life quotes

289 posts


Duality Is a Game: Wake up and Live

The mind tends to induce duality in our existence. That’s okay. This is what it means to be human. Still, we are ultimately the source of life. The point of origin. Let’s call the essence of this energy home. The birth of each person signifies a false journey that supposedly will return us home. Let me rewords this idea. Our birth signifies a voyage that will unfold as an opposition to our true self. Still, it is necessary. But, it is an illusion. That is why there is often such confusion. The idea of a specific path or purpose in life overshadows our existence.


Energy manifests through an object and it becomes conscious. This, in turn, is an opportunity for conscious energy to experience itself. This is most likely possible after a life-form as reached a given level of self-consciousness. We were born for this one grand accomplishment. Our evolution has given us the opportunity to achieve deeper consciousness. Still, there is no guarantee. Continue reading


Sureness of Universal Energy: Just Let It Flow

Trust is everything. It is existentially, as also ultimately, the foundation of the universe. The sureness of universal energy is oddly similar to the Chaos Theory. Trust suggests that everything is as it is. The mind is turning somersaults now due to these sentences. Therefore, let’s first clarify. Still, always remember that such words are useful as signposts. But, they are only directional finders on the journey back home and nothing more.


You are, he or she is, and all is everything. This is simple enough. Isn’t it? Likewise, universal energy always is in one form or another. This is the sureness of being. We can also simplify this by saying (what is, is).  We place our trust in countless existential factors. So, why don’t we accept the unfolding of universal life energy? Yes, things are going to happen. They always do. But, it is possible to let go. Do you trust yourself? If yes, then you should depend on the vibrations of this energy. Why should you? Because everything reflects you according to your trust and acceptance without expectations. Continue reading

Does It Hurt? The Mind Says Yes

Please read the next sentence and then pause before you continue. Would it be accurate to say that we often hurt because of circumstances, people, and things? No, this is not true. The concept of suffering is an implanted genetic and conditioned factor. But, how often do we really hurt? The mind complains about one thing or another. And, something it is literally disagreeable about everything. This is regardless if it is mental or physical. Unfortunately, we (unconsciousness) also complain when the mind disapproves of something.


But, this is only due to conditioned behavior. It is possible to awaken. You are resting outside on the patio. The neighbor starts to mow the grass. Oh no, the mind screams. What does the neighbor have against me? The lawn mower is getting on my nerves. There is frustration and often initiates suffering. Does this situation really cause hurt? No, of course not. The mind, on the contrary, will say yes. And, a person is usually more than willing to believe these thoughts. Continue reading


Acceptance Is the Way to Harmony and Balance

Acceptance is difficult for most people. Furthermore, it seems we receive or achieve something that we had wanted and then we don’t want it anymore. Mind madness is perhaps the best way to describe our actions. This is the mind and the complex behavior that is mostly a result of conditioning. This conditioning keeps us from allowing life energy, in whatever form, to manifest. Oh, everything will unfold. It happens. But, we express resistance to countless thoughts and things each day. But, life manifestation has nothing to do with personal or collective gain or loss. It is about harmony and balance in our being.


Moreover, you have the potential to rise above the cloud of mind confusions and illusions. There is a space of uncontaminated, fundamental energy always available. The mind is a marvelous human attribute and basically only needs a reset. This is because it has become entangled in its own web of thoughts, feelings and ego. Acceptance is an acquired state of being. Still, allowing and letting go will change everything. It will be incredible to observe that the only thing that really changes is how you observe yourself. Continue reading


Vibrations of Life Are Flowing Everywhere

What are the vibrations of life? Life is energy. The universe is an energy field occupied by objects. This energy has the potential to become conscious of itself. The transformation of energy into manifested objects is ongoing. These objects, such as ourselves, have the potential to become conscious of consciousness. Likewise, all objects are essentially in sync with the flow of universal energy. So, what happened to us? Why do we often feel alone, confused and frightened?


We are, so to say, out of sync. Still, it is possible to be aware of consciousness. Enlightenment is a universal constant.  But, evolutionary characteristics such as mind and even motor sensory development disrupt balance and harmony. Governing these characteristics is behavioral conditioning. Thus, we feel separated from the flow of life. Hence, we rely on the mind to dictate insignificant details and illusions.

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The Beginning to the End and Again and Again

Would it be accurate to say that everything has a beginning and an end? Let’s rephrase. Everything that we experience begins and ends. This is in reference to and strictly from the level of our existence. These cycles of start and stop, come and go, do and don’t are repetitive. Likewise, everything except living often results in anticipation, attachment, joy, or frustration; to name a few. This imposes limitation illusions unto our essentially boundless state of being.  Please reflect on this insight before you continue reading.


Living (being) is to experience life. This is flowing energy. There is no beginning or end. Life is, so to say, alive. You manifest this energy. There are two possibilities. Go with the flow. Or resist. But, it seems that we would rather resist the flow. Nevertheless, is is as it is. But, we should not define or label our inquiry into conscious awakening. Such behavior is typical for the mind. Still, we are becoming aware. Henceforth, we live life fully and practice consciously observing the mind’s activities. Thus, we will not adhere to thoughts and conditioned behavior. Continue reading


The Winding Eternal Path of Being

The image of a winding path depicts a journey. And, obviously, a path must go somewhere. Is that an accurate statement? A twisting trail begins and it usually ends at some point. Is this true? Most people would say yes.  However, this is not necessarily correct when we refer to life and being. We literally take hundreds of journeys down a curving road. These are usually physical journeys. But, can also be mind-made. Still, are we truly going anywhere? Or, are we always there where each journey began?


The winding road to somewhere really leads nowhere; spiritually speaking. It is always about where you are in each moment and not where you are going. The concepts of past and future lose validity when a person is actively conscious. I was walking the other day. It is a gratifying experience to walk outside in nature. Especially during the springtime. I became very aware of the curves and directions of the path. Continue reading


Pursuit of Purpose Without Having a Purpose

We are familiar with the pursuit of purpose. This relentless quest for existential validation begins in childhood. Furthermore, needing a purpose has become our prime directive in living. However, what if we are wrong? What if there is ultimately no purpose for your existence? Oh no! What will you do without a purpose and what will you be?


“Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force.” – Lao Tzu

This simple wisdom is very accurate. Nevertheless, the mind usually wants to ignore or deny this truth. You do not need to think to live. Thinking is a by-product of living. Presence does not require thinking. But, this frightens the mind. What would you be without a reason for being? Well, you “are” with or without a purpose for being. Continue reading


Slap Your Face and Experience Living

Yes, I am asking you to softly slap your face. (Or harder if you are into that kind of thing.) 😊 Go ahead. Do it. Why is this something that I suggest? It is to remind you of living. A smack on the cheek is real. It is now. And, it is unavoidable. Why? Because you initiated it. Is everything influencing how you live? Is this what you think or assume? Most people still think that people, things, and other forces are controlling them. Likewise, many people assume there is nothing that they can do or change to live in balance and harmony.


Let’s expand on our face smacking example. We will do this to illustrate mind-conditioning and unconscious living. You might recall getting a slap on the cheek or some other similar experience. These are memories. They are no longer relevant to consciously living. Similarly, you may fear or anticipate a cuff in the face. Fear, suffering, and pleasure have become unconscious demands and anticipations. Still, this mind interference will become obvious. Then a person can let go and remain focused on now. Continue reading

Spider Web and Dangling Thoughts

When does something become a routine?  When does this routine become conditioned behavior? Daily activities tend to become routines. This is unavoidable. But, then again almost anything can become a pattern of repetition. This could be things that we physically and mentally do. A clearer understanding of the latter is significant for awakening to consciousness. The mind becomes a spider web. And unconscious behavior patterns have entangled us. Still, a routine or conditioned behavior can really only be detrimental if we remain unconscious.


Yes, on the flip side, it is beneficial to be aware of a conditioned behavior. But, your relationship with the mind decides how you will live. Moreover, your awareness to this relationship is primary. Thus, what you think or do is secondary. Do you consciously or unconsciously do or think something? “Living oblivious to living is still typical for most people.” Please pause and reflect on the previous sentence. There is a sign post there beyond the words. Operant conditioning is the basis for the interaction with ourselves, the world, universe, and life. Operant (also known as instrumental conditioning) is similar to classical conditioning. Both restrict conscious awareness during our experiences. Continue reading