life quotes

289 posts


Flowers or Daggers: What Will You Choose?

Words are one method by which we communicate. Mind-oriented subconscious energy is another way. We can either unconsciously or consciously behave and react. There is a flow of energy during either process. These frequencies influence everything as they ripple inward and outward. Imagine, if you will, holding daggers in one hand. And flowers in the other. What will you offer yourself, others, and the universe? This is what it means to unconsciously or consciously live life.


The mind can influence these frequencies. Thus, this energy takes on countless forms. Therefore, it would be wise to choose thoughts, words, and actions in a state of presence. This will allow you to unit with universal life energy. Thus, you are indifferent to these mind-invoked frequencies. Ask yourself this question as often as possible. What energy am I offering others, the world and the universe? Focus your awareness on presence. Here and now. This will help to attune you with the flow within the dimension of life. Henceforth, you will actively observe your interaction with the mind. There will be less and less unconscious thoughts and behavior. Continue reading


Fix yourself and Change the Universe

We love to fix things. But the following insight is about much more than solutions to so-called problems. Please slowly read the following sentence. Everything reflects the inner universe. Is this accurate? Observe the mind. Does your reality consist of mind-made fabrications? Or is there a space of clarity surrounding daily experiences? Choosing one or the other determines what will manifest.  Observation of the mind is the first step to the awakening consciousness transformation.


Are you unhappy or even angry at yourself, others, and the world? Do you want to fix something? If yes, then it is likely that the mind thinks outside forces are causing problems. Please don’t let this confuse you. Of course, there are things that need repair or adjustments. We must repair a flat tire. Or replace a broken window. These are conditions of our existence. And are superficial. However, what about you? Have you every looked deep within? Continue reading


Seeking Life Is not the Same as Living It

Living life is to consciously be alive. The object through which life manifests is always changing. You cannot live if you are always looking for life. Seeking something can prevent you from actually experiencing it. Looking for happiness can result in you never truly being happy. This is true of living, loving, or conscious awareness.


This may be helpful insight for people seeking enlightenment. How is it possible to live in balance if we are always searching for something? Harmony is not possible when we keep playing a new song. Ultimately, there is one universal song of life. Therefore, experience it and dance regardless of the lyrics. The melody will change as you awaken. Continue reading

The Blight of Human Unconsciousness

Why did it begin? How will it end? What is it? It is humankind. More specifically for our discussion. It is human unconsciousness. But the questions how, what, and why are ultimately irrelevant. The use of the word blight is actually useful in conscious awakening. However, please practice going beyond words and definitions. These, are at best, the portals to universal intelligence. Still they can be beneficial signposts on the path to our true essence.


Let’s begin by reflecting on our unconscious state of being. We can call this our species blight. Unconsciousness could very well be the root of our personal and social diversities and suffer. It causes judgement and separation. Yes. An unconscious state of living inhibits us from fully experience the world, the universe, and life. Still, it would be wise to simply accept this condition. Being is absolute. Only the form changes. We are experiencing a transition. Sometimes this transformation is very apparent. Other times it is not.
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Declaration of Conscious Awakening

The American Declaration of Independence is a proclamation of freedom. Humankind is entering a new era of awakened consciousness. Thus, we can freely proclaim an affirmation of independence. This liberation is from everyone and everything. Moreover, it is a release from the mind-created self-image. It would allow us to experience self-sustainability as a universal being.


We have spent thousands of years existing according to the whims of the mind. And yet there has always been a desire to live free of mind limits. But we have not established a clear declaration of conscious awareness. Still, we are awakening more and more to a conscious reality. This inner universe has mostly remained hidden due to mind-conditioned thinking. Continue reading


Detachment or Non-attachment? Why not Both?

Let’s start by clarifying what each word represents to us for practical purposes. There is a difference and yet there is not. Therefore, the practice of both can be very beneficial in the process of conscious awakening. Why? Because detachment is a vital stepping stone to non-attachment. Accordingly, Wikipedia categorizes both with the same meaning. Still it is always best to remember that these are only words. We undergo a transformation from mind existence to conscious living. This is the experience of being. There is ultimately no need to label the act of being alive. Nor is there a need to define or explain how we became aware of consciousness.  



Still, let’s establish a common understanding. Detachment can, at first, cause avoidance, separation, and suffering. But, please don’t let this distract you. This is because the process also allows us to awaken. A shift in our state of being (living) begins. Detachment is the minds attempt to not care when you actually do care. To not love when you do truly love. This disinterest in living and loving is only a mind-illusion. It is not the true self. Continue reading


Thought Compression or Conscious Relaxation?

Ask this question. How do I wish to live? Let’s compare the mind to a computer. It has a program (conditioning) used for the compression of data (thoughts). However, the mind usually overloads us with too many thoughts. Why? Simply because we are not consciously aware. We could also call this living consciously or freedom from mind interference.


Otherwise, the mind will attempt to compress more and more thoughts into your conscious state of being (presence). This compression can be an advantage for the storage and transfer of data on a computer. However, it can be very burdening for a life-form with a deeper level of consciousness. Why? Simply because consciousness suggests that an object has the potential to be self-aware. Self-consciousness, in turn, causes us to ask why. Continue reading


Struggle and It Becomes Worse

There are rope knots that tighten when you pull. Sailors and cowboys use such knots. A knot used on a boat or for horses on a farm are examples. This is ideal for practical purposes. But what if you are in the process of consciously awakening. Well the more you listen to the mind and struggle means less awareness to consciousness.


Unfortunately, we still struggle against almost everything. Therefore, the mind-knots just keep getting tighter. Thus, there is no space to breathe or live. We grasp fur air and cling to mind-details. But we don’t truly breathe nor do we truly live. We scuffle along always trying to get more and be more. But more of what? There is not more enlightenment. There can only be consciousness. Not more consciousness. You are you. There cannot be more of you. Not more and not less in any given moment. Continue reading

Essence of Life: It Flows and Love Grows

What do you feel about life energy and love? It would seem that life offers the potential for love. But living and loving have become a mind-game. The essence of life and love have become lost in the details of the mind.



What is Love? We talk about it. And we desire it more than anything. But our behavior implies that we don’t know much about love. The truth has simply become obscured by too much content. Still we do know love. We feel it in the depth and essence of our being. This knowledge is within the dimension of life. Life and love have become synonymous. We know this as truly as we can innately sense universality. This is the true oneness of life and love. Continue reading

Ghosts of the Mind: Don’t Let Them Haunt You


There are ghosts. But they are only of the mind. But be careful. They will possess you.  This will cloud the clarity of consciousness. A mind clouded by thoughts and emotions will also concede quickly to the influence of other minds. This results from conditioned imprints. Consciousness is vulnerable to the trickery of these mind-created impressions.



The unconscious behavior of another person can also cause these apparitions. Mind-conditioning summons these ghosts. And they thrive in the realm of unconsciousness. This can happen in any given situation. These phantoms of the mind seem to always be lurking in the shadows of an unaware person. Continue reading