and suffering would likely fade away. Likewise, we would acknowledge the person and divine presence as one being. Additionally, we would actually live as the unbounded life energy that engulfs us.


But, there is something to consider. Mind conditioning often influences the flow and manifestation of life. Thus, we unconsciously exist in repetitious patterns. Every new generation unknowingly inherits this behavior. Hence, thoughts manifest a conditioned and egoistical world. Therefore, egoism and isolation overshadow our unity with life. So much so that, conditioning has become a way of living. Thoughts overwhelm us. Thus, we accept mind-generated falsities and illusions as true. Continue reading


Cry, Laugh and Always Share

We are 7.9 billion worldwide. You would think that it would be possible to learn how to come together as one race. Yet, this is not true. We are becoming more isolated because of this large number. This trend is increasing. Yes, there are caring and loving people. But, these individuals often choose to remain reclusive. Still, we do mingle. Moreover, we sometimes laugh and cry when we are together. But, sharing often remains on a superficial level. Especially, upon first meeting someone.


There are always the formalities. We are usually willing to tell someone our name, how old we are, where we work, etc. Naturally, this is fine. It is part of the human experience. On the other hand, this and other factors have kept us in a repetitive cycle. The mind (ego, conditioning) thrive in these surroundings. However, to the contrary, awareness to and expansion of object consciousness withers. Thus, the mind dominates. It reminds of us of previous situations when we experienced suffering. Continue reading

Afraid? But Why? Moreover, Why Now?

People and animals do indeed experience fear. The Species-Specific Defense Reactions (S.S.D.R.) is perhaps at the root of this reaction. Could the consciousness level of a life-form alter this behavior? Most of us are probably be more interested in eliminating the clouds of fear that darken our daily activities. Would a shift in our awareness alleviate the need to be afraid?


Our conscious development obviously has an influence on fear. Mind conditioning causes us to dread almost everything at some level.  Please don’t misunderstand this statement. Fear was, is and will always be a part of our species; at least from a biological standpoint. Still, what about the psychological ramifications? Continue reading

Quality Experience Depends on You

An ultimate quality within any given experience is not really prevalent. The mind often deters us from consciously experiencing something. Therefore, we repeat the same behavioral patterns over and over. Most people stay on a conditioned one way street throughout the unfolding of any given day. Furthermore, human traits influence how we interact with any situation.


Emotional traits such as anxiety or fear, for example, are destructive to our state of presence. A person cannot experience life quality when overshadowed by mind baggage. This distorts the unfolding of a given moment with illusion imprints. It does this very efficiently when a person is not living in the moment. We should also remember that quality is only a word. This word, as any word, and its meaning will vary from person to person. However, don’t take word meanings or interpretations too seriously. When we speak of quality it would be more appropriate to express this at the level of absoluteness. Therefore, using a mind-made quality label seems ambiguous.

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Restrictions of Life and Love

Restrictions, of all types, overshadow our daily activities. You shouldn’t do this and you can’t do that. We think and believe in this way. Please understand that the mind is always in a thinking process. However, thoughts restrict our awareness to presence.

Furthermore, it is impossible to be present when you are concentrating on these thoughts and/or emotions. Naturally, you will still notice things around you. Nevertheless, these will only be in a tunnel vision range of attention; both physically and consciously. This type of awareness is not the same as being active in presence. Therefore, these restrictions are counter-productive to expansion of object consciousness. Furthermore, these mind restrictions will cause contamination in whatever manifests. Continue reading