Eckhart Tolle

22 posts

Trust the Universe and Trust Yourself

This is the second article relating to the process of conscious awakening. Do you trust yourself? This is to say; are you confident that what you sense is true? The personal experience that I am sharing suggests that I was not fully conscious. Furthermore, this uncertainty, although short-lived in this example, clearly restricted the naturally flow of life energy.


However, please allow me to share the experience before I continue. I went with a friend to eat lunch yesterday. He picked out the restaurant because it was his idea to eat. The meal was refreshing (salad and fish). We had several conversations varying from work related issues to human behavior and evolution. It was eventually time for us to leave. I had asked him, during the drive to the restaurant, if we could stop at a furniture store on the way home. Continue reading


Origin of Consciousness

Consciousness has been a topic of fascination and frustration throughout our evolution. This has especially been true over the last few thousand years. Scientist and doctors tell us much about how the brain functions. Many speculate on how consciousness works; still others explain theories concerning the processes involved in consciousness. Additionally, the use of religions, science and fantasy attempt to define it. However, it and its origin are still a mystery.


We often relate religion and the supernatural with consciousness. The mind cannot truly comprehend it. Therefore, its origin must come from a higher source. Scientist approach most discussion of consciousness from the perspective of brain activate processes. Spirituality doesn’t really offer prove or non-prove of it. This is the practice of acceptance and non-attachment. Furthermore, this suggests that life and therefore our existence simply is. Continue reading


Live Now and You Will Live Forever

Now is the key to consciousness. We have heard it before. It is likely that we will hear it again. Furthermore, it is the portal to balance and harmony. Therefore, your relationship with this moment determines how you will experience the next. Are you interacting with the mind or existing on autopilot? Likewise, you can ask yourself an additional question. How do I wish to live? This is of paramount importance to the awakening of consciousness. 


This question sounds philosophical. However, we can use this as a practice application for any situation. Moreover, it can simplify everything in daily activities. Eckhart Tolle had said something during a spiritual retreat that applies to our discussion. I wish to paraphrase him. Focus your energy on now. This will allow everything to take care of itself. You can live for now and live forever. Continue reading


Reason for Being: Realizing your Significance

The human mind conjures up countless reasons to validate our subsistence. Do we truly belief that there is a reason for our existence? Let’s reword this and ask if there is truly an explanation for our existence other than to be? Does the mind assume there must be a reason for being? Otherwise, we could not be here now if we did not exist. Here, within and beyond these words, is the portal to enlightenment.

You are here now and that is all that is necessary to be here now.


We can naturally find many pliable mind-made reasons for being. These sound great, relatively speaking, but what about ultimately? Furthermore, the mind is very clever. It will simply make up a reason (excuse) for being. The mind thrives on complexity. This has been accumulating over tens of thousands of years. We have been in an unconscious sleep. Nevertheless, the mind tricks us into thinking that we are conscious aware; but ultimately this is not true. Continue reading

Song of Rain and Sun

The song of life is playing. Do you hear it? It had started to rain during a hot day where I live. It was a beautiful spring shower. I could hear the rain drops falling onto the trees. It was mesmerizing to hear the gentle song of life as the rain fell upon the leaves. However, I realized that I was not actually hearing the rain or wind. Furthermore, the experience was intensified through active awareness to the present moment.


What I sensed was the energy vibrations as the rain fell. It felt as if I was moving in response to the tree limb movements as each swayed to and fro in the wind. I smiled as I considered what my friend would say if he would see me in that moment. What would my friend answer if I would ask him if he likes the rain? This caused me to smile even more because I know that he would complain about the rain and say that the sun should shine. Moreover, it would be impossible to suggest that life was singing to him in that moment. The song of life usually remains unnoticed by most people. Continue reading


Wisdom of Life is Felt through Being

I hope that you are well and enjoying a wonderful day. The wisdom beyond Eckhart Tolle’s insight is profound because being (existence) is the manifestation of life. Therefore, to truly live means that we should feel it. It pulsates through everything.

Being must be felt. It can’t be thought.
– Eckhart Tolle

You cannot use conventional concepts, whether spoken or written, to express the simple act of being.  These can, at best, serve as pointers or sign posts. However, our focus should be on what is beyond these stepping stones and pathways. Furthermore, beyond the mind is the universal intelligence that offers wisdom that is an innate part of our being.

I wish to share a few plans, wishes and hopes with you. I am rebuilding my website step by step and have decided that patience and non-attachment are wise for me to use in its construction; relating to design layout, pages and material to share. Additionally, my wish is to offer an oasis that will provide articles, videos, quotes and links relating to spirituality, philosophy, psychology and personal growth. Continue reading

A Day Filled with Miracles: Part Two

Do Miracles happen every day? Moreover, what is a miracle? We automatically associate a miracle with religion, a deity or some other supernatural power. Google Search offers this definition.

“Miracle: A surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.”



We have convinced ourselves; through lack of explainable definitions, that a miracle originates from a good greater than ours. What if it is nothing more than life manifesting itself through a given object? Furthermore, what if a proclaimed miracle has neither motive nor a purpose? What if it is just a result of life flowing naturally? Here again human beings have superimposed a form definition unto an occurrence that is perhaps nothing more than the flow of energy. Continue reading


I Am so Lonely

How many times have you or someone you know said this sentence? I am so lonely or I don’t want to be alone. There is a world of people who are together, but unfortunately separated and alone. What is loneliness? Is it possible to be lonely or is it only a state of mind? The mind is constantly confronting us with conditioned factors that can restrict us from living consciously.


Furthermore, it is a baffling topic to discuss. There are many forlorn people who have become deeply depressed, even suicidal. How can thoughts push us to the brink of despair? Is loneliness real or a phantom of the mind? Does this result due to a lack of awareness? Or would this make the discussion too easy? Loneliness can develop into mental disorders. However, it can solely result from misconceptions of the mind. Continue reading

The Path to Becoming Conscious

We use the word “path” to describe the way from here to there. A path indicates a beginning and usually an eventual ending. This could be called an arrival. It is obvious that we also choose this terminology in describing our experiences with the conscious awakening process. However, it is beneficial for us not to lose ourselves in the definition itself. A journey is a proper word to use here, but it is never about the “path”. Being conscious is very likely not even about the experiences on this path. The experiences are only useful as sign posts during this journey.


Is there a necessity to travel down a path during the conscious awakening process? This question is ultimately unnecessary because it is a mind creation. A tree, a bird or even a rock does not practice becoming conscious. They do not spend each moment of existence in thoughts about being conscious or aware. These life-forms simply “are” life and consciousness. They are engulfed in the suchness of now. I have a deep appreciation for this expression of presence. Continue reading


Concepts of the Mind: Life without Definitions

Life and love concepts evolved early in our existence. This was due to the development of intelligence, creativity and object consciousness. Moreover, these concepts began to impact our existence in various manners. Furthermore, there was suddenly a demanding need to interpret and define the changes in our evolution. However, do not confuse this with our species evolutionary physical and mental adaptation. Suddenly, it was not enough to simple live. We are expanding mentally and emotionally. The mind tells us we are experiencing something. It demands that we define and label these experiences as living and loving.


Human creativity nurtures the minds necessity for labels and definitions. Our species needs to identify itself, the universe and life. The mind insists that we will find the answers “out there” somewhere. This was the start of our unquenchable need to explain what we are experiencing through thoughts and actions. This “demand to know” expands far beyond defining our immediate surrounding. Furthermore, it is difficult to extinguish object (self) consciousness curiosity once it is ignited; or can we? The mind asks questions and tells stories. This restricts us from acknowledging that we already have everything within. We don’t even need to search for it. Continue reading