mind conditioning

60 posts


A Fire We Call Love That Consumes Us

There is a fire within us. You might know this sensation as something we call love. This emotion fascinates us. We desire it. And, often we hate it. Similarly, people often mistake sensuality for love. There is a need within many individuals that seek love as if it is a purpose to fulfill. Thus, this flame consumes the majority of people due to the demand for more.


Likewise, a person will often seek happiness through another person. The mind primarily influences our search for love. This insatiable need to find something is also prevalent in the search for spiritual fulfillment or salvation. But, still unknown to the majority of people, everything we search is already here within us. Still, many people spend their entire existence consumed by a flame that is only a mind game.

What is life and love? We probably will never know. And, the good news is we don’t need to know. However, conscious awareness is beneficial to the experience of both. The mind cannot differentiate between ultimate reality and the game that it plays. However, you, as an awake conscious observer, can end this long-standing game. The authenticity of your conscious experiences relies on your relationship to the inner self. We can also express this as the inner universe. Continue reading


Do You Embrace Life or Push It Away?

The word embrace offers a signpost to conscious awareness. Do you wish to live in balance and harmony? If yes, then welcome life with open arms. This gateway can offer a clearer understanding of life and living. This is a practical stepping stone in moving beyond mind limitations.  Nevertheless, the majority of people are anxious and fearful in daily activities. We cover-up anxiety with superficial and temporary distractions. Therefore, mind and body are always nervous with little or no genuine inner stillness.


But, mind-generated energy seeks a way out. Thus, this energy flow affects your interactions, whether personal or collective. And, the point of focus determines your life experience. So, please practice using the word as a signpost to the space that is beyond the mind. Your center of conscious attention is the gateway. I personally practice using the word embrace during various activities. Years ago, I came to realize that I almost always practice this in my experiences. An example of this would be my philosophy on weather conditions. I always embrace any weather condition, regardless if this is rain, snow, hot or cold. I literally consciously hug the heat or cold that I experience. Again, and again it is fascinating to observe how my state of conscious awareness benefits from this exercise. Continue reading


Complexity Must not Be a Way of Life

Simplicity is within every molecule of the universe. No, I am not oversimplifying nor making an inaccurate suggestion.  Life is. Being is. Things are. We are. This is the equation of beingness.  Thus, we are part of a universality that is essentially simple. This simplicity flows thought all objects in a state of being. But, we have somehow lost touch with this enlightening knowledge. Likely, the confusion, fear, and manipulation apparent in our existence are a direct result of evolution and social development. There is a very dark shadow hovering over humankind, which is mostly unknown to most of us. Its influence and overwhelming power are, however, very real on the level of our experiences. Complexity in life is a standard assumption based on pragmatism. This has become the rule of thumb in daily activities.


Likewise, evolution and mind-conditioning cause us to be unaware. We live in a state of unconscious beingness. Remember, being is. Nothing more and nothing less. Life is a manifestation of being. We can call life a frequency of the universal. This frequency, as with all energy, is of one source. So, why do we take this simplicity and twist it into complex structures. Complexity, which we deem as being a true reality, is only a mind-made construction. Thus, we generate a very misconstrued state of being. The mind does this by manufacturing a world of abstracts and illusions. A dominating mind causes difficulty and suffering due to misinterpretations of living here and now. Thus, our evolution is both a blessing and a curse. Continue reading


Harmony Is at the Foundation of Beingness

We all want peace. Don’t we? This desire lies deep down at the root of our essence. Harmony and unity are within the universal blueprint. The essence of stillness is Synchronicity. Let’s call this ground zero or simply a state of being. Therefore, an inquiry into the underlying nature of this universal vibration is consciously beneficial in our life experience. Still, this topic is perplexing to the mind. Thus, please use the following insight as an exercise in conscious awareness beyond the mind.


It is unlikely that life or consciousness implores universal objects to find peacefulness. However, a simple state being automatically generates a universal blissful rhythm. Then along comes countless objects forms that also produce vibrations at different levels. I can understand if you choose to debate this insight. After all, conditioning causes the mind to resist simplicity. Of course, there are many viewpoints and perspectives that reflect a person’s mind-made code of conduct. But, let’s focus on that magical something beyond mind details. Non-manifested stillness is at the core of your being. This is inner peace.

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Honorable Intentions can Offer Clarity in Life

It is not easy to be honorable in a world that seems so unfair. Situations initiate memories and conditioned behavior. Fear is one, among many, thoughts and emotions that overshadow our life experience.  Thought density obscures the vast clarity found within presence. Nonetheless, consciousness via presence is available in each moment. However, the mind details of any given moment obstruct conscious clarity. Thus, the mind convinces us that we are our thoughts. Accordingly, we project our state of being onto specific thoughts and mind details.


The mind dominates and reacts. And, the mind bases reactions solely on conditioning. Thus, the mind basically contaminates the purity and clarity of presence.  A person can feel the nature flow of life manifesting through the body and all objects. We could say that this, in its essence, allows us to respond to life in an honorable manner. This is the natural harmony between an object and life. But, we have temporarily forgotten. Continue reading

Satan in Disguise While Baking Bread Rolls

Does the word Satan cause you anxiety or fear? Relax, everything is fine. This is only a word. And, just like everything, we experience the word based on conditioned thoughts and emotions. So, what is this devil that everyone fears? Satan is a symbol of fear, evil, and corruptions. As well as, anything considered bad and deceitful. Hebrew scriptures and documents from before 300 BCE often use this word (root word s‘tn). The word is a derivative of the Hebrew verb satan. The original meaning meant to oppose. The Christian church used the Hebrew Scriptures Greek translation of the word. They translated satan as diaboloc from which we derive our English term devil and diabolic. (source: www.religioustolerance.org)


So, our understanding of the universe implies that the devil is the root of all evil. These thoughts and beliefs are equal to the countless stories of a God or gods. A devil is the opposing force to all that is good. Thus, we entertain ourselves with God and devil misconceptions and labels. We superimpose these into our daily experiences. Love a God and fear the devil are typical dogmas throughout the world. And yet, there is also a certain type of fascination about the devil. But, so what? We tell similar stories and make comparable assumptions about many of our experiences throughout history. Human beings have an acute imagination and fantasy primarily based on creativity, fascination, and fear. Continue reading

Complicated Mind Lost Within the Simplicity of Life

It’s complicated! How often have you either used this expression or heard it said? These complications seem to appear in not only relationships but in all aspects of our daily activities. However, is our existence, the universe, and life really that intricate?

Did you answer with yes? Okay, but let’s reflect on this topic before we so eagerly assume that everything is unbearably difficult. This type of mind conditioning usually causes us to view the universe as a place of countless complexities.


But, is life, love, or any detail of our existence really that complex? There are situations that warrant our attention. This is unavoidable for a life-form living in a universe with other objects. However, it is the mind that infests the moment with random thoughts and emotions. The mind is usually the master that dominates, and conscious awareness is the servant. Whereas, it should be the other way around.

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Negativity Be Gone! But, Will This Really Help?

We struggle against an energy frequency called negativity. Everyone tells us to abolish negative thinking. How? By thinking positive thoughts. Why do we negatively think? Perhaps because it is the opposite of positively thinking. Why? Because conditioning causes us to see everything as good or bad and right and wrong. Thus, this compels us to take a side. Either, we must choose one or the other. Most often, we choose negativity as a viewpoint.


We can refer to this behavior as dualism. Therefore, we experience everything as parts and not the whole. Is this a universal or object created phenomenon? Who can say for sure. We are familiar with ideas and methods to fight negativity. The most typical example is to use the statement, think positive. There are also many people that feel it is important to be a light warrior or light worker. These, in themselves, are nothing but titles. Such words describe a method to share energy, healing or love.

So, the intentions surrounding any given thought or idea can and will usually influence how something manifests. We exist in a state of object consciousness. Object consciousness is a stepping stone to universal consciousness. But, please don’t let words fool you. The terms object or universal consciousness are classic examples of dualism. And, ultimately, words and definitions used to describe consciousness are insignificant. Consciousness is simply there to experience. So, why differentiate between human defined frequencies of something we call consciousness? Continue reading


Pain! No, Thank You! I Have My Own

Pain has many faces. Physical discomfort, mental conditioning and behavior are examples of this suffering. So, let’s consider the discomfort that originates from these mindset traits. The pain body, as Eckhart Tolle describes it, is a menacing entity. And, is always lurking in the mental shadows of the mind during our interactions.


So, this mind affliction accompanies the majority of people each day. Similarly, what happens to this mind torment when two or more people meet?  Almost every person has some level of mind discomfort. Likewise, a few people are aware of this torture, most are not. This suffering is a personal and collective accumulation of experiences, conditioned behavior, and reactions.

Ask yourself this question? Is my conscious awakening deeply rooted in daily experiences? The majority of people are still not consciously awake. This gives any type of mental activity a chance to overtake a person’s conscious state of being. Therefore, two consciously unaware people add even more suffering to a given experience.  And so, on and so forth.

I recall many such encounters when I was younger. In hindsight, I realize that my lack of present moment awareness caused ongoing agony.  Myself and any given person often experienced unneeded suffering due to the lack of aware presence. Thus, we literally absorbed each other’s mental energy. This, in turn, acted as a catalyst for the inner pain body energy. Continue reading


Story-writer Tell Me Another Story

A story-writer stares you back each day when you look in the mirror. This person has the mental capacity to write story after story, moment to moment and day by day.  However, please understand that the mind writes these stories. There are mental bookcases upon bookcases within the mind. The Library of Congress currently has 170 million books. But, compare this to the vast stories within the mind and it is like a water drop in a bucket.

And, please note that firstly these stories and mental books belong exclusively to you. At least, this is what the mind tells you. There are many characters, both good and bad in your stories. Additionally, there are vast selections of story genres; drama, adventure, and horror, to name a few. And the mind, as the story-writer, has an exclusive copyright. This enormous collection of personal and collective stories belongs to you. Wow, that is marvelous. Or is it?


The brain is an incredible body organ that can process huge amounts of information simultaneously. This is fine, when considering it strictly from the level of brain data processing. But what about beyond our mental and physical field of existence? Simply said. What about our conscious state of being? What happens to our conscious awareness during the mind’s storytelling? Well, mental energy blocks out the spaciousness of consciously living. The mind constantly reviews, redefines, and retells these mental stories. On the other hand, conscious universal life energy is always available. So, why don’t we live life consciously? Mostly, because the countless drama and never-ending mind stories overshadow our life experience. Continue reading