
156 posts

Washing Machine and Miracles so Real

The following is an example of energy manifestation and a washing machine. Many people are familiar with the law of attraction. This term is another way to say energy transformation.  So, please consider the experience I share below. Do you recall me writing about an accident to my shoulder several months ago? Well, something manifested after the accident that illustrates the flow of universal energy in our experiences. Furthermore, we have the ability to co-create within this flow. And, we are doing this each day whether we are aware of it or not. It was a delight for me to observe the unfolding of this experience after the mishap to my shoulder.


I returned home shortly after the accident. There I suddenly fell unconscious to the floor in the bathroom due to trauma shock to my shoulder. I regained consciousness roughly 15 minutes later. And, to my surprise, I had fallen with a strong momentum against the washing machine. The fall had not caused any injury to my body. Continue reading


Pieces of Life Fall into Place

We compare life to a puzzle. Accordingly, the mind portraits an image of how life should be for us. And, most people accept the minds image.  Therefore, you are the puzzle player. The game you play is life. How do you play this game? Are you an active conscious player? Or, does the mind dictate how you play? Admittedly, it seems easier to just go along with the mind and let it dominate life. However, a person that lives life according to the mind’s rules uses thoughts and emotions as puzzle pieces.


On the other hand, a conscious awakened person focuses primarily on one piece of puzzle. The act of aware presence liberates this one piece (moment) from all attachments, whether of mind or body. The one piece of puzzle you hold in this moment is the ongoing determining influence for how you live life. Universal energy flows in response to your observation of being here and now. Therefore, your state of beingness is always the center of the universe in terms of how, where and even why there is a puzzle.  Conscious presence reveals that this one piece, this one moment is the totality of your life experience. Thus, a state of aware beingness is the experience of oneness. And, the act of being is infinite with many possibilities. Continue reading

Ebb and Flow Within Presence

Presence is a state of being. However, it is not the details of living such as thoughts, feelings and situations. Aware presence is beneficial in the process of conscious awakening. Furthermore, active awareness to the vibration of universal energy within everything changes how you experience life. Conscious awakening and the shift from mind details allows you to focus more readily on the transfer of universal energy. We can compare the movement of this energy to the ebb and flow of water.


Ask yourself the following questions. Do I nurture this ebb and flow? Or, do I contaminate it? Am I truly aware of presence itself? Or, do I unconsciously focus solely on mind details within this moment? Mind details and interventions appear to manipulate the act of presence and conscious awareness. Nevertheless, it is more accurate to express mind interference as a distortion of this flowing universal energy. Are you conscious of the flow of energy within this moment or just the detail symbols projected by the mind? There is a significant difference.

Here is an exercise, helpful during the process of conscious awakening. Focus awareness simply on the act of your being and living. Thus, with practice, you feel the vibrational flow and manifestation of energy within the beingness of your person.  Then, actively observe this interaction and transition in any given moment of awareness.  Sooner or later, you experience the unconditional act of being within this universal flow. This practice exercise reveals the ebb and flow within the universe. And, it becomes obvious that you are a co-creator of this marvelous movement. The universe swims within this manifested/non-manifested energy. Accordingly, so do you. And, you greatly influence how this energy manifests. Continue reading

Nature and You Sing a Song

Often, we take the splendor of nature as granted. The changing of the seasons emphasizes a natural beauty through the world. A blade of grass and a tree swaying in the breeze move within the song of life. Summertime, for example, is a season of long days and hot weather. Additionally, people are generally more carefree during this period.


Thus, people dearly hold summertime in their hearts because we associate a sense of freedom with this season. There are memories of childhood, vacations, festivals, and so much more. Nature, in particular, is vibrating at a higher level during this period. This offers us an opportunity to experience Mother Nature firsthand. Therefore, it is easier for us to consciously unite with each moment as it unfolds naturally.

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Patience on the Path of Life

Let go and just allow. This sounds so easy. However, to simply flow with life and to just live is difficult for most people. And, this resistance is the result of a million plus years of mental and emotional barriers that suppress conscious awakening. Thus, most of our behavior is repetitious with slight detail alterations. Our unawareness to these mental processes keeps us in an endless loop of uncertainty, frustration and often fear. We can express this conditioned state of being as follows. We do not really know how to do what we do any other way then how we do it. Just for fun, repeat the last sentence three times really fast. 😊


Let’s determine a common ground. Letting go is not truly difficult when you practice active patience. However, a given level of conscious awareness is beneficial. Additionally, the experience of serenity is an inner experience and not an outer activity. We can illustrate the unity of conscious awareness with any experience through the following examples.

Firstly, focus on being and not wanting, having or doing. Primarily because the isness of your being is everything. You place your hand in cool water. How does this feel? A consciously aware person becomes the water in that moment through the act of unconditional being.  Another example is walking through a field. You smell wild flowers and reach out to caress the nearest flower. The conscious beingness within you knows that essentially you are this flower. Ultimately, the act of being and knowing encompasses the moment without needing to think about the experience. Therefore, any thought or emotion within here and now is unnecessary baggage that the mind attaches to the experience. Continue reading

The Gateway to Your Home

Your deepest and purest wish is to return home. Isn’t it? Home, in reference to our conversation, illustrates self-discovery and self-being. You are looking for what makes you, you. A hundred things happen every day. And, usually, you react to each experience in a certain way. However, you usually don’t know why. But, your wish is to know. Thus, you search and search more for answers about yourself. However, through my own personal experience, I assure you the gateway to all answers reveals itself from within. The focus of your presence here and now offers stepping stones in self-reflection and self-realization.


So, let’s view the process of conscious awakening as hiking on a trail of your choice.  The path is the way in life that you choose. Yes, you read this correctly.  Please recognize that you are choosing the way, whether you are consciously aware or not. And, your ultimate wish is to return home to the true self of your being. The conscious experience of the true self explains the who, what and why without the need to search for anything. Everything is already within you. Nevertheless, daily experiences often confuse and frighten you. Thus, distractions of the mind obscure the gateway to the inner self. Continue reading

Theorist and Abstract Thinking

I was recently labeled a spiritual theorist that offers ideas and insight about conscious living that are abstract. A person with whom I regularly correspond wishes to discover the secrets to conscious awareness. Firstly, living in a state of unattached presence is not a secret. Furthermore, and therefore, no one has a magical wand that summons conscious living. One moment any given person is consciously aware. And, the next he or she is not aware. Our practice is to overcome temptations of the mind that can pull us back into the darkness of unconscious behavior.


She recently wrote that I base my writings on theories that are actually just projections of the mind. Her reaction was due to frustration. I suggested that she attempt to practice non-attachment in decisions relating to daily activities. I have never offered her any background stories of my experiences as a person. Therefore, the term theorist was the best explanation she had for my ideas and insight. The mind convinced her that I speak strictly from theory and not from experience. I share this with now to assure you that you, me and everyone experience all aspects of our human existence. It is not necessary to debate if any given person knows more or does more. Such categorizations only weaken conscious awareness. The act of being is universal to everyone and everything. Therefore, the unconditional acceptance of our beingness offers conscious enlightenment. Continue reading


Mirror, Mirror on the Wall Who Am I?

The mirror from the story Snow White is well-known to most people. The evil queen wanted recognition as the fairest person of them all. And, this behavior suggests that the queen had gone mad due to what she saw in the mirror. But, the evil queen did not see her true self. Neither, with or without a mirror. Furthermore, what she saw in the mirror was strictly of the mind. These mind interpretations obscured the innate presence, stillness and beauty within the queen. The queen’s dilemma happens to us each day because we look but do not truly see.


Okay, let’s expand on this topic. What happens when you stand in front of a mirror? What do you see? You probably answer this question with the obvious answer that you see yourself. This is what the mind has taught you to see, think and believe. Nevertheless, I ask that you look beyond what the mind’s interpretation of your reflection. Therefore, look deep within yourself. Likewise, use the reflection of yourself strictly as a passage to the inner self. Now, ask yourself again. What do you see? Realize that there is a depth to your beingness that is not obvious at first glance. Continue reading

The Air That I Breathe

You are the essence of spring.
Your smile shines like the sun after the rain.
This warmth and beauty highlight the magnificence of life.
Your laughter is a symphony.
Pure and so alive.
Everyone must only deeply listen to understand.
Unfortunately, there are still but a few that become aware.
Your eyes shine brighter than the stars.
Each is heavenly blazing and dancing.
It is as pleasingly as a dream.
Your innocence shines forth with a wisp of wisdom.
You intoxicate all with your presence.
Thus, this reveals the bliss of life.
You are precious… like the air I breathe.


Look there. A tree blossoms before your eyes. Now breathe deeply and allow the tree to reach out to you. It is inviting you to lead the dance of life. Each limb and leaf are pulsating with universal life energy. Furthermore, your awareness stimulates this energy You decide the manifestation and rhythm of the dance. Life, more accurately, the universe eagerly vibrates to the energy you manifest through the inner universe. 

Each person is the manifestation of springtime through the life energy we share. As is true for all experiences. Yes, people forget. And, then there is misunderstanding, frustration, anger and fear. Nevertheless, everything shares a universality through the presence of being. Therefore, let life flow as you continue on a path of inner self-discovery. Consciousness, life and unconditionally living go hand in hand. Continue reading

A Phrase that Offers Clarity

What is all the hype about enlightenment and spirituality? Everyone wants in on this spectacular feeling. Thus, more and more people search for a way out of a mundane existence. Nevertheless, a thought, person or situation does not miraculously change because of enlightenment. Let’s refer to the following insight from a Zen Buddhism phrase to illustrate.

“Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.”


This phrase is a fundamental stepping stone for anyone on his or her inner journey. Please focus on the act of being, regardless of any detail within this state of beingness. I realize sharing this insight with you is repetitive. Nevertheless, a shift from mind to conscious living is a process that also involves relearning how to observe living life. Equally, how you observe yourself in any given moment offers either conscious clarity or continual mind slavery. Therefore, it is beneficial for us to walk the path of self-discovery with only the essentials in our backpack. Your conscious awakening during the inner journey does not need any extra baggage such as assuming, judging, labeling or searching. Continue reading