mind conditioning

60 posts


Share and Be Aware of Living Life

I wish to express my gratitude to you. We share experiences. These encounters offer us mental and conscious expansion when we are aware. Hopefully, my ideas and insights are beneficial to you as stepping stones on your inner journey. Likewise, I learn from you through our interactions. 


We share life. This is the greatest gift to experience. Sadly, we often become so occupied with existence details and distractions that we overlook the simple bliss of living life.

The activities of our existence confuse and cause fear. This is because we base everything on temporary superficiality and details. Thus, we define our life experience as something to reach with strenuous effort.  Mind Conditioning overshadows our life experience. So, most people view balance and harmony as a fantasy or paradise. Furthermore, the majority of people think or belief that we can only reach this paradise through mind details. And, still very prevalent is the thought or belief that materialistic things will give us happiness and peace. Continue reading

Mind Congestion Stops Life’s Natural Flow

The word congestion invokes various images in our mind. And, that is exactly the point. The mind blocks out and can literally suffocate the experience of life. So firstly, our practice is to accept the mind’s activities. However, presence is not actually of mind or body. Yes, mind and body flow within presence. But, the objects with this moment are not the moment itself. This realization is a vital stepping stone on the path of conscious awakening.


Mind congestion, on the other hand, causes the nature flow to slow or eventually stop. Specifically, this suggests a blockage caused by thoughts. Let’s use a personal experience to illustrate. I wanted to take a shower. I placed a cloth bath mat on the floor in front of the sink. My wish was to shave before the shower. Continue reading


The World is Changing Because of You

The ego and mind conditioning are still very predominant in many people. This results in a strengthening of fear and anxieties in humans. It is difficult for people to go beyond this human nature and nurture an awakening to consciousness. The Bible, among other literature, has stories that offer possible insight into a conscious awakening. There is one such example in which Jesus told the disciples about the end of the world. However, the word world had another meaning during this period of our history. Jesus lived during a period when it basically meant an age or an epoch. Jesus may very well have given his disciples and all human beings a message about the awakening of consciousness. But have we misinterpreted his teachings?


Still, a new age or era is within our reach, consciously speaking. It may very well be necessary for our evolution. This change will affect our manner of thinking and believing. It may indicate the end of the world as we have known it. This could mean a true apocalypse, an end to everything that the mind has interpreted and defined. This does not necessarily mean an end but rather a new beginning. Whereby we base reality on conscious interaction and not on mind content, interpretation, and definition. Continue reading


Jump the Gun but Why Try to Run from Now?

Jump the gun is an idiom and probably known worldwide. Originally, known as beat the gun in track and field competitions. This quote has a spiritual significance for us to consider. The now is constant. It may be the only true constant in the universe. This moment is an expression of presence. Now is Undeniable. So how does the idiom help us to understand the isness of now?


This is the internet definition for Jump the Gun.

Act before the proper time.

Synonyms: act prematurely, act too soon, be too/overly hasty, be precipitate, be rash

Be ahead of oneself.

Here we see the usefulness of this phrase in conscious awakening. The two explanations of Jump the Gun offer an open passage to our relationship with the now. This is a sign post that points toward enlightenment. What is enlightenment? We can say that enlightenment is awareness that offers change. Lao Tzu shares the following insight about awareness. Continue reading


Focusing on Life: Are You Ready?

More awareness to life allows consciousness to thrive. Take a deep breath for a moment before the mind takes over. Focusing on life has nothing to do with daily details; mind or otherwise. Instead we are referring to object consciousness guiding our interactions with being alive. You have probably read/heard the following insight. Become conscious of consciousness. Consciousness will work hand in hand with the mind once the awakening process starts. Thus, the mind no longer dominates the experience of living. Yes, the mind will still function. And, the mind does this better than ever before because it has accepted the role of co-pilot.


Hence, the mind, can and will relearn and gradually trust this field of universal intelligence. The conditioned mind misinterprets life and manipulates or restricts conscious awareness. We never really overcame the shock initiated by the knowledge of our human self in perspective to the universe (self-awareness).

This is probably why the mind established its dominance over our state of being alive. We literally fell back into a deep sleep (consciously speaking) instead of self-awareness blossoming. The beginning of our evolution was an explosive array of human characteristic development.  This literally overwhelmed our newly blossomed consciousness. So, the mind overpowered consciousness and has dominated it since. But, more and more people are experiencing a change. Clarity, spaciousness, and creativity are blossoming as we experience true presence. Still, it is frightening for many people to let go and live beyond thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. However, the desire to be free of mind conditioning is reconnecting us with something deep within. Fear fades and we don’t take thoughts too seriously. Continue reading


Corruption or Purification? It Is Your Decision

The mind overwhelms us with wants and demands. Moreover, it has become a victim of its own demise. The mind experiences a corruption of its own making. The need for more is always in the background of our activities. We want more. But why? Perhaps evolutionary development and conditioning are two main factors.


You may first ask what is this mind corruption? Well, let’s look at it as a type of de-evolution. Or, the term devolved is also accurate. So, what does this mean? We were once very conscious and pure before the mind began to dominate our experiences. We basically lived as the plants and animals live and die. Then along came mental development and self-consciousness. Conditioned thought and behavior patterns developed in the mind. The mind became clever and egoistic. Suddenly, it was not enough just to live. We experienced contamination of the mind. Life could no longer simply flow. This resulting in a type of unbalance and disharmony. And, the mind thrives on the energy vibrations caused by this imbalance.  And the mind always needs more.

But our awareness of presence, however, has become distracted by this mind corruption. This trend would suggest that we are living a lie. We use trivialities, such as technology, materialistic objects, and misguided thought intentions to define, structure, and dominate our existence. Continue reading


Heart Flow: Life Is Eternal and so Are You

Heart flow is a way to express the union of human consciousness with universal consciousness. Nevertheless, acknowledging, accepting, and allowing are prerequisites for this unification. How long have you been alive? Primarily, as a manifestation of life, you are ageless. Secondarily, as this object manifestation called you that comes and goes.  You are outside walking in nature. Suddenly, the fragrance of blossoming flowers fills the air. Something shifts in your state of being. You experience something that is much more than just the smell of flowers. Is this just your memory? Or, has your conscious essence awakened to the eternity of being?


Factors, such as memory and even conditioning, play a role in how we experience living. Still, we innately know that there is more to living. It is the space beyond mind that unites us with life. So, what does our heart flow tell us in a moment of awakening? We acknowledge living through the observation of object consciousness. But, who is observing this awakened moment? Universal consciousness. This is the essence of our being. Continue reading


You Exist but Are You Truly Living?

Everything is happening as it should happen. Moreover, we are experiencing everything according to our specific vibrations. We exist.  But often we are not aware of being alive. This may sound very silly. But, please stop listening to the mind clattering away and tune into the vibrations of life.


Our behavior is still mostly repetitive and unconscious. Yes, it is correct to say that we laugh, we cry, and often we are afraid. But are we actually experiencing life? Everyone will have a slightly different answer. So, how alive are we? This will depend on the level of our conscious awareness. The mind is always analyzing. Still, we cannot interpret or define the act of living or being conscious. Nor, should we try. Therefore, the mind distracts us. Thus, it seems that we strive to obtain the knowledge of life. But, in actuality, this mind-game keeps us catching our own tail without knowing why. There is a down-side to this phenomenon. The mind manipulates us with details. Thus, we cannot truly experience life. Continue reading


Mystery of Life: Experience It Without Labels

The mystery of life has held us in awe since the awakening of self-consciousness. The year was one million B.C. A silhouette appeared on a hilltop overlooking a valley. It was a primitive human being that stood there looking to the stars. A second member of the tribe appear, then a third, and a fourth. The first person pointed to the shiny points of light in the sky. He did this repeatedly for several minutes. And, this is how it began. We started to ask why? This was the dawn of self-consciousness.


Welcome to the mystery of life. Since then we have been labeling this mystery. The assumptions and labels are many. We first said that Gods gave us life. Eventually, this assumption changed to one God. Strangely, there is supposedly one God. But, many cultures and belief structures have a different God that is the only ‘one’ God.  Additionally, we use words and symbols to define what this God can do. Moreover, we assume to know what this God wishes and plans.

But why do we assume, interpret, and define this secret called life? We do this for the same reason(s) as the primitive tribe on the hillside. Because, the mind is always asking “why?” Continue reading


Living Life is the Experience of Self

We are life. Living simply means to experience life. But, the mind overwhelms us with details. Nevertheless, life does not dictate concept, definition, or purpose; neither individual nor universal. Only our mind differentiates among one and many assumptions about living. Why do I live? What is my purpose? These are typical questions the mind asks. Also, science loves to baffle us with hypotheses, theories, and theorems. Religion entertains itself and the populace with conjectures and moral principles designed to guide our existence.


What does this tell us about life or universal consciousness? Frankly, these inquires tell us nothing substantial about living. Thinking about living is not the same as living. We usually experience thoughts without being consciously aware.

Experience Isness

Living unfolds without consciously conceiving that you are life. (You are you, but you should know…you are life.) Nevertheless, conceiving can corporate hand in hand with the manifestation of life. (Our manifestation.) We can co-operate with this manifestation process. However, we must first awaken. We must relearn the isness side of life before we can once again use the potential found in conceiving life (our being). We are, as yet, not truly aware enough to grasp the significance of our “being”. Experiencing the essence of our being will fulfill us. Thus, we will stop confusing life (our being) with mind-generated thoughts about living. Continue reading