
129 posts

Everything Is Unfair or Is It?

We tend to accuse everything; whether person or situation, of being unfair. Also, we expect to live life as in the descriptive illusions of a Garden of Eden. Let’s consider the following correlations. We assume things and people are unfair. Equally, we presume to lose people and things during our life. So, this must mean that life is unfair. And, sooner or later, we lose everything. But, what are we actually saying when we use such assumptions? We actually mean that people and situations are do not fulfill our expectations. So, we label things as fair or unfair.


And, the loss of something is often overwhelming to most of us. We literally label life as a series of highs and lows. We are on a self-constructed road of delusional Hell. The center point of this delusion is strangely enough, a misinterpretation of our own being. Continue reading

The Grey Zone We Call Life

Active awareness is available to us. However, let’s be honest with ourselves. We basically live neither here nor there. The following article illustrates our tendency to stay within a grey zone. So, please sit in silence. Become aware of the background clutter within this moment. But, don’t attach yourself to these distractions. It seems difficult. Nevertheless, try. Surprisingly, you might discover that insignificant details congest 99 percent of your now experience. What does this mean? This suggests that what the mind deems as real is only conceptional and unrelated to the essence of this moment.


A state of conscious being has nothing to do with the content of this moment. This may sound confusing. Nevertheless, confusion and fear arise easily in this grey zone. It is a place that seldom offers long-term satisfaction and fulfillment. And, it often holds us captive in a limbo state of existence. What does this featureless area mean in relation to consciousness?

Firstly, a conditioned mind causes a lack of conscious awareness to the mind’s activities. You might insist that you are very aware of the mind activities. But, actually, thoughts and emotions congest awareness. Thus, it might appear that you are aware. But, you are only aware of the manipulative details of a given moment. Awareness to the moment itself, is different than the distractions that come and go. The grey zone is an existential structure resulting from a lack of depth and focus in our conscious awareness. Furthermore, this pattern of living has become the standard in our daily experiences. So, do you wish to change how you live life? Then, ask yourself the following question. Continue reading


Complexity Must not Be a Way of Life

Simplicity is within every molecule of the universe. No, I am not oversimplifying nor making an inaccurate suggestion.  Life is. Being is. Things are. We are. This is the equation of beingness.  Thus, we are part of a universality that is essentially simple. This simplicity flows thought all objects in a state of being. But, we have somehow lost touch with this enlightening knowledge. Likely, the confusion, fear, and manipulation apparent in our existence are a direct result of evolution and social development. There is a very dark shadow hovering over humankind, which is mostly unknown to most of us. Its influence and overwhelming power are, however, very real on the level of our experiences. Complexity in life is a standard assumption based on pragmatism. This has become the rule of thumb in daily activities.


Likewise, evolution and mind-conditioning cause us to be unaware. We live in a state of unconscious beingness. Remember, being is. Nothing more and nothing less. Life is a manifestation of being. We can call life a frequency of the universal. This frequency, as with all energy, is of one source. So, why do we take this simplicity and twist it into complex structures. Complexity, which we deem as being a true reality, is only a mind-made construction. Thus, we generate a very misconstrued state of being. The mind does this by manufacturing a world of abstracts and illusions. A dominating mind causes difficulty and suffering due to misinterpretations of living here and now. Thus, our evolution is both a blessing and a curse. Continue reading


Touch Yourself and Feel the Miracle

Firstly, this article is not about sex. 😊 The following shared insight is also not actually about miracles. So then, what do I wish to share with you? Do you realize the significance of being you? Please do not allow the mind to convince you this question is about temporary details of your existence. You are not special because you have a specific career, an expensive house, or an enormous ego. And, you are no less a person because you don’t have these things. Instead, your profound greatness is the simple experience of being you. Accordingly, I ask you to touch yourself on the cheek or arm. Acknowledge the true essence of this experience. You are. The realization of yourself is the gateway to the totality of being. Thus, touching your hand to cheek is not merely a physical phenomenon. You are, straightforwardly, aligning yourself with the universe.


The act of conscious awareness is the doorway to a self-realization that is beyond all details of this existence. Here also, I wish to assure you that this is not nonsense/ philosophical gibberish that I share. But, we often become confused about our true nature. The mind induces this misinterpretation. Nevertheless, you are not your mind. Rather, it is you. And, now is the time to remind the mind who’s boss. So, again, please consciously touch your hand to cheek. Awaken to the sensation of absolute beingness. Consider this awareness to be a state of being alive, if the last sentence is too philosophical for you. Continue reading


Anxieties Crawling Near and I Am Afraid

Thoughts and emotions overwhelm you. You are tense and fearful. But, strangely, you are sitting under a tree in the sunshine at that moment. Therefore, your anxiety is about something that might happen, could happen, or should happen. So, this fear is a mind illusion. Not real. But, it seems so real. Memories and thought patterns attempt to invoke a non-real scenario onto this moment. Everything was wonderful. But, somehow crawling anxieties of the mind manipulate your sense of being.


This reaction is similar to seeing a huge threatening spider crawling toward you. You are unaware of anything else except this supposed threat. This unawareness of the mind causes you to react instead of respond to a situation. Realize that there is a difference between react or respond.

Can you recall such an experience? It, referring back to something ominous crawling toward you, can interrupt your state of presence. This manipulates and can even restrict a person from experiencing the spaciousness within presence.  Mind behavior generally initiates a sequence of reactions within an unconscious person. And, an unaware person is oblivious to mind activities. Continue reading


Life Vibrates So Just Let It Flow

The universe vibrates with energy. Accordingly, life is a frequency of the universe. You can flow with universal life energy. Or, you can attempt to resist it. Either way, you are influencing these vibrations. You exist.  But, often are not aware of the essence of being. It is accurate to write that you are alive. But, are you truly living life? Let’s start this conversation with a quote. Moreover, Abraham Lincoln’s insight offers much more about living than just the written words.

“People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” – Abraham Lincoln


This sounds silly but please stop listening to the mind for a moment. Instead, reflect on what you sense beyond words and thoughts. That deep innate sensation is your true state of being. So, I ask again. Are you truly alive?

The answer is still no for the majority of people. This is because we experience most of our existence in a state of automation. Oh, it is correct to say that we laugh, we cry, and often we are afraid.  But, are we actually truly aware of being? Your individual answer will either reflect a state of unconsciousness being or an active conscious state of being. Furthermore, the mind cannot accept the simply act of being. And the mind does all that it can to fabricate anything that might explain why.  This unconscious behavior is why we mostly exist in a limbo state of automation. Continue reading


Crossing Wires Will Cause a Short Circuit

Confusion. Misunderstanding. Isn’t this the way you feel from time to time? It is as if you are crossing wires and a short circuit is certain. I have a personal experience that I hope will be helpful to you. What are we really talking about when we refer to universal manifestation, enlightenment, consciousness, even the mind? Everything is energy. Nikola Tesla acknowledged this universal flow. And, many other individuals throughout our evolution recognize that the underlining essence of the universe is energy.


So, it is beneficial, whether you wire a lamp or reflect on the universe, to realize that energy has frequencies. Imagine crossing two wires, of different polarity. What happens when the wires touch? There is either a mild or strong electrical shock. The intensity depends on the strength of the frequency flowing through the wire. So, please further imagine that this is exactly how the universe and objects within this universe vibrate. And, the vibration is either harmonious or static. Continue reading


A State of Being Beyond Empathy

Equanimity is a state of balance between mind and consciousness. Leonard Nimoy played the character Spock in Star Trek. Spock depicts a person capable of experiencing thoughts and emotions. But, never (well at least almost never 😊) let these human attributes control his state of being. 


Indifference and non-attachment to thoughts, emotions, people, or situations nurtures clarity. Of course, empathy is useful in practical situations. And, even sympathy is beneficial in our interactions. However, these emotions actually cause an imbalance in an unaware person’s state of being. On the other hand, the practice of equanimity changes how you see yourself, the mind, and everything around you.

Here is the Wikipedia’s link and info for Equanimity (inner peace).  We innate know that there is calmness within the spaciousness of presence. But, the mind still has a strong influence over our perception of living life. Especially, when too many thoughts and emotions overshadow our awareness of here and now. Continue reading


Mortality and the Mind Quest for Eternity

This one eternal moment appears to structure a framework of hours, days, months and years. This is, however, an illusion. We can only experience anything now. And, this moment is not to give or take.  Being is. Thus, presence is being the isness of now. And, how you experience presence is your choice. You decide. Nevertheless, mind-created concepts such as mortality invokes fear. Why? Because the mind bases everything on concepts of time, matter, and space. And, the mind attempts to entrap us within these thoughts, definitions, and labels.


The mind conjures up many scenarios about our existence. Whereas, the mind depicts impermanence as bad. But, what if it were possible to go beyond mind-generated thoughts of mortality? Instead, let’s envision the eternity within this moment. Our conscious awareness of presence is the gateway to this vibrating realm of energy. 

Yes, of course, there are ailments of the body. And, any life-form is also susceptible to injury or death. Nevertheless, this is the unfolding of a nature occurrence. This is what it means to be an object of life. However, being is the simple act of being. Nothing more and nothing less. Being is not being happy, healthy, sad, or sick. But, the mind insists that to be means you have to be something. So, our practice is to focus on conscious presence. Instead of mind intervention. To be is enough. Everything else will fall into its nature order. Continue reading


Impermanence Is Being Whatever Will Be

Doris Day shares useful insight in her song Que Sera, Sera Whatever Will Be Will Be. Do the lyrics offer us a gateway to presence? Yes. Did the song writer intend for the song to be a signpost to conscious living? Who knows for sure? However, the songs philosophical ramifications are clearly evident. Likewise, whatever will be in our state of being indicates awareness to the space of impermanence. 


Impermanence (anicca) is the first of three Buddhism characteristics of existence and being. Dissatisfaction or suffering (dukkha) is the second. The third Basis Marks of Existence according to Buddhism is non-self (anattā). These three are focus points of the Buddhist Four Noble Truths and Noble Eightfold Path.

Here are the Buddhists Three Basic Marks of Existence.

  1. Saṅkhāras (conditioned things) are impermanent.
  2. Saṅkhāras are unsatisfactory.
  3. dharmas (conditioned or unconditioned things) are not self.

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