
129 posts


Liar, Liar Pants on Fire

This childhood rhyme is a paraphrase from the 1800 century poem The Liar by William Blake. Lying, as with any experience, releases energy into a universal flowing and vibrating stream. Therefore, to illustrate, lie about something and experience the energy vibration that results from this lie. This is our conversation for today. Only a habitual liar would deny that lying doesn’t cause disharmony in the flow of our mental and bodily output. The realization of the universal energy we share is a fundamental stepping stone in conscious awakening. However, the majority of people still lie to themselves about life, more accurately about how to live life. Thus, people deny themselves the spacious presence within a universal energy flow because of this lie.


What is the lie that people tell themselves? The assumption is that we are an anomaly that is not part of a universal energy flow. This illusion of separation is the lie we tell ourselves and quite literally the universe. On the other hand, and oddly enough, we sense the influence of life within the dimension of our beingness. And yet, we still choose to deny being a part of life. This restricts our potential to influence this vibrational flow and the manifestation of our beingness. Continue reading

Who Cares about Your Opinion

Everyone has an opinion about something. But why? When it comes down to the nitty-gritty who cares about your opinion or what you think? Of course, other people might consider your viewpoint. But, does it really matter. On a superficial level your thoughts and beliefs seem important and valuable. And, yes, we use opinions every day in our interactions. But who truly cares about your opinion?


You care about your opinion. That is to say. You, in reference to the mind’s self-created image of this person called you. The mind demands attachment and depends on opinions as a means to validate your existence. After all, the mind bases everything on thoughts, beliefs and opinions. Thus, the ego tells you that you are nothing without your beliefs and judgments. And, you usually belief what the mind tells you. The following list are definitions of an opinion.

– A belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.

– A personal view, attitude, or appraisal.

– The formal expression of a professional judgment

– A judgment or estimate of a person or thing with respect to character, merit, etc.

– A favorable estimate; esteem.

As a result, you need opinions if you accept mind labels and explanations as the reason why you live. The world is full of people with individual and collective beliefs and viewpoints. How did you first react when you the title of this article? Did you notice a spontaneous shift in your mind and body? This is because the mind needs beliefs and personal attitudes. There are many reasons why the mind behaves this way. But, a journey of self-discovery relates to conscious awakening and not to the minds needs and wants. Continue reading

A Phrase that Offers Clarity

What is all the hype about enlightenment and spirituality? Everyone wants in on this spectacular feeling. Thus, more and more people search for a way out of a mundane existence. Nevertheless, a thought, person or situation does not miraculously change because of enlightenment. Let’s refer to the following insight from a Zen Buddhism phrase to illustrate.

“Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.”


This phrase is a fundamental stepping stone for anyone on his or her inner journey. Please focus on the act of being, regardless of any detail within this state of beingness. I realize sharing this insight with you is repetitive. Nevertheless, a shift from mind to conscious living is a process that also involves relearning how to observe living life. Equally, how you observe yourself in any given moment offers either conscious clarity or continual mind slavery. Therefore, it is beneficial for us to walk the path of self-discovery with only the essentials in our backpack. Your conscious awakening during the inner journey does not need any extra baggage such as assuming, judging, labeling or searching. Continue reading

Sensation of Life and Joy of Loving

Life is a beautiful sensation. Nevertheless, we often overlook the joy of breathing and the gentleness seen when a butterfly glides through the air. Must you analyze the two previously mentioned experiences? No. However, you insist on defining and labeling the act of living. But, don’t worry. You are not alone. The majority of people put life, love and the act of living under a microscope. Therefore, let’s focus on life and love during this conversation with the hope of awakening conscious awareness.


Life, is a frequency of the universe. Thus, let’s ask ourselves if love is equally a component of the universal expansion. Ultimately, love as a sensation of life, is obvious. Consequently, the act of living life introduced consciousness into objects within this realm of isness. Hence, logic suggests that the universe has the potential to experience consciousness. Please don’t misinterpret the role of any object within universal expansion. The universe and objects within the universe are of one beingness. Therefore, everything has the likelihood of awakening to the conscious act of being. Continue reading


Stop Doing What You Are Doing

Stop during what you are doing. Have you heard this sentence before? Parents often use this statement with their children. Thus, as a conditioned behavior, we learn to always focus on doing instead of consciously being. I recently overheard a conversation that illustrates this behavior.


Don’t waste time by spending too much time doing non-productive things. The individual I mentioned above made this statement. Stop doing what you are doing. You’re wasting time. Instantly, I saw and felt confusion and frustration in the second person. Why? Because her focus was only on the details of the experience. Let’s be clear about something. Losing focus to your state of being in any moment insures mind dominance through thoughts or emotions. Continue reading


Synchronicity and Acceptance of Life

Synchronicity. We often use this word in spirituality topics. Therefore, let’s start this conversation with definition examples to consider.

  • The simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.
  • An apparently meaningful coincidence in time of two or more similar or identical events that are causally unrelated.


Additionally, harmony, peace and accord are several synonyms for synchronicity. Therefore, let’s express the acceptance of any given moment as a manifesting flow of harmony. And, this is a plausible explanation for random experiences that seem to fall into place. Acceptance of what is, offers spaciousness and inner peace. Thus, you are in accord with yourself, the universe and life. However, confusion often arises as a result of mental and emotional interference. The mind insists that you can only experience harmony when everything unfolds in accordance with your wishes or wants. Consequently, imagine what happens when you don’t get what you desire or want. You complain and you blame everyone and everything for causing a lack of harmony in any given situation. Continue reading


Spilled Milk Causes Confusion

Have you every spilled milk or experience some other mishap? This happens to everyone and usually many times every day. Nevertheless, is any experience really that serious?  We can reassuringly answer this question with a no. But, everyone reacts differently. The unconscious or conscious understanding of life influences a person’s behavior patterns. Thus, I am not suggesting that you will not or should not react seriously to any encounter. After all, our experiences are relatively serious but not absolutely. However, I ask that you consciously respond, instead of unconsciously reacting when something happens.


Therefore, our conversation relates to the practice of conscious awareness during daily activities. Firstly, it is accurate to write that people take the details of most experiences too seriously.  It would also be beneficial to accept the actuality of any given situation that the mind labels as serious. Spilled milk is a useful example for our discussion. Let’s consciously observe the aftermath of a glass of milk that spills. Let’s keep it simple. You pour milk. The glass tips and the milk flows unto the kitchen counter and floor. Let’s freeze this image. Ask yourself.  What happens when milk spills? Please focus on the obvious answer because the easiest answer is the most likely answer 😊.

Yes, that’s right. The milk spills. Nothing more and nothing less. Any ifs, buts or whys will not change the fact that the milk has spilled.  Furthermore, you cannot alter what has happened by unconsciously listening to mind feedback. (thoughts, feelings or beliefs) Continue reading


Transference on the Path of Life

Transference suggests the movement, placement or replacement of something. We could simplify this word by calling it change. Furthermore, this flowing alteration can either be of mind or consciousness. The following insight is an inquiry into a spiritual (conscious) transference.


Spiritually speaking, a word such as transference is only a pointer to what is beyond interpretations and definitions. This dimension, beyond mind details, ripples with energy vibrations that flow and manifest in our life experience.

This is also a realm of transference. And, we often do ourselves, others and the world more harm than good because of our misunderstanding of this void. We and everything manifest energy. However, most people are oblivious to the potential within this transformation. This is because the mind also induces energy. Therefore, these thoughts and emotions distract and confuse us during the journey of life. Thus, a spiritual bond to life and consciously living are an unreachable quest for most individuals. Continue reading


Accident on the Path of Life

A recent accident caused bodily discomfort for me due to a concussion and inflamed rotator cuff in the shoulder. This might seem bad. But, please recall that the mind loves to label everything. And, the mind thrives on experiences that it can label as bad.

Instead, let’s not consider the accident as anything. Neither good or bad. Yes, there are factors to consider from a bodily standpoint. But, discussing or even treating the bodily discomforts does not require labeling the experience.


The practice of non-attachment and non-dependency are beneficial. I wish to again emphasize the usefulness of this practice in all daily situation. Non-attachment and non-dependency are corner stones in the foundation of your/our conscious awakening experience. Please, reach out to me if there is any confusion about the practice and usefulness of non-attachment. Let’s share ideas and insight. Continue reading


Brainiac Needs to Dominate You

We consider the mind to be a biological machine capable of fantastic feats. DC Comics have a popular comic book super villain named Brainiac. The word Brainiac derives from two words. Brain and maniac. This is the focus of our discussion.


What causes our brain to often become a maniac? Comic books depict Brainiac as an arch enemy of Superman. This scenario suggests the age-old struggle between good and bad. However, let’s use this scenario as an inquiry into the confusion that results because the mind overshadows conscious awareness.  As a result, the mind demands and absorbs energy from our conscious state of being. Continue reading