consciousness quotes

128 posts


Free Yourself from the Mind and Simply Live

The word free in itself is just a word. The universal knowledge of what this entails is something quite different. The human heart, the mind, and consciousness all sense the truth of this word. Being free is something that only you can experience when you are ready. Serenity is there in each moment. The world of humankind will always demand. However, this is basically a mind-created illusion. The mind tells you that this is how you should see yourself and everything beyond your own form. This can change through a shift in self-perspective. The world will continue to demand if you allow it. This, however, does not mean that you must mentally or physically undertake any action or reaction to stop experiencing this feeling that the world wants something from you.


Awakening consciously involves recognizing and releasing the plaguing thoughts that often dominate our daily activities. The mind confuses the simplicity of oneness with the complexity of life-form existence. A simple shift in awareness and observing how you react to thoughts can open up more and more space in each experience. Continue reading

Tangled Web that We Weave

Oh! What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

The poem Marion by Sir Walter Scott and moreover his quote can be helpful in the awakening of human consciousness. This is possible through aware observation of our relationship with the mind. Our conversation today relates to Sir Walter Scott’s insight. So, let’s focus our awareness on conditioned behavior. We often blame life for causing difficulties and suffering. However, our unawareness to mind activities causes the tangled web we weave.


We can compare this to domino’s that fall one after the other. It seems impossible to stop domino’s from falling once the chain-reaction has begun. Likewise, our mind is literally a madhouse of thoughts and emotions. The level of this madness corresponds with a person’s level of conscious awareness or the lack of it. Continue reading


Sanctuary of Life: Enjoy Your Stay

Are you aware of something blissfully mysterious that seems to be beyond mind and body? But, does the mind still interrupt this deeper awareness with its frantic thoughts and searching behavior? Well, look no further because you are dwelling within the flow of life. Furthermore, this realization will synchronize mind, body, object and universal consciousness. Just let it happen if you are ready and willing. Realize deeply that there is a sanctuary within you.


A sanctuary is a retreat or safe haven. Isn’t this what the mind is compelling us to find each day? It wants us to run and hide in an oasis where everything will be just like we dream about. The minds intentions are honorable. However, listening to these thoughts will only add discontentment and suffering to our daily experiences.

The mind does not have the capacity to grasp that it cannot help us to live consciously. Furthermore, it tells us that everlasting peace and harmony are not truly possible. And yet, the mind tells us to keep searching. But, these thought patterns keep us confined within the mind. Nevertheless, we do experience clarity and enlightenment. Although, for most people, this conscious state of being seems transitory. Therefore, it is wise not to adhere to the mind’s thoughts. Focusing on these thoughts will only cause anxiety and confusion. Of course, the mind will continue to ask questions. But, we do not need to take these questions too seriously. Rather, we can focus on the experience  of presence, life, and enlightenment without mind details.

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Oneness Flows Just Let Consciousness Show

There is a flow of conscious life energy vibrating through everything. Every life-form contributes to this energy flow, knowingly or unknowingly. This energy is a flowing stream of oneness. There is a life-being that diverts enormous amounts of localized energy into explaining and defining why it lives and loves. (Do you know which life-form I am writing about? I can give you a hint. Look in the mirror.) We want to know why we live and why we love. This behavior is similar to a dog chasing its own tail because the conditioned mind demands it but consciously knows that it will never catch it.


Never underestimate how amazing you can be in each moment. You, through human consciousness, stand on the threshold to pure universal consciousness in each moment. Furthermore, you can release the confines of the mind, allowing object consciousness and life consciousness to reunite in a state of pure awareness. You are manifesting content into the vacuum of space, thereby creating everything from nothingness. How do we awaken and become consciously aware of this dimension? Continue reading


Co-creating all Experiences

I wish to share a personal experience with you. This experience signifies how we are co-creating through the vibrations of energy.  I had various obligations recently involving several appointments.  Furthermore, I also needed to travel to the next city via subway for the last appointment. I had intended to cancel this appointment. But, then decided to just let things unfold.


Everything went well during the morning. I then rode a bus to the train station for the last appointment. There, I purchased a ticket and started up the ramp to board the subway. I glanced at the electronic subway schedule display. To my surprise, there was a message flashing on all the displays that read.

“All subways and trains are not running due to a technical malfunction.”

Instantly a smile spread across my face. I felt a free-falling sensation within the space of conscious awareness. Wow! It was obvious that I co-created this experience. Please let me explain. I had not actually wanted to go to this appointment. And, this is the energy vibration that had manifested from me.  I felt fortunate to have become aware of this energy vibration over the last few days. Hence, I could smile and clearly understand the subway technical malfunction. This was my co-creation. Continue reading


Loneliness Is Only a Word but You Are so Much More

Linda De Vrieze wrote the following article. I have known Linda for several years. We share ideas and insight relating to the process of awakening to consciousness. Linda expresses the core essence of loneliness. Furthermore, it is possible for each and every person to tap into this solitary dimension of one. Linda Shares the following insight.


“There is a quote, it says Being alone has a power only a few can handle. I would like to paraphrase and expand on this insight. “Being alone has a power yes, and many are too afraid to connect to themselves and to go deep within. Many confuse being alone with something or someone that is missing. But, the opposite is true. Being alone means connected to ALL that you are, complete and whole. There is no lacking no missing. Being alone is your natural state of being. Continue reading


Focusing on Life: Are You Ready?

More awareness to life allows consciousness to thrive. Take a deep breath for a moment before the mind takes over. Focusing on life has nothing to do with daily details; mind or otherwise. Instead we are referring to object consciousness guiding our interactions with being alive. You have probably read/heard the following insight. Become conscious of consciousness. Consciousness will work hand in hand with the mind once the awakening process starts. Thus, the mind no longer dominates the experience of living. Yes, the mind will still function. And, the mind does this better than ever before because it has accepted the role of co-pilot.


Hence, the mind, can and will relearn and gradually trust this field of universal intelligence. The conditioned mind misinterprets life and manipulates or restricts conscious awareness. We never really overcame the shock initiated by the knowledge of our human self in perspective to the universe (self-awareness).

This is probably why the mind established its dominance over our state of being alive. We literally fell back into a deep sleep (consciously speaking) instead of self-awareness blossoming. The beginning of our evolution was an explosive array of human characteristic development.  This literally overwhelmed our newly blossomed consciousness. So, the mind overpowered consciousness and has dominated it since. But, more and more people are experiencing a change. Clarity, spaciousness, and creativity are blossoming as we experience true presence. Still, it is frightening for many people to let go and live beyond thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. However, the desire to be free of mind conditioning is reconnecting us with something deep within. Fear fades and we don’t take thoughts too seriously. Continue reading


Affirmation of Presence Through Awareness

Awareness of presence is an affirmation of your true essence. This is, likewise, known as consciousness. However, we should not take labels and concepts too seriously. Furthermore, enlightenment is an experience beyond mind and body. It is not dependent on anything. You can only truly realize and experience what you are now. Therefore, enlightenment, presence, and your essence are infinite in nature.


Presence is a constant that will never change. Furthermore, the essence of consciousness can only thrive now. You may be asking how this can benefit you. A life-form that is aware of this unmanifested void of energy will nurture object consciousness. Eckhart Tolle stated that if you are not living this moment, you are not really living. Therefore, we can say that the awareness of presence is vital for object consciousness evolution. What does this mean for you? Let’s put this into perspective. We can express the affirmation of presence in the following sentence. It is only possible for you to be you now because the now can only be now. Continue reading


Greatest Gift of Life: It Is You

Are you willing to acknowledge that it is possible to tap into the universal intelligence of life? It is in you and surrounds you. Moreover, it is you. Every person is doing the best he or she can. This is reflective of a person’s current state of conscious awareness. The world is awakening and we are living more consciously. Likewise, our unbiased acknowledgement and conscious interaction with everything is our gift to life. Furthermore, it is possible for the energy of life to become consciously aware of itself through our awareness of it. Humankind will observe new perspectives and experience new possibilities. This will unfold as we accept our true essence and allow this to flourish, unencumbered by the mind.


“Now is the time to allow life to engulf you; as it has always done. Through this acceptance, you become what you have always been. We are sharing the gift of life and love and understanding is our path.”

What role do you have in the ultimate experience of life? You, after all, determine the priority of your existence through your interaction or non-interaction with the mind. Therefore, you can decide if you wish to only exist or do you wish to actively live? Continue reading


Energy, Mind, and Consciousness: It’s Really You

Traits such as empathy, love, and forgiveness in the purest form may be very conducive to awakening universal conscious energy. The, for lack of a better word, problem that we experience derives from corrupted frequencies of these behavioral characteristics. The mind is very dominating, and reactions based solely on conditioning and unconsciousness usually are not pure.


The mind insists that there is separation. This behavior results because of the localized brain/body field of consciousness (object consciousness). Nonetheless, this energy field contributes and can influence the totality which we call universal consciousness. The two frequencies are actually one, but our self-consciousness gives us the ability to experience both the localized field of consciousness and universal consciousness. The mind tells us that these are two dimensions when in actuality they are only one. Continue reading