consciousness quotes

128 posts


Corruption or Purification? It Is Your Decision

The mind overwhelms us with wants and demands. Moreover, it has become a victim of its own demise. The mind experiences a corruption of its own making. The need for more is always in the background of our activities. We want more. But why? Perhaps evolutionary development and conditioning are two main factors.


You may first ask what is this mind corruption? Well, let’s look at it as a type of de-evolution. Or, the term devolved is also accurate. So, what does this mean? We were once very conscious and pure before the mind began to dominate our experiences. We basically lived as the plants and animals live and die. Then along came mental development and self-consciousness. Conditioned thought and behavior patterns developed in the mind. The mind became clever and egoistic. Suddenly, it was not enough just to live. We experienced contamination of the mind. Life could no longer simply flow. This resulting in a type of unbalance and disharmony. And, the mind thrives on the energy vibrations caused by this imbalance.  And the mind always needs more.

But our awareness of presence, however, has become distracted by this mind corruption. This trend would suggest that we are living a lie. We use trivialities, such as technology, materialistic objects, and misguided thought intentions to define, structure, and dominate our existence. Continue reading


Communication and Conscious Evolution

Communication is the name of the game for human beings. There are an estimated 7.19 billion active mobile cell phones worldwide. And, there are 7.8 billion people. Wow, it seems that almost every newborn child gets a cell phone at birth. (Spock, from Star Trek would say “fascinating”) Thus, many sharing possibilities are available to us locally, worldwide, and beyond.


This article is one such method of sharing with each other. However, let’s say that there are two types of universal communication. Fundamentally speaking. These are mind (object) or spiritual (consciousness). We understand the significance of clear communication. Or, do we? I ask this because how we communicate and, equally, how we interact with this frequency is significant. But, we do neither, nor in most of our experiences. I may have lost you at this point of the discussions. I am asking whether the energy transmission is of mind or consciousness. Mind invokes static energy and conscious energy insures immediate or eventual long-term clarity. Continue reading


Equanimity: A Helpful Stepping Stone in Life

What is equanimity? This word has many interpretations. This is true for all words. However, conscious enlightenment is beyond words, thoughts, and the mind. Therefore, I ask that you practice understanding without defining. Please exercise knowing without needing to clarify. Why do I ask this of you? Because you hold universal intelligence within your grasp as the essence of your being. Anything that we use is merely a stepping stone back to the totality of our being. We are always on this path.  Lao Tzu expresses The Way of life in the “Tao Te Ching”.


So, we can say that the stepping stones are The Way. Then why does it seem so difficult, even impossible, to experience the enlightenment of our true nature? This is because we usually are not aware of the path markers along the way. A diversity of conditioned mind thoughts, feelings and behavior cause us to overlook the obvious. We actually choose to blindly walk the path of life. We unconsciously take each step because we don’t truly observe The Way. Still, and foremost, this unconscious state of living is irrelevant once we awaken to The Way in life. The moment will come when a person will know without needing to know why he or she knows. Continue reading

Salvation or Enlightenment! Why Do We Search?

We strive for a predetermined salvation. It is the mind that self-imposes behavior and thinking patterns onto our experience of life. Thus, we willingly and unwillingly play the role of a fool. We must not suffer. But the mind tells us that to reach redemption requires sacrifice and suffering. However, thoughts, beliefs, and suffering, are solely mind based misunderstandings of how to live life.


After all, we are the source of everything we seek. Correspondingly, we are and always have been a part of the totality. Still, we fear and hate in addition to many other conditioned factors. Thus, we search in the hope of finding redemption. Now, let’s focus on the word enlightenment. However, as we have often discussed, remember that words are only words. Therefore, let words, definitions, and beliefs only have a practical purpose for you. These signposts can be beneficial on your inner path. Nonetheless, they are only signpost and no more. Hence, salvation is a product of the mind. The experience of living and being conscious is beyond words. Continue reading


Stillness Prevails When You Are Ready

We believe enlightenment needs stillness. Therefore, consciously awakened individuals desire silence. But, this search causes a paradox.  It is a pursuit that often causes expectancies and demands.  This is because of our need to place labels on everything. Obtaining enlightenment through stillness is one such label. So, we expect and demand tranquility as a prelude to the experience of enlightenment. Hence, this behavior causes a thirst that we usually cannot quench. But, silence is always prevailing. Being still is perhaps the most natural act of being. There is a slight whisper of stillness in the background of every person, every situation and every moment. Nevertheless, we must first learn how to experience it, unite with it, and essentially become it.


A movie scene depicts a massive tidal wave approaching the shoreline. The clock is ticking and danger is everywhere. The hero stands together with the woman that he loves. The camera zips between the tidal wave and the two people. The hero must jump over a gaping crevice, fight the bad guys, and jump in an airplane. He must do all this while carrying the woman that he loves. There is only a moment before the huge wave crashes into the shoreline. The water will completely devastate the land and destroy everything in its path. Continue reading


Free Floating Beyond the Mind Using Your S.O.S.

How can we be fully conscious and still have a partnership with our mind? We can illustrate the simplicity of free choice through the following insight. Let’s use the abbreviation S.O.S. as a point of presence. And no, s.o.s. does not mean Save Our Ship in this discussion. Rather, these letters are stepping stones to presence as we move beyond the mind. Therefore, in any situation, we should observe the relationship between our self and the experience. S.O.S. is your life preserver to aid in floating above turbulent mind-created waves of thoughts and feelings. This exercise is useful as we learn to calmly float through life without assistance.


It is a complicated world. My life is so complex. Do these comments sound familiar? We desire enlightenment but claim it is impossible to reach. We think and believe that we are literally, what we think and believe. Conditioned living causes these repetitious patterns. We are not in touch with our true essence. This is nothing more than a human evolution inflection. Furthermore, everyone and especially sensitive people are more susceptible to these behavior side effects. But, it is just a mind-game. Moreover, we can be free of this mental reaction pattern.  Actually, it is very simply.

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You Exist but Are You Truly Living?

Everything is happening as it should happen. Moreover, we are experiencing everything according to our specific vibrations. We exist.  But often we are not aware of being alive. This may sound very silly. But, please stop listening to the mind clattering away and tune into the vibrations of life.


Our behavior is still mostly repetitive and unconscious. Yes, it is correct to say that we laugh, we cry, and often we are afraid. But are we actually experiencing life? Everyone will have a slightly different answer. So, how alive are we? This will depend on the level of our conscious awareness. The mind is always analyzing. Still, we cannot interpret or define the act of living or being conscious. Nor, should we try. Therefore, the mind distracts us. Thus, it seems that we strive to obtain the knowledge of life. But, in actuality, this mind-game keeps us catching our own tail without knowing why. There is a down-side to this phenomenon. The mind manipulates us with details. Thus, we cannot truly experience life. Continue reading


Magical Forest on the Journey Home

This is a one of the many poems in my latest book Love Will Show you the Way. I am hopeful that the book will be helpful to others on their inner journey of self-discovery and conscious living. Have you ever entered a forest and felt the mystery of life?


There is a place of magic and mystery that awaits you each day. It is calling to you. Therefore, it would be best for you to go. There is so much to remember. Mother Nature nurtures and cares. But she can be unmerciful. Always remember that you are her guest; be wise and respectful. Many people have childhood memories of woodlands where they could go to escape into this fantasy world. Here life is pure and simple. It was easy to unite with everything as one. There we would play, sing, and forget the day. This place was an experience without thoughts that distract.

This seems so long ago. Do you think everything has changed? You may say that it seems we have grown older. However, the youthfulness of life lives on forever. Continue reading


Living Life is the Experience of Self

We are life. Living simply means to experience life. But, the mind overwhelms us with details. Nevertheless, life does not dictate concept, definition, or purpose; neither individual nor universal. Only our mind differentiates among one and many assumptions about living. Why do I live? What is my purpose? These are typical questions the mind asks. Also, science loves to baffle us with hypotheses, theories, and theorems. Religion entertains itself and the populace with conjectures and moral principles designed to guide our existence.


What does this tell us about life or universal consciousness? Frankly, these inquires tell us nothing substantial about living. Thinking about living is not the same as living. We usually experience thoughts without being consciously aware.

Experience Isness

Living unfolds without consciously conceiving that you are life. (You are you, but you should know…you are life.) Nevertheless, conceiving can corporate hand in hand with the manifestation of life. (Our manifestation.) We can co-operate with this manifestation process. However, we must first awaken. We must relearn the isness side of life before we can once again use the potential found in conceiving life (our being). We are, as yet, not truly aware enough to grasp the significance of our “being”. Experiencing the essence of our being will fulfill us. Thus, we will stop confusing life (our being) with mind-generated thoughts about living. Continue reading


Intentional demands or Conscious Living

Does living consciously suggest that experiencing consciousness must be intentional? Furthermore, must awareness be intentional before it is possible to consciously awaken and to be conscious? Let’s ask one additional question. Does the intention to live more consciously originate in the mind, from the realm of consciousness, or both?


Let’s first start with a clear understanding of intentional. The internet Dictionary describes it as something done on purpose and being deliberate. Many life-forms experience consciousness at a given level. Therefore, does a bird or plant have the intention to be conscious? No, this is unlikely. You would probably agree that it is also unlikely that other known objects in the universe contemplate being conscious. And yet, a rock, tree, or bee exists and is one with the universe and life without any intent. Continue reading