conditioned behavior

41 posts


The Beginning to the End and Again and Again

Would it be accurate to say that everything has a beginning and an end? Let’s rephrase. Everything that we experience begins and ends. This is in reference to and strictly from the level of our existence. These cycles of start and stop, come and go, do and don’t are repetitive. Likewise, everything except living often results in anticipation, attachment, joy, or frustration; to name a few. This imposes limitation illusions unto our essentially boundless state of being.  Please reflect on this insight before you continue reading.


Living (being) is to experience life. This is flowing energy. There is no beginning or end. Life is, so to say, alive. You manifest this energy. There are two possibilities. Go with the flow. Or resist. But, it seems that we would rather resist the flow. Nevertheless, is is as it is. But, we should not define or label our inquiry into conscious awakening. Such behavior is typical for the mind. Still, we are becoming aware. Henceforth, we live life fully and practice consciously observing the mind’s activities. Thus, we will not adhere to thoughts and conditioned behavior. Continue reading

Spider Web and Dangling Thoughts

When does something become a routine?  When does this routine become conditioned behavior? Daily activities tend to become routines. This is unavoidable. But, then again almost anything can become a pattern of repetition. This could be things that we physically and mentally do. A clearer understanding of the latter is significant for awakening to consciousness. The mind becomes a spider web. And unconscious behavior patterns have entangled us. Still, a routine or conditioned behavior can really only be detrimental if we remain unconscious.


Yes, on the flip side, it is beneficial to be aware of a conditioned behavior. But, your relationship with the mind decides how you will live. Moreover, your awareness to this relationship is primary. Thus, what you think or do is secondary. Do you consciously or unconsciously do or think something? “Living oblivious to living is still typical for most people.” Please pause and reflect on the previous sentence. There is a sign post there beyond the words. Operant conditioning is the basis for the interaction with ourselves, the world, universe, and life. Operant (also known as instrumental conditioning) is similar to classical conditioning. Both restrict conscious awareness during our experiences. Continue reading


Knowledge of Life: It Is Within You

Universal intelligence engulfs us. There is ultimately no need to question it. Still we have called this knowledge by many different names over thousands of years. Hence we have neglected the wisdom and flow of life. Physical conflicts dominate our existence. This is unavoidable for an object in this universe. But there are also conflicts that are unseen. These originate from mental and emotional manipulations and restrictions of the mind. We can change the experience of life.

“But this won’t happen until we have recognized and accepted the space within conscious living.”


There are barriers of the mind. Furthermore, the individual and collective mind invokes countless energy vibrations that can be damaging. Additionally, the lack of awareness causes a feeling of separation between yourself and the flow of life. The incapability to acceptance that there is something there that doesn’t need defining isolates people. Continue reading


Life Is to Be Lived in Unity: Don’t Be Afraid

We often use the word unity in our daily activities; including spirituality. But what is beyond the word?  Stop before you start thinking about unity. This is not something to think about, define, or even assume. At least not if you wish to truly experience it.  The pure essence of the universe is unification. Living is much more than what we can think. Let’s attempt the Star Wars Jedi Knight approach. This suggests feeling the life energy in you and in everything that is around you. Moreover, please realize that you are within everything. What you experience is essentially a reflection of yourself.


Aware presence will allow you to experience harmony. The body is already flowing harmoniously with life energy. Therefore, it does not need to interpret anything.  Nor does the body need to consider what it does. It simply is. The flow of energy is constant. Your body is a catalyst. Life awareness can and will nurture this flow. A conscious state of awareness opens a portal to the isness of life. You awaken. Thus, this gateway will remain open. Henceforth, we awaken more and more to the isness of life. Furthermore, the alliance between everything becomes very clear. Thoughts and feelings of separation will still appear. But they will have no manipulative power of you. Continue reading


Togetherness within the Totality of Life

The key to living in harmony with life is based on togetherness. It goes hand in hand with object existence and consciousness. What is togetherness? This is not the superficial act of being together with other people and things in the universe. Still, the sheer inseparable nature of existence is oneness. Everything is essentially and ultimately absolute.


But, our emotions, conditioned behavior, and ego induces separation. This causes blockage in the natural flow of universal energy. This, in turn, causes an imbalance in our localized field of object consciousness. We know that there is a natural frequency of life. But, it seems difficult to find and more so to remain in the flow. What this frequency consist of is secondary. The splendor lies in consciously observing this frequency. It is essential to understand the significance of true togetherness that is within this dimension. Eckhart Tolle refers to something similar to this in his book “Realizing the Power of Now”. Continue reading


Living Is to Be Alive: Start Now!

Living is so much more than the methods and concepts of the mind. Still, the mind can be useful in the experience of life. This is to say, when we use it wisely. I recently read and viewed inspirational stories of individuals. These people, of all ages, have overcome mental and physical hardships to rise above all expectations. This caused me to repeatedly (non-stop) cry as I reflected on how marvelous it is to be a human being. Not to mention, the beauty of living and consciously knowing that we are alive. We are.


Yet, there is a flip side. We still argue, fight and kill each other as well as initiate unthinkable acts on ourselves, others and the world. All of which are primarily based on unconsciousness. It seems such a terrible waste; although I realize that this behavior originates in our evolution. Continue reading

Unconditional Love Needs no Reasons

What happens to pure love after you have fallen in love? This was what we discussed at the end of the previous article “Count the Reasons Why”. You meet someone and boom. Love sudden transcends all other experiences. This next sentence may frustrate the mind. Unconditional love can always transcend everything. Furthermore, the potential for love to flourish is always constant. However, it depends on you.


Yes, I am suggesting that unconditional love is a natural state of being. It is there to experience when we are willing to focus and allow. However, what usually happens after two people has fallen in love? A person’s love awareness typically can last between one day and several months. Therefore, a moment may come when you will ask yourself why you feel love for this person. Furthermore, the mind will demand that you count the reasons. Additionally, and more often than not, a partner will ask you to explain why you love him or her. Continue reading


Run and try to Hide

The evolution of mind and body has been a long path. Likewise, there are many behavior patterns that were necessary for our survival. However, this state of existence has resulted from our conditioned reactions. Nevertheless, prehistoric humankind would run and hide to survive.


Nevertheless, this has consequently hampered conscious evolution. Moreover, conditioned behavior causes us to run at the slightest indication of physical danger. Furthermore, our mental well-being is based on conditioned factors. This includes our conscious state of presence. However, our instinct told us to run and hide. This was the only option during the earlier development of our existence. Continue reading

Expectations: What Do You Want?

Expectations are based on thoughts and emotions. These are, in other words, products of the mind. This determines how we react to a situation. However, an expectation depends on clock time to exist. It can only thrive when you are not aware of living in presence. The acknowledgement of this moment will render an expectation obsolete. Nevertheless, it is still possible to desire something and even focus on its manifestation without the expectations. This probably sounds somewhat confusing. Please allow me to continue.


The mind is occupied with memories, assumptions and beliefs associated with a non-existent past or an equally non existent future. Therefore, we seem to remain separate from this moment. It is a means to an end in our attempt to reach the next moment. Expectations or fear usually cause this type of conditioned behavior. Continue reading


Presence Is a Good Signpost

The constant desire to be in the moment can backfire. Furthermore, we unknowingly become preoccupied with the thoughts of living in presence. We allow the mind and thought patterns to basically exploit object consciousness. We no longer acknowledge the gateway between object and universal consciousness.


Therefore, presence is vital on the path to enlightenment. The reason for practicing living in the now is obvious. Eckhart Tolle and other sages suggest Being aware of awareness. This, in itself, is beneficial insight. Furthermore, existing is the natural state of any and every form in the universe. Object consciousness, at a given evolutionary level, initiates self-consciousness. We become conscious of our being, the immediate surroundings and the universe. Continue reading