
156 posts


Synchronicity and Acceptance of Life

Synchronicity. We often use this word in spirituality topics. Therefore, let’s start this conversation with definition examples to consider.

  • The simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.
  • An apparently meaningful coincidence in time of two or more similar or identical events that are causally unrelated.


Additionally, harmony, peace and accord are several synonyms for synchronicity. Therefore, let’s express the acceptance of any given moment as a manifesting flow of harmony. And, this is a plausible explanation for random experiences that seem to fall into place. Acceptance of what is, offers spaciousness and inner peace. Thus, you are in accord with yourself, the universe and life. However, confusion often arises as a result of mental and emotional interference. The mind insists that you can only experience harmony when everything unfolds in accordance with your wishes or wants. Consequently, imagine what happens when you don’t get what you desire or want. You complain and you blame everyone and everything for causing a lack of harmony in any given situation. Continue reading

Self-observation and Consciousness

Many people understand consciousness and spirituality as an expression of the self. And, instantly, the mind confuses this as a reference to the person, such as the human self or self-consciousness. Therefore, the mind restricts access to our innate knowledge of a true, universal self. Thus, ego and conditioned behavior block out the flow of universal life oneness. The mind insists that there is only the self from a human being standpoint. However, consciousness and self are ultimately an act of self-observation without mind interaction.


Therefore, do you wish to take a closer look at the self beyond yourself? If yes, this is easier than you might think. Look at everything surrounding you now. Where you are and what you are doing is of no importance because these are merely mind details. What do you see when you look around? What you are observing is yourself. You as a presence of being (self) are essentially in everything. Thus, this self-observation is not a reference to yourself the human form, the mental, emotional, and physical you. Instead, this refers to the self, the one that is universal. Ultimately both are one and the same as a singular state of being. But, let’s take one conscious step after the other. Let’s briefly reflect on both, the human and universal self as in inquiry into consciously living. Continue reading


Transference on the Path of Life

Transference suggests the movement, placement or replacement of something. We could simplify this word by calling it change. Furthermore, this flowing alteration can either be of mind or consciousness. The following insight is an inquiry into a spiritual (conscious) transference.


Spiritually speaking, a word such as transference is only a pointer to what is beyond interpretations and definitions. This dimension, beyond mind details, ripples with energy vibrations that flow and manifest in our life experience.

This is also a realm of transference. And, we often do ourselves, others and the world more harm than good because of our misunderstanding of this void. We and everything manifest energy. However, most people are oblivious to the potential within this transformation. This is because the mind also induces energy. Therefore, these thoughts and emotions distract and confuse us during the journey of life. Thus, a spiritual bond to life and consciously living are an unreachable quest for most individuals. Continue reading


Accident on the Path of Life

A recent accident caused bodily discomfort for me due to a concussion and inflamed rotator cuff in the shoulder. This might seem bad. But, please recall that the mind loves to label everything. And, the mind thrives on experiences that it can label as bad.

Instead, let’s not consider the accident as anything. Neither good or bad. Yes, there are factors to consider from a bodily standpoint. But, discussing or even treating the bodily discomforts does not require labeling the experience.


The practice of non-attachment and non-dependency are beneficial. I wish to again emphasize the usefulness of this practice in all daily situation. Non-attachment and non-dependency are corner stones in the foundation of your/our conscious awakening experience. Please, reach out to me if there is any confusion about the practice and usefulness of non-attachment. Let’s share ideas and insight. Continue reading

Celebrate Spring Anytime of the Year

A flower, bush, or tree may seem to have a specific time to blossom. But, this interpretation is misleading. A plant capable of flourishing will do so regardless of time or season. We see this often in the changing of seasons, especially in the spring. Therefore, it is not unusual to see plants behave atypically for a certain season.


A change in temperature and sunshine can prompt trees to bud and flowers to push through the frozen earth. This type of mystical growth happens months before spring begins. Let’s emphasize the word change as a catalyst to inducing expansion and growth. They blossom because they can. And, there is no reason to explain why this occurs, other than a change occurs.

This is also true for you or me pertaining to conscious living and enlightenment to life. You will blossom and consciously awaken when you are ready. Thus, you greet the clarity of conscious living and accept changing how you live. This is a transformation. This is an analogy to a plant that changes its typical growth patterns and blossoms according to a favorable environment. Continue reading


How to Add a Spice to Life

A spice adds flavor or taste to food. Therefore, let’s use this descriptive word to express your conscious awakening. Do you have a zest for life? And, do you wish to live life to its fullest? If yes, then the practice of conscious awareness is beneficial. It is a process. Everything you experience is a spice that adds flavor to life.  However, your active participation is necessary. Indeed, how you observe any moment determines the outcome of your experience.


Let’s illustrate how the flavor of life can alter through any given experience. I will use a personal experience for this example. Recently, I cleaned my apartment. Suddenly, my focus was on the reflection in a mirror. I observed my mouth. My attention remained on my mouth as the act of breathing become obvious to me.

I cannot explain how. But, my entire state of aware beingness focused on breathing. I felt the air enter and expand in my body. It was clear that breathing was the spice that gave life depth and flavor. Continue reading


Spiritual Evolution Is the Next Step

The words in this title describe the awakening of a person to the possibilities of life beyond the mind. Thus, spiritual transformation is a term that we often use for this shift. What happens to a person during this process? Does the person actually change? Or, does this person simply and deeply awaken to the true act of being alive?


There is a belief among most people that knowing the meaning of our existence is vital to living. Thus, primary one question dominates our existence. Obviously, we ask. What is the purpose of our existence? But, this question and the need to know is the root of much confusion, fear and judgement. However, what if we consider this question from the perspective of mind to conscious living transformation? Continue reading


The Presence of Life and You

What smacks you in the face every moment of every day? You can’t avoid it. And yet, you often do anything and everything possible to escape it. My reference is to presence. You can go from here to there, eat, sleep or play. Nevertheless, it is always now. Still, most people usually don’t actively participate in the space of here and now. Often, people want to avoid the presence within this moment.


Nevertheless, sometimes details within a given moment do make us joyful. But, the mind generates this joy. And, it is temporary. The moment is now, although even to label this moment in any way is not wise. Of course, this is also true of any detail within now. To consider this blink of an eye as good or bad, joyful or sad is to overlook its essence. Presence is the simple, undefined act of being. Nothing more and nothing less. Continue reading


Eternity on the Path of Life

You will always be the totality of anything, no matter what you experience or confront. Reality is always a direct reflection of your observation. Live life unconsciously and there will always be assumptions, labels, confusion and fear. However, consciously living this life experience offers an eternity of possibilities.


A Walk in Eternity

I went walking just the other day, not really that far away.
At least this is what I had thought.
But, in fact, I walk an eternity each day.
It was a day early in autumn.
The leaves turning colors.
Each was so beautiful…glowing red, orange, and yellow.
I cannot remember when I last went walking.
There was no true destination; still, I did not linger.

The beauty of that day swept me away.
The birds were singing.
The sun shined as its warmth caressed my being.
I never thought of myself as a dreamer; yet here I was dreaming.
Was it really a dream or a dream within a dream?

Thoughts can lead us astray.
Do not heed them.
Perhaps we should say, Let come what may.
Accordingly, whatever is…is.
Continue reading


Realize Your True Potential

Universal life energy vibrates every moment. Let’s cut through the Spiritual jargon’s and simply say energy vibrates.  And, there are many frequencies within this flow. Evolution and conditioning manipulate our observation of life. Thus, people misconstrue everything. Still, we sense these vibrations. And, these pulsations are constant. Also, we realize, at least vaguely, the potential within this energy.  Furthermore, these influence us and we influence the frequencies. But, it is difficult to stay consciously within the flow. This is because the mind still misinterprets or dismisses such conscious sensations. However, there is a beneficial stepping stone to conscious living. Acknowledge that you do not need the mind to live in a state of presence.


Nonetheless, the mind will forcefully continue to interfere with the unfolding of our life experience. Hence, the mind’s static discharges restrict the expansion of conscious energy. Unawareness to the isness of this moment causes a person to misunderstand the simple, unconditional act of living. Likewise, living in a state of awareness causes a person to readily accept the mind’s version of reality. Correspondingly, thoughts and emotions fuel the mind’s interpretation of life and living. Continue reading