
93 posts


Deliberate Steps to Conscious Living

Yes, the majority of people are still living from the mind. And, thoughts and emotions overshadow our life experience. Nevertheless, more and more people are aware that conscious evolution is blossoming. Coincidentally, this trending expansion allows deliberate and conscious responses to ago-old involuntary and unnecessary behavior patterns. Thus, the benefits to conscious awareness in our life experience become obvious. A state of conscious being offers clarity and calmness on the path of life. 


Nevertheless, humankind, as a whole, is still struggling due to mind detail interventions. Therefore, our experience of life still fluctuates constantly in a whirlwind of insignificant details that confuse and distract.

So why do people remain oblivious to the benefits of conscious awareness? We might, at first glance, ask if this unconscious behavior is intentional. However, and obviously, there is nothing deliberate about a state of unaware existence, except the unfamiliarity with conscious awareness. We can surely agree that a conditioned mind is manipulative and restrictive to conscious expansion. Thus, the majority of thoughts and emotions induce mental playbacks that do not benefit our experience of presence. Continue reading

Celebrate Spring Anytime of the Year

A flower, bush, or tree may seem to have a specific time to blossom. But, this interpretation is misleading. A plant capable of flourishing will do so regardless of time or season. We see this often in the changing of seasons, especially in the spring. Therefore, it is not unusual to see plants behave atypically for a certain season.


A change in temperature and sunshine can prompt trees to bud and flowers to push through the frozen earth. This type of mystical growth happens months before spring begins. Let’s emphasize the word change as a catalyst to inducing expansion and growth. They blossom because they can. And, there is no reason to explain why this occurs, other than a change occurs.

This is also true for you or me pertaining to conscious living and enlightenment to life. You will blossom and consciously awaken when you are ready. Thus, you greet the clarity of conscious living and accept changing how you live. This is a transformation. This is an analogy to a plant that changes its typical growth patterns and blossoms according to a favorable environment. Continue reading


Are You Having a Lousy Day?

How is your day? Are you having a lousy day or a good day? What is the determining factor in how you experience what happens? The answer is looking back at you 😊 in the mirror. You are the one and truly only determining factor in how you experience any given moment.


We often scurry through our daily activities in a state of limbo unawareness. And, life literally passes by without us knowing why.  Thus, situations and people seem to influence how we experience life. However, conditioning taught us to think and believe that things and people are responsible for how we live. But, what we have learned is not actually true. Therefore, you can change how you live. Deconditioning through awareness to how you observe living, offers enlightenment. Live life fully, don’t just exist. Let’s use the definition for limbo to expand our discussion.

Limbo is an uncertain period of awaiting a decision or resolution; an intermediate state or condition. This is how the majority of people experience life. Why is living this way so typical? Basically, because we are not aware enough to establish a change in our behavioral responses. Hence, the shadows of our behavior characteristics darken out the brilliance of living life. The act of being alive, in itself, is an incredible experience, regardless of temporary day to day downfalls. And, conscious living is quite easy to establish as baseline for living life. Continue reading

Completely Complete Here and Now

You come from one; completely.
It has always been the one.
You are simply here to live.
Do you feel it? Be it! You are alive.
You are the one that shines like the sun.
It is you that creates the moon and stars.


You are here, now. Do you feel it?
There is nothing less or more than one being.
Therefore, too be or not to be is not the question.
It is you that creates being.
It is you that are one; completely.

Will you live, love and have some fun?
Being is simply to be, completely.
You often want to ask how and why.
But, the gift of being is not a question.

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Clarity Via Conscious Awareness

Living life in impartiality offers true clarity in relation to any thought, emotion, person or situation.  The practice of non-attachment is your walking stick on the path of life.


This simple realization can change everything. And moreover, it changes how you experience everything. This becomes clearer as you observe situations that usually cause frustration, sadness and confusion. Suddenly, whatever unfolds does not radically influence your conscious beingness. This is the actual enlightenment that you seek. And, it is here and now. Continue reading

Existence Attributes Distort the Flow of Life

Are human attributes such as love and forgiveness active integrates in universal life consciousness?  Of course, this is not an easy question to answer. And, most likely, we can’t actually answer it. This question suggests that love is universal because we and other life-forms experience it. But, is love truly a component of life?  Here again it is not possible to definitely answer such a question. Eckhart Tolle, in The Power of Now, has said that love is a state of being. This statement feels good to say, but it does not really offer pure enlightenment. Nevertheless, let’s use this statement as a reference point for our discussion.


Firstly, thoughts and emotions have the potential to become our state of being. That is to say, if we allow the mind to dominate. Therefore, the level of active awareness to a given state of being determines how you will live. The form this moment takes is merely a detail when a person observes it consciously. We could make it easy by saying that life will be as we choose it to be. This may at first sound farfetched. But, let’s consider it for a moment. Continue reading


Excuses Validate the Story of Our Existence

We use excuses every day…back and forth…to and fro…up and down it goes. We are always making excuses.  It might seem as if I am over dramatizing. However, consider for yourself what is an excuse. And, then determine how often you use them each day.  The number that you will eventually add together is mind-blowing. Correspondingly, deeply reflect on our existence for the sake of this article discussion.  Then ask yourself how excuse-making behavior influences conscious awakening (conscious enlightenment).


People tend to always look outward in the search of reasons and validations. This is true whether we search for someone to blame or to make excuses. We hit our thumb with a hammer. What is the first reaction that flashes through our mind? “&#%! Dumb hammer, it hit my finger?” We are shopping and it suddenly starts to rain. &#%! Why must it rain now? You are walking. A car speeds by during your walk. The rain and water from a puddle splashes you. &#%! Why did it have to splash me? Continue reading

Edge of Forever Is Where Life Begins

A Fear of falling prevent us from nurturing the desire to let go of the minds conditioning. This anxiety happens as a person senses the edge between mind and consciousness. The mind overshadows this boundary. And, this restricts conscious development. Mental patterns and conditioned behavior often block access to a spacious presence we call consciousness.


The practice of going beyond this mind-made edge is beneficial to releasing the fear of falling.  Realize that consciousness is energy and it is constant. Your awareness stimulates this energy. Thus, the practice of conscious awareness frees the pathway between mind, object consciousness and universal consciousness. Many people read about the practice of not thinking or stop thinking to reach enlightenment. As a result, these phrases cause the majority of people frustration. Why? Because it is impossible for the mind to stop the process of thinking.  May I suggest the practice of simple meditative exercises consisting of beyond the mind experiences? Equally, you can practice going beyond the mind during a moment of stillness. I will write more about this in an upcoming article. Continue reading

Divine Presence or Life in Servitude?

Are you still searching for enlightenment? Why look for something that you have already? A state of aware presence or lack of presence determines how we experience each moment. The recognition of this act of being is possible for everyone. We can refer to this as a divine state of living. And, presence is a natural state of being. Nevertheless, people still continue to search relentless for something that is every persons’ birthright.


Why do people continue to search? Because many factors of our evolution cast us into servitude. The conditioned mind is merciless when not consciously observed. The internet dictionary offers us this clarification in regard to servitude.

Ser·vi·tude – The state of being a slave or completely subject to someone more powerful.
Synonyms: slavery, enslavement, bondage, subjugation, subjection, domination; historical serfdom
“Born into a life of servitude”
Antonyms: liberty

Furthermore, the dictionary Merriam Webster suggests the following about servitude. A condition in which one lacks liberty, especially to determine one’s course of action or way of life. Continue reading


The Recognition of Your Beingness

Life is, we are and the universe is. Still, we tend to interpret everything, differently than what it is. But why? There is no need for interpretation, definition, or evaluation. Nor, is it actually possible to explain these mysteries.  So, won’t it be much easier to just experience life and love. Consider this. Focus on the nothingness beyond established details and structures of the mind. Life and love are on the other side of everywhere and nowhere.


So, practice living live in acceptance and appreciation without the need for thoughts, emotions or things to fulfill you. I assure you that these things will not give you everlasting balance, harmony or bliss. Nevertheless, too often we live strictly from the mind. Thus, the mind restricts consciousness. Self-consciousness overshadowed by the mind inhibits access to universal consciousness. Thus, conscious awareness is a process of recognition. Continue reading