
129 posts

Two Were Once One: What Is Beyond Dualism?

This is a discussion about the mind and consciousness. Were they one and the same?  Did something happen after we became self-conscious? Did one become two? This is, at least, what the mind has convinced us is true. Likewise, it is this conditioned believing and thinking that causes dualism. But, the apparent separation is strictly mind-made. Thus, it is ultimately not real, Hence, an illusion.


Almost every person will have a different interpretation about this topic. We often use science or religion in an attempt to understanding mind and consciousness. But, your present level of awakened object consciousness is very beneficial.  Let’s consider both from a state of non-attachment to either. Still, many will insist that the one (universal consciousness) cannot be without the other (object consciousness). What is your response to this idea? Please notice that I asked about your response and not your reaction. A mind reaction will not benefit us. Furthermore, this type of duality thinking will actually impair our experience of universal intelligence within the flow of life. Whereas, responding to something is based on synchronicity with consciousness. Continue reading


Choppy Water: You Can Alleviate the Turbulence

My youth was very turbulent. At least, this is what the mind had convinced me. Still, I am very thankful for all situations. Everything was and is as it should be. Additionally, all experiences are beneficial to the conscious awakening process. I recall sensing something at a very young age. The essence of life, of being, were calling for me to awaken. But, I didn’t grasp the significance of this until I was much older. There were years and years when I choose to suffer instead of accept the calling from deep within. I had chosen to make choppy water by resisting the flow of life.


There is a lake that I had often visited in my youth. Reflecting on such experiences is beneficial as an analogy during the conscious awakening process. Likewise, we can use this experience for our discussion topic. High Point Lake is one of many places that I visited as a boy. And, in hindsight, I know that it was these experiences that nurtured the connection I (we) have with life. The analogy that we will use is between choppy water and our thoughts. Continue reading


Bobbing for Apples and Conscious Living

Yes, what I wish to share with you today is related to bobbing for apples. But, not in the customary manner that many people are familiar. I was running today as part of my ongoing physical therapy. This is bodily painful but mentally and spiritually beneficial because I have always loved to jog. So, there I was jogging away. The sun was shining and the birds where singing. Well, maybe the bird song was only in my heart. 😊


I was very active in marathon running years ago. The runner’s high that people often talk about is possible and can be very beneficial to object consciousness development. You (the mind) may still be pondering on the relationship between bobbing for apples and conscious awareness. I will get to this shortly. But, first we should discuss and reflect on a few things. The reason for mentioning the runner’s high is because it is a portal to living more consciously. Not only this but, it is possible to experience without running everywhere you go. 😊 Moreover, I wish to share an exercise that can be beneficial in the conscious awakening process. Continue reading


Cry, Laugh and Always Share

We are 7.9 billion worldwide. You would think that it would be possible to learn how to come together as one race. Yet, this is not true. We are becoming more isolated because of this large number. This trend is increasing. Yes, there are caring and loving people. But, these individuals often choose to remain reclusive. Still, we do mingle. Moreover, we sometimes laugh and cry when we are together. But, sharing often remains on a superficial level. Especially, upon first meeting someone.


There are always the formalities. We are usually willing to tell someone our name, how old we are, where we work, etc. Naturally, this is fine. It is part of the human experience. On the other hand, this and other factors have kept us in a repetitive cycle. The mind (ego, conditioning) thrive in these surroundings. However, to the contrary, awareness to and expansion of object consciousness withers. Thus, the mind dominates. It reminds of us of previous situations when we experienced suffering. Continue reading

Articles too Lengthy, too Short or Just Right

I wish to thank everyone for the messages and emails that I receive. I smile from time to time because occasionally someone asks why my articles are so lengthy. But, I don’t smile because I am making fun of this person. The smile results from the sensation of object consciousness as it expands and flows through him or her and me.


It is a process that we each experience. Furthermore, it is unavoidable during the transition from mind to conscious awareness. Whether you consider my articles to be short, lengthy or just right mostly depends on the answer to the following question. Do you read the articles from the mind or consciousness? Continue reading


Awaken and Enjoy the Dream

You are on a picnic. It is a lazy summer afternoon. The birds are singing. Crickets are chirping in the tall grass nearby. A breeze carries the fragrance of wild flowers and strawberries. The moment becomes an eternity. There is the soft buzz of a flying grasshopper in flight. Perhaps the joy of flying is something that all beings share. Suddenly, this buzzing becomes louder. The dream scene fades away. Awaken, the alarm clock is ringing.


The dream had seemed so real. Sadness overcomes you because it has ended. Still, it was beautiful and very tranquil. Likewise, in that moment, you feel totally rested. Therefore, you smile. Not to mention, you sense equilibrium. You sense everything. The interaction with your surroundings is similar to a dream state. How would you describe it? It is to awaken from a dream and realize you are still dreaming. Continue reading


Process of Awakening Consciousness

I will be sharing personal experiences on an ongoing basis that reflect the process of awakened awareness to consciousness. Many people, perhaps all people, are aware of consciousness at a given level. However, it is not necessary to categorize how conscious you or any other person is in this moment.


The realization of being conscious is enough. This will allow an expansion of the portal to the vastness that is becoming conscious. Moreover, there is a balance, harmony and spaciousness that will automatically occur. It is amazing to experience the process of this natural development. It will become very obvious that everything is happening without you really needing to do anything. Continue reading

Dissolved Away and Became Nothing

What would it be like if mental and physical attributes suddenly dissolved away? Likewise, what would remain if you suddenly realized that you are not your thoughts or even your body? What are you if there is no longer any attachment to mind or body?


I recently observed universal enlightenment. This was after an experience whereby the mind had been dominating any conscious awareness to the present moment. I had difficulty remaining consciously aware due to repetitive thoughts about a situation that had happened on the previous day. Everything that had seemed to dominate the now literally dissolved away. Furthermore, I once again became aware of the simple act of being present in the now.

It was amazing to feel the spaciousness that seemed to flow in and around me. It felt like a waterfall of energy cascading and engulfing the present moment. The so-called problems that the mind had insisted were threatening dissolved away as I spontaneously became aware of nothing. Continue reading


Origin of Consciousness

Consciousness has been a topic of fascination and frustration throughout our evolution. This has especially been true over the last few thousand years. Scientist and doctors tell us much about how the brain functions. Many speculate on how consciousness works; still others explain theories concerning the processes involved in consciousness. Additionally, the use of religions, science and fantasy attempt to define it. However, it and its origin are still a mystery.


We often relate religion and the supernatural with consciousness. The mind cannot truly comprehend it. Therefore, its origin must come from a higher source. Scientist approach most discussion of consciousness from the perspective of brain activate processes. Spirituality doesn’t really offer prove or non-prove of it. This is the practice of acceptance and non-attachment. Furthermore, this suggests that life and therefore our existence simply is. Continue reading