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This is a topic category for that offers articles about object and universal consciousness, presence and living consciously.


A Couch by Any Other Name

Are you familiar with the play Romeo and Juliet? William Shakespeare offers universal wisdom within this play. Similarly, a quotation from this play shares profound insight into the essence of being. A rose by any other name indicates that things are as they are in this moment. Call anything any name you wish. You can assume much. Thus, label and define everything. But, everything is what it is now. Regardless, if this is a person, thing, or situation. I often reflect on Shakespeare’s insight and this quote is a helpful signpost in the process of conscious living. The depth of this insight became obvious to me last week after the delivery of a new couch.


The couch was heavier than most (as least that’s what I told myself 😊). But, I got the sofa inside the apartment with help from a friend. However, a surprise came after unpacking the boxes. The furniture company sent two sofa components that do not fit together. I stood back in awe and considered the situation. Thoughts and feelings of disappointment, sadness, and frustration initially overcame me. Fortunately, it was obvious that this was the mind’s attempt to distract me. Thus, I simply acknowledged these thoughts and feelings. But, it did not seem necessary to attach my state of being to this circumstance nor any particular thought. Continue reading

Time Is a Foolish Game So Stop Playing

Time reflects your specific interpretation. Is this not evident in all aspects? How you view the inner universe decides everything. This allows us to reach for feats of grandeur. But, on the other hand, this phenomenon can restrict conscious awareness evolution. What is the deciding factor? Naturally, it is you. Your observation of the mind and inner universe determines what manifests. Likewise, a conscious understanding of what and why something manifests offers clarity and serenity. Acceptance is the key. The superimposed rules of time, for example, mean nothing. We create such things and we can just as easily do away with such manipulations and restricts. Of course, these guidelines have practical and relative use for us. But, do not benefit a conscious state of being.


Everyone is probably familiar with sayings such as time flies when you’re having fun or beat the clock. But, let’s consider something. Why does time fly or how do we beat the clock? So, we are solely responsible for creating these personal and collective illusions. And, the mind is indirectly responsible for this behavior. I use indirectly to suggest that the brain is simply doing what it does. However, each individual is responsible for becoming conscious of the minds demands and conditioned behavior. Continue reading

Make the Decision to Love and to Live

How often do you experience love? There is no actual research to verify how often this occurs. But, it is probably more than we realize. However, there is an interesting aspect to this question. Let’s consider loving and living relating to active conscious awareness. How we love and live is a decision. This choice is either unconscious or conscious. So, let’s reword the question. How often do you decide to love? How often do you choose to fully live?


Any decision influences our state of being. Once applied, this choice is the focus point of our brain’s output activity. This energy transfers through thoughts and emotions. These impulses directly influence our life experience. Thus, how you experience loving and living is dependent on either a conscious or unconscious act of being (Way of life). Also, unconditional love and absolute life should never be just a mental or emotional experience.  Observe love and life from within the flow of presence. Choose conscious awareness as a way of being. Continue reading

Discover the Path to All Possibilities

Usually, the mind bases our daily activities on routine and repetition. But why? Is everything really so tedious? The mind triumphantly says yes, it is all so mundane. Furthermore, the mind insists that this is normal because living life is dull. The mind is capable of many feats. But, pure creativity is not necessarily a mind creation. In fact, it is likely that the mind just hit the emergency brake. The mind will tell you that I am crazy for making such a statement. Nonetheless, I suggest that you continue reading and simply let the mind babble on. Remember, never take the mind too seriously. Thus, you discover that living life is so much more than the thoughts about living life.


Creativity is a blossoming flower that originate within the silence between thoughts. It is in this stillness that the process of conscious awakening occurs. This acknowledgement offers a beneficial sign post on our inner journey. We can call this silence the unmanifested energy of consciousness. Or let’s simply use the expression conscious awareness for our discussion purposes. This is a haven of calmness in the midst of any mind-made storm. So, how do we discover this vastness?  Life, love, and all that is creative are here between words, between thoughts, and even between emotions.
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Chop Wood and Live Within the Presence of Now

What are you aware of in this moment? Awareness defines your existence. The search for enlightenment has become more apparent in our society. This exploration of self-discovery in the pursuit of serenity began after the awaken of self-consciousness. The Buddha offers insight for our consideration. He teaches that Before Enlightenment chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment chop wood, carry water.


Zen also teaches a similar philosophy about living life in a state of presence. The Zen quote When hungry eat, when tired sleep from Po Chang offers beneficial wisdom. The mind has difficulty accepting the simplicity of life. This mind resistance is due to the self-imposed details, complexity, and conditioning of our human existence.  Sages such as Buddha, Jesus, Jiddu Krishnamurti, and others offer us signposts to a pathway beyond the mind. 

So, what do the teachings of these sages really suggest?  Firstly, please understand that the mind is a helpful servant but a terrible master. Therefore, any understanding of life based strictly on the mind will only cause further confusion and complexity. How does insight resonate with you? The act of being allows balance and harmony in the experience of life. Nonetheless, strictly living from mind assumptions, interpretations, and definitions manipulations the simplicity of living. Here also, don’t let the mind fool you. Simplicity does not suggest a paradise without worry or pain. Foremost, your essence is universal presence. Secondarily, this presence is manifesting through an object/body. Continue reading


Dance with a Tree and Sing Your Song

Being one with Life is a discover that changes how you live. More and more people are awakening to the simplicity of conscious living. People either realize this simplicity or they don’t. Please understand that active conscious awareness is not necessary to exist. You will continue to live with or without conscious awareness. Nevertheless, the quality of your life experience changes greatly when you consciously live in the flow of life. Also, there is no ready-made guideline or map leading to X marks the spot. The X represents the shift from mind to active consciousness in your life experience. You will deeply know when you are truly awake. Henceforth, you will recognize that life is a dance. And, you are the composer. Everyone composes a life song. But, most people unconsciously write this composition. Therefore, most individuals repeatedly experience drama, confusion, and fear. 


Life and universal energy literally dance to the rhythm of our inner universe. There is a vibrating flow within the state of our being. This music is always playing. But, we don’t really listen.  We compose a dance through the simply act of being. Everything in our surroundings, include the vibration of life, blend into this rhythm. Our conscious or unconscious energy energizes the manifestation of life and the universe.

Therefore, it is best to lead this universal life song from a conscious state of being. Continue reading


Oneself Is not Alone nor Afraid nor Forgotten

Aloneness. We reflected on this topic from time to time. Still, there are many people that write me about feeling lonely and being alone. So, let’s take another look at loneliness. It is wise to first determine if you are truly lonely. Or, do you think you are alone only because the mind tells you to be lonely. Firstly, understand that oneself is in reference to one (reflexive form). Philosophically or spiritually we can say that this is the one self.


Accordingly, let’s start with this question. Are you lonely? Likely, you will immediately react with various answers that supposedly validate your loneliness. So, step back from these thoughts of lonesomeness. Acknowledge that what you think is just the mind in a repetitious cycle. The simple acknowledgement that you are the observer of these thoughts benefit conscious awareness, thus your state of being. But, whether you impersonate the mind and act out its drama as a puppet is your choice. Continue reading


Assumptions Restrict the Universal Flow of Life

Life and love are very simplistic and pure. Life needs no validation through assumptions or beliefs. Love can equally only be truly fulfilling when felt in its purity, without conceptual definition or restriction. There is naturally a basic pattern of unity that derives from a species individual and collective development. This does not however explain how we feel what a plant feels or what an animal feels. There are two factors to consider in the discussion of empathy.


The first factor, as the first definition of empathy states, is a state of imaginative projection. This is naturally possible for a species such as our own. This may result from the developed field of creative intelligence and our emotions. We place behavior and emotions definition labels on objects and other living forms to explain everything for our own purposes. The second factor is very significant. This is the field of oneness. This is much more than just projecting a subjective state of being into another form, animate or inanimate. Continue reading


Live Aware Within the Frequency of Life

Many people may believe that consciousness is not possible without the mind. What do you think about this idea? (Yes, that was a trick question.) It would be more accurate to ask: What does the mind think of this idea? The brain is a biological organ. This is, in many ways, an entity in itself. Then there is consciousness. Consciousness at some level has perhaps always had a frequency of presence about it. Consciousness is a source of perpetual possibilities for any life-form that has become aware of it. Therefore, let’s focus on consciousness. Why we always associate object consciousness with the mind is not important for our discussion.


The significance lies in the knowledge that there is the brain and there is also consciousness. The mind exists and consciousness equally exists, whether in a more self-consciously developed life-form or not. Both the mind and consciousness are there even without one knowing about the other. The two are, however, intertwined. This is true whether a life-form is aware of consciousness or not. Although a butterfly is not actually mentally aware of consciousness, it swims in a frequency of energy within a field of object and universal consciousness. This holds true for everything, doesn’t it? We can conclude that although the two appear to be separate as two entities, they are actually one. Continue reading


Feel Bad? You Think It Is Real. But It Is Not

Do you often feel bad about a situation, person or even yourself? Feeling bad is of the mind, nothing more…nothing less. How consciously awake are you? Most likely, you realize that the mind thinks this way and that. However, this does not mean that what the mind thinks is real. Yes, it feels real. But, it’s not. You experience a mind projection. This is the mind jumping to conclusions. Thus, an unconscious person, experiences a mind-induced reaction. Moreover, this thought is temporary. Acknowledge this fact and take a further conscious step to living in a state of non-attachment. Thought activity is nothing more than time-based memory. We can call these anxiety phantoms. Still and foremost, remember that these are temporary. Thoughts and feelings come and go.


Now, and literally now, recognize that you are not your thoughts. Nor will you ever be your thoughts. However, you might try this and still feel bad. Trust the awakening process. Thoughts and feelings will pass. Bad is the same as good. You feel it because you unconsciously choose to experience one or the other. And, yes, you always have a choice. Continue reading