
129 posts


You Are Blissful Conscious Enlightenment

Many people wish to reach spiritual enlightenment because we interpret this as something that will give us peace. We assume this will make us happy. However. must we feel good or must everything be blissful before we can experience enlightenment? This is unlikely because a universe of objects is not permanent. There will always be changes occurring that can cause confusion and discomfort.


Enlightenment does not necessarily become obvious only when we are happy and healthy. Conscious awareness is possible through the relationship with the self, the mind, and the universe. This determines how we experience everything. We either acknowledge and accept enlightenment or not. 

Therefore, it is wise to experience any situation as a human being. But understand that true enlightenment is beyond superficial details and limitations. Our behavior and perception are usually based on a conditioned mind. Thus, the mind can actually limit us from experiencing life first-hand. Similarly, the mind paints a picture that illustrates blissfulness as a portal to enlightenment. But, it is the other way around. We accept our state of enlightened being and bliss blossoms. Continue reading


Things Are not Thoughts Nor of Mind

Objects are not in any way, shape, or form related to our thoughts. Does this should odd or even wrong? Still, let’s consider this further. Things manifest in the universe. They are there without the need for classification. Yesterday, I was relaxing during the transition into meditation. I was aware of a bird singing, a lawnmower, and an airplane during this shift in perspective. There, within it all, was a state of presence and I was observing the brains interactions.


Here it is beneficial to acknowledge how the mind is interacting. This is because the things detected were uninteresting to the mind. Instead, it cleverly disregarded everything because the mind is egocentric. Nevertheless, it was busy labeling everything. Furthermore, the mind was having a wonderful time talking to itself.

This never-ending self-dialogue went on an on as the mind chattered away. The mind literally seemed to be on a crusade. The thoughts consisted of assumptions, questions, and supposed answers. But, everything that the mind was talking to itself about was irrelevant. The mind’s dialogue was a self-analysis such as “why I like this” and “why I don’t like that”. Continue reading


Is Life Obligated to You? Does Life Owe You?

Do these questions seem odd to ask? Still, we expect life to give us something every day. Whether we are aware of it or not. We demand that life be fair. We assume living means getting what we want. Yes, indeed! Life is obligated to do our bidding. You may say that I am generalizing and the majority of people don’t think this way. However, we all do, at some given level. It is, so to say, in our blood. Life owes us. But, life is not here to fulfill our desires. Or, is it?  


We must first burst this illusion bubble before we can truthfully answer this question. The origin and implication of this conditioned thinking started long ago (clock-time). But, when these expectations started is irrelevant. We attach ourselves to thinking patterns and belief systems. These dictate that everyone should live in paradise. Hence, Life has an obligation to give us the ideal circumstances to obtain nirvana. Thus, we are apprehensive about living. This causes us to await something from life. This is actually a self-inflected dependence. Continue reading


Detachment or Non-attachment? Why not Both?

Let’s start by clarifying what each word represents to us for practical purposes. There is a difference and yet there is not. Therefore, the practice of both can be very beneficial in the process of conscious awakening. Why? Because detachment is a vital stepping stone to non-attachment. Accordingly, Wikipedia categorizes both with the same meaning. Still it is always best to remember that these are only words. We undergo a transformation from mind existence to conscious living. This is the experience of being. There is ultimately no need to label the act of being alive. Nor is there a need to define or explain how we became aware of consciousness.  



Still, let’s establish a common understanding. Detachment can, at first, cause avoidance, separation, and suffering. But, please don’t let this distract you. This is because the process also allows us to awaken. A shift in our state of being (living) begins. Detachment is the minds attempt to not care when you actually do care. To not love when you do truly love. This disinterest in living and loving is only a mind-illusion. It is not the true self. Continue reading


Struggle and It Becomes Worse

There are rope knots that tighten when you pull. Sailors and cowboys use such knots. A knot used on a boat or for horses on a farm are examples. This is ideal for practical purposes. But what if you are in the process of consciously awakening. Well the more you listen to the mind and struggle means less awareness to consciousness.


Unfortunately, we still struggle against almost everything. Therefore, the mind-knots just keep getting tighter. Thus, there is no space to breathe or live. We grasp fur air and cling to mind-details. But we don’t truly breathe nor do we truly live. We scuffle along always trying to get more and be more. But more of what? There is not more enlightenment. There can only be consciousness. Not more consciousness. You are you. There cannot be more of you. Not more and not less in any given moment. Continue reading


Yo-yo and the Path in Life

What happens when you play with a yo-yo? You release it from your hand. You expect it to go down. And you want it to return upward to your hand. However, this doesn’t always happen. Then what? Everything doesn’t happen like the mind tells you. This is partly because it is making up the game/story as you go along.


Playing with a yo-yo is similar to the search for enlightenment for many people. Expectations are many during the search. But Why? The simplest answer. It is human nature. Still we are more than just human. Every object is much more than just a thing made up of biological components. This acknowledgment is the master key to living in a state of enlightenment. Please remember that the circumstances of your existence will always be there.  People, things and situation do not change. But you can. Continue reading


Knowledge of Life: It Is Within You

Universal intelligence engulfs us. There is ultimately no need to question it. Still we have called this knowledge by many different names over thousands of years. Hence we have neglected the wisdom and flow of life. Physical conflicts dominate our existence. This is unavoidable for an object in this universe. But there are also conflicts that are unseen. These originate from mental and emotional manipulations and restrictions of the mind. We can change the experience of life.

“But this won’t happen until we have recognized and accepted the space within conscious living.”


There are barriers of the mind. Furthermore, the individual and collective mind invokes countless energy vibrations that can be damaging. Additionally, the lack of awareness causes a feeling of separation between yourself and the flow of life. The incapability to acceptance that there is something there that doesn’t need defining isolates people. Continue reading


Thoughts about Thinking Can Hurt You

You think too much. It seems that you are always thinking. Meanwhile the process of conscious awakening as begun. But you still can’t stop thinking. Friends, books, and spiritual teachers tell you to stop thinking. And still the thoughts rattle around in your head. You try to meditate. Enlightenment is your wish. However, trying to stop thinking only causes you to think more. Oh, the misery! These excessive thoughts are dreadful.


What can you do? How do you stop thinking? The first two conscious steps correlate directly to these questions. First step. Practice “doing” less. Thus, you will automatically do more and be more. Second step. Realize deeply that you can’t stop thinking. No one can stop thoughts. They are the result of a thinking process. The brain is a biological organ. Sadhguru once said that trying to stop thinking is like telling you liver or pancreas to stop working (paraphrase). This is something we can’t and don’t wish to stop. Continue reading


Look Within, Without, and Beyond

Do you wish to take a closer look at yourself? This is easier than you may think. Look at everything surrounding you. What do you see? Furthermore where you are and what you are doing is of no true importance. You are actually observing yourself. You and the self are in everything. This refers to you as a person. This is the mental, emotional and physical aspects of being. And this refers to the self that is universal. Ultimately both are one and the same.


We usually experience mind energy resulting from mental, physical or emotional aspects. Additionally there are behavioral factors. Assumptions, beliefs, judgments, fear, and ego are the result of mind conditioning. Thus the mind uses these as reasons for labeling and defining everything. This occurs because we only mentally see something. Continue reading


Story Created by the Mind and Is Not True

The mind insists that you listen to its story. But it is surly only telling you a mind-made fairy-tale. Therefore, we often remain oblivious to living consciously in the moment. The body will experience discomforts, pain, illness and eventually death. There will also be experiences of mental and emotional happiness. But, do we need to make everything into a story? And yet, the mind insists on using all experiences as a continuation of our human saga. Hence, it seems impossible to disregard what it is telling us.


The tale of your experiences seems so real. Alas, the now of your existence does not offer a story even if the psyche tells you otherwise. The mind will attempt to tell you a tale based on the past or future. But will gradually cease as you remain anchored in the moment. It is the constant present that manifests life and not the illusions fabricated by thoughts, beliefs or fears. Living consciously allows you to flow with life energy. Continue reading