
196 posts

Edge of Forever Is Where Life Begins

A Fear of falling prevent us from nurturing the desire to let go of the minds conditioning. This anxiety happens as a person senses the edge between mind and consciousness. The mind overshadows this boundary. And, this restricts conscious development. Mental patterns and conditioned behavior often block access to a spacious presence we call consciousness.


The practice of going beyond this mind-made edge is beneficial to releasing the fear of falling.  Realize that consciousness is energy and it is constant. Your awareness stimulates this energy. Thus, the practice of conscious awareness frees the pathway between mind, object consciousness and universal consciousness. Many people read about the practice of not thinking or stop thinking to reach enlightenment. As a result, these phrases cause the majority of people frustration. Why? Because it is impossible for the mind to stop the process of thinking.  May I suggest the practice of simple meditative exercises consisting of beyond the mind experiences? Equally, you can practice going beyond the mind during a moment of stillness. I will write more about this in an upcoming article. Continue reading


Realize Consciousness and Know the Mind

How do you regard the title of this article? Firstly, please recognize that the words are only and always just words. I often refer to words, symbols, thoughts and emotions as signposts or stepping stones to our inner universe. So, attempt to visualize the title statement as a stepping stone. And, with practice, you acknowledge the insignificance of the words or detail, other than as stepping stones. This is a step-by-step pathway. Thus, our state of presence shifts more and more to conscious awareness with each step. Likewise, every situation or moment offers the potential to realize the endless depth of our inner journey. This is the path of self-discovery beyond mind limitation.


Therefore, to know something is to perceive or understand what you experience now. We can illustrate this in the following insight. Be aware of awareness and know you are aware. Hence, you realize consciousness in its essence. Additionally, conscious realization benefits the relationship between you and the mind. Suddenly you observe the mind work efficiently without any interference to your aware state of being. Consequently, you will experience thoughts and emotions for what they are and nothing more. Henceforth, the spaciousness of conscious presence becomes your permanent home. You will still experience everything. But, conscious living allows clarity, balance and harmony to thrive. Continue reading

Divine Presence or Life in Servitude?

Are you still searching for enlightenment? Why look for something that you have already? A state of aware presence or lack of presence determines how we experience each moment. The recognition of this act of being is possible for everyone. We can refer to this as a divine state of living. And, presence is a natural state of being. Nevertheless, people still continue to search relentless for something that is every persons’ birthright.


Why do people continue to search? Because many factors of our evolution cast us into servitude. The conditioned mind is merciless when not consciously observed. The internet dictionary offers us this clarification in regard to servitude.

Ser·vi·tude – The state of being a slave or completely subject to someone more powerful.
Synonyms: slavery, enslavement, bondage, subjugation, subjection, domination; historical serfdom
“Born into a life of servitude”
Antonyms: liberty

Furthermore, the dictionary Merriam Webster suggests the following about servitude. A condition in which one lacks liberty, especially to determine one’s course of action or way of life. Continue reading


The Recognition of Your Beingness

Life is, we are and the universe is. Still, we tend to interpret everything, differently than what it is. But why? There is no need for interpretation, definition, or evaluation. Nor, is it actually possible to explain these mysteries.  So, won’t it be much easier to just experience life and love. Consider this. Focus on the nothingness beyond established details and structures of the mind. Life and love are on the other side of everywhere and nowhere.


So, practice living live in acceptance and appreciation without the need for thoughts, emotions or things to fulfill you. I assure you that these things will not give you everlasting balance, harmony or bliss. Nevertheless, too often we live strictly from the mind. Thus, the mind restricts consciousness. Self-consciousness overshadowed by the mind inhibits access to universal consciousness. Thus, conscious awareness is a process of recognition. Continue reading

Your Role in the Source Code of Life

Both life and love energy can nurture our true inner nature. This acknowledgement allows an uninhibited conscious awakening, when we are ready.  Conscious awakening could signify a turning point in our evolution. The evolution of humankind’s mental and physical development guides us down a path of confusion. And, it first appears as if this is a path of no return. Still, self-consciousness is the gateway to universal consciousness. We are aware of ourselves, life and the universe. Thus, it is possible to find The Way back to the source. The source, which is universal, is the true nature of being. This is the isness of now.


However, we create an illusion of separation through assumptions, beliefs and conditioning. This causes a misinterpretation of life and love. Therefore, people base living and loving strictly on conceptual interpretations.  Since the dawn of self-consciousness our development consists of every-changing, self-inflected complexity. And, the mind dominates self-consciousness. Hence, we live in a state of unawareness. It is understandable that we have lost our way. And yet, self-consciousness is the key to our conscious awareness evolution at a universal level. Continue reading


Your Thoughts About Life Mean Nothing

We define life through interpretations of our existence and the details surrounding any situation. So, what does this really mean in the tapestry of life? It means nothing. What does our understanding of life and love really mean? You guessed it. It means nothing. Please don’t misinterpret. Yes, life and love seem to mean something from a relative and practical perspective. Nevertheless, be honest with yourself. Your thoughts and feelings about life and love keep you on a roller coaster. Today you are happy about life. But, tomorrow life sucks. You soar high in love this moment. However, an hour later you claim that love stinks and is only for the lucky people.  


Therefore, our interpretations, assumptions and labels mean nothing. All mind structures change according to the wants and demands of a given person or collective group of people. Thus, subsequently, and quite strangely, we determine life and love according to thoughts, emotions and beliefs. Do you see the irony of this behavior? Let me clarify. What you think about life is not truly living life. Likewise, what you feel about love is not the same as simply loving. We don’t experience life as it is this moment. Instead, we experience it as we think it is, or should be, in any given situation. But, we can’t determine the essence of life or love, generally speaking, through the use of any mind conceptions.

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Is Your Mind Astray?

More awareness to your presence in this moment allows consciousness to thrive. Let’s say it this way. Your awareness of awareness offers spaciousness in any situation. Universal consciousness then manifests through the mind and self-consciousness. Thus, the mind, with all our characteristics, can and will relearn and gradually trust this field of universal energy. Nevertheless, the mind still leads us astray.


Conditioning dominates our behavior. Therefore, the mind, through no fault of its own, continues to manipulate our conscious awareness. The mind overshadows self-consciousness. Yes, our self-consciousness awoke with the potential to unite with the universality of life. But, we quickly fell back into a deep sleep, consciously speaking. Continue reading

Reach Out and Consciously Touch Someone

Does this statement sound impossible? The mind will tell you yes. But, please don’t believe everything the mind tells you. And, never take the mind too seriously. So, can you consciously reach out to someone and unite? Yes, you can. Furthermore, this happens every moment. And, yes consciousness connects you with everything. So, it is obvious that consciousness is not something that is here and then fades away. This reference suggests that consciousness is not similar to a temporary thought or emotion that comes and goes.  Instead, consciousness manifests through your state of active awareness to it. Energy is the basis of this flowing process. This energy is ongoing. And, vibrates beyond the limitations of mind, space and time.


Therefore, you always share a conscious bond with everything. Similarly, this vibrating dimension is always there, whether you are aware of it or not. Furthermore, your level of aware presence can influence the flow of this energy.  Unite with this energy. And, just let it continue to flow. Acknowledge this flow and the result is an exponential expansion of pure awareness. Thus, you literally reach out and unite with the part of you that is within everything. Continue reading


Realize Your True Potential

Universal life energy vibrates every moment. Let’s cut through the Spiritual jargon’s and simply say energy vibrates.  And, there are many frequencies within this flow. Evolution and conditioning manipulate our observation of life. Thus, people misconstrue everything. Still, we sense these vibrations. And, these pulsations are constant. Also, we realize, at least vaguely, the potential within this energy.  Furthermore, these influence us and we influence the frequencies. But, it is difficult to stay consciously within the flow. This is because the mind still misinterprets or dismisses such conscious sensations. However, there is a beneficial stepping stone to conscious living. Acknowledge that you do not need the mind to live in a state of presence.


Nonetheless, the mind will forcefully continue to interfere with the unfolding of our life experience. Hence, the mind’s static discharges restrict the expansion of conscious energy. Unawareness to the isness of this moment causes a person to misunderstand the simple, unconditional act of living. Likewise, living in a state of awareness causes a person to readily accept the mind’s version of reality. Correspondingly, thoughts and emotions fuel the mind’s interpretation of life and living. Continue reading

Are You Too Serious About Everything?

Everything seems so serious. True, any given moment might involve a situation that needs attention. All of which seem so real and often very serious. Likewise, we use rigid values as guidelines in all we do. William Shakespeare summarized our behavior well in his play Much Ado about Nothing. People fanatically complain, overreact and cause commotion over insignificant details.  Occasionally, such behavior might have a practical purpose that is, at best, temporary.  Furthermore, this can restrict our conscious awareness. Thus, limits our life experience.


So, often we view life as a collection of events that are quite serious. Nevertheless, let’s reflectively consider if everything is as earnest as we think.  Our level of conscious awareness decides everything. Therefore, an unaware person is quick to agree with any thoughts and beliefs. On the other hand, a consciously aware person is likely to objectively observe everything with non-attachment. So, it is feasible to suggest the following. The seriousness of any given situation doesn’t result from the details within the moment. Instead, we attach complexity to everything due to our interpretation. The interpretation derives from mental reactions that initiate due to conditioning factors.  This imposes a sense of significance onto situations that are actually insignificant. But, everything is as it is in any moment. This is true, regardless how we interpret something. Continue reading