Yearly Archives: 2021

79 posts

Turn Off the Engine and Walk

Don’t let the title mislead you. Our discussion is not about an engine or the environment. Although, ultimately, there is a connection between everything. The mind is a motor. Experiences, memories, and emotions are catalysts. Thoughts are the fuel. Conditioned behavior starts the motor.


Unconsciousness a.k.a. unawareness is the road map we use to travel on after the engine starts. Naturally, the mind always functions. Therefore, please note that our discussion refers to our interaction with the mind. We do not need to ask or define why the mind does what it does. However, our observation of the mind is paramount for conscious awareness. This observer/mind relationship is either conscious or unconscious. Sounds simple enough. Still living consciously is difficult until it is not. What am I suggesting? Conscious observation of how you live will spontaneously and naturally blossom during the process of conscious awakening. Suddenly you are consciousness without understanding how you became actively conscious. The knowing is significant. And consciously being (living) is the ultimate experience of enlightenment. Continue reading


A Conditioned Mind Sways from Place to Place

There is one love, one consciousness, and one state of being. Humans, animals, plants, and the entire universe are a part of this oneness. We need one another to share, grow, and mature in our experiences of love, unity, and life. We consider that the two parts of duality as necessary to balance the universal scale. But this type of conditioned thinking may be nothing more than another mind game.


I do not wish to suggest that such a thing as feminine/masculine or yin/yang do not exist, but rather I would like to ask why these exist. We have actually defined energy as having male and female characteristics. Again, my wish is not to deny established concepts. But, I do question how and why we always interpret and define such things. The slow process of conditioned behavior and reactions has been ongoing throughout our species’ development. This has resulted from our unawareness to the unbounded and unmanifested space within each moment. This is where life energy is always present, and object consciousness has a much stronger influence on universal consciousness than most people realize. Continue reading


Forgiveness and Love on the Path of Life

Many people assume love comes from a source greater than ourselves. We created love and we are responsible for how we experience love. But, this is difficult for the mind to accept. Love, as with consciousness, is energy. But, we often misinterpret the origin and depth of love because the mind demands explanations. However, the flow of love—and life energy, for that matter—originates in you. Forgiveness is a helpful stepping stone on the path of true self-discovery. Why? Because misinterpretations of love often cause suffering. Furthermore, you see yourself as a pawn and victim of love. But, universally speaking, we can purify love and life through the simple act of consciously living. 


Yes, I am suggesting that each person is essentially the source of universal energy. Hence, this energy becomes conscious and learns to express love. Does the power of thinking or believing influence how or if it manifests? It would first seem that love, in itself, has nothing to do with how it manifests. Or does it? My intention is not to play a word game with you. The point of these questions is to give us an understanding of love. We should focus on being love and not on mind concepts of love. There is a difference, spiritually and universally speaking. Continue reading


One Is the Loneliest Number or Is it?

Object consciousness is an expressing of life. Universal consciousness is ultimately the experience of being one. On the other hand, the mind overshadows the evolution of self-consciousness. Thus, mind dominance manipulates and restricts our conscious awareness. This lack of awareness contributes to our conditioned behavior. Furthermore, this development simulates separation and duality. Thus, to illustrate in words, we overlook the totality of being. Pause for a moment and reflect on this insight. Logically and ultimately, there is only presence(being). And, this is universal.


But, the mind manipulates our consciousness into playing a game. Likewise, the mind insists it knows the game rules. But what about rules that the mind doesn’t know? Here the mind insures that it will sooner or later tells us what it doesn’t know now. Alas, the weight of mind conditioning is a heavy burden on our personal and collective experiences. Additionally, belief structures have the destructive impact of a runaway locomotive. Detachment from the mind, likewise our awakening to consciousness, can change everything. Then the two, object and universal consciousness, suddenly become one. Continue reading


Straightforward Is the Way to Experience Life

The essence of this moment is your true self. We can simplify this by saying the now reflects you. Please understand that this doesn’t suggest that you should reflect the details of any given experience. Rather, you are ultimately the vessel that holds the totality within it. A person must truthfully observe this moment. Otherwise, you overlook the simplicity of living. We can incorporate the word straightforward into a daily mantra. Practice this affirmation in any situation. Say to yourself. I choose to observe this moment in a straightforward manner. Experiencing the now truthfully will reflect this energy out into the universe and back to you.


The now of life is constant and holds the totality within it. We become genuinely empathic to the world around us as we become more and more aware of conscious living. This allows universal consciousness and thus universal life intelligence to expand and pulsate intensively as the unmanifested becomes the manifested universe. We experience this, and when the level of our awareness becomes more awakened, we will continually release higher and higher levels of object consciousness back into the totality.

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Labeling Love Causes Us to Forget Loving

We started to define our experiences after reaching a given level of self-consciousness. Labeling life and love became a necessity based solely on unconscious conditioned behavior. Love, among other characteristics, became an obsession. It captured our desires and fantasies. Most likely we then became confused, anxious, and fearful of it. However, stubbornly we continually interpret it, define it, and then at some point redefine it. This clearly indicates that the detail content of love overwhelms us. Thus, we have difficulty in doing the obvious. To love unconditionally and to receive love unconditionally.


This is in reference to the mind’s relentless insistence on complicating life and love. Both are simplistic in their essence. However, we insist on labeling both with countless interpretations. We build intricate assumptions and belief structures to validate our existence. Nevertheless, our deep desire is to openly love and care and to receive love and care. But often doubt and fear overwhelm us. So we depend on the mind to tell us about life and love. Do we wish to continue this mind servitude? Or are we willing to let go and live and love in harmony with ourselves, others, and the universe? Continue reading


Awakening to Life Instead of Denying It

Existence factors add complexity to the simply state of being. At least, this is what we think. Still, we can experience a harmonious state of being through active awareness. The initial conscious awakening or enlightenment is the recognition of this state of being. We can call this being aware of awareness. Eckhart Tolle made this statement an icon.

awakeningAwakening to the dimension of life energy consciousness is the first step to exist in discovering inner peace. Dissatisfaction, worry, fear, and other ailments cause inner disharmony. Hence, the outer universe reflects the inner universe. I cannot emphasize this enough. Get the inner universe in order and the outer universe will become clear. The acknowledgement and expansion of universal consciousness is always possible. But still, difficulties arise because we disregard our true essence. Continue reading

Confrontations Begin and End with You

The world seems to spin around in an array of daily confrontations. It seems that demands constantly provoke us. But, are these anxieties real?  Let just say that everything seems real if that is what you think and believe. The concept of time is an example. Clock time is at the top of the list of stress factors we confront. So, let’s pause (pun intended) for a moment. Is clock time or any other concept to blame for how we interact with it? No, can be the only answer. The number of challenges seem endless. But again, I ask, are they real? Time is useless. Yes, it has a practical use. But is time a requirement to live?  No, unless you choose to live within this structure of the mind.


The content of any experience is irrelevant. But, you choose how to observe an experience. Choose means a choice that comes from a level of consciousness. Conscious awareness means no outside influence can distort your field of presence. Also, being aware means no inner conflicts, such as from the mind. We could then stop repetitive patterns that occur in most experiences. Continue reading


Overdramatize How You Live, but Why?

Do you like drama? Consider this question reflectively before you answer. People love to overdramatize. We literally thrive on making a mountain out of a mole hill. Most experiences are taking out of proportion. And, we usually exaggerating the details of a situation. For example, remain still and observe your reactions to the above sentences. Are you (mind) adversely interpreting what I have written? This is to say, you might take what I have written as something personal. This is because we take most things very personal. Even when something has nothing to do with us.


But, this is not how the mind sees a situation. Thoughts will tell you fabricated stories about an experience. Naturally, the mind bases everything on memories, anticipations, and fear. Thus, conditioned behavior causes you to overemphasize your role in whatever is unfolding. Hence, you overdramatize.  Pause here and again observe the mind. Do you recall any situation that caused anxiety, stress or fear? I personally can confirm that this has happened to me at least once today.  Continue reading