
93 posts


Moth Is Lost Because the Lights Are Bright

This article pertains to an area of human behavior that is comparable to a moth. The moth repeatedly flies toward a light or campfire in a kamikaze manner. Why do they do this? Scientists theorize that this is due to a behavior called transverse orientation.  This is common in some insects and involves flying at a constant angle relative to a distant light source. The insect navigates by using the distant light source as a beacon. Thus, the moth experiences perplexity around lights and campfires. Doesn’t this sound like how we react to thoughts and feelings?


Therefore, let’s look at this from a human standpoint. How is this behavior similar to our search for enlightenment? Enlightenment (spiritual) is the full comprehension of a situation (Wikipedia). We have a built-in navigation system that constantly points to true north. We can call this our transverse orientation, such as with a moth. Continue reading

Blossom Just Like a Flower in the Spring

The unfolding of any person’s conscious awakening process may first involve illness or hardships. But a person free of sickness or financial burden may also become enlightened. Either is fine but not a prerequisite to experiencing conscious enlightenment. Life does not take sides or evaluate an object due to existential merits. It will happen when you are ready, or it will not; you decide. It is as simple as falling off a log; life is there to blossom through you.


Do you wish to join in its celebration?

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Separation: Why Do We Feel so Alone?

Evolution in terms of society and technology contribute greatly to our separation from each other. Furthermore, humankind has grown deaf to the voice of unity. This separation illusion is ongoing. We, mostly unknowingly, separate ourselves from the universe. Equally, we generally disregard the flow of life energy.  We think and believe, that there is something greater out there waiting for us. We actually think that salvation is something we must reach. But, don’t let the mind fool you. enlightenment can only be here and now. Please consider letting go of worn-out dogmas that tell you otherwise.

“Nonetheless, our species has developed into a conforming conglomerate. We believe the path to salvation or enlightenment will always be difficult and involve many sacrifices.”


Where and when did this misconception begin?  We pass this behavior down from generation to generation. So, what about object consciousness? Well, the mind mostly dominates our human consciousness. This humanizing process starts from birth and usually increases as we get older.  A stagnation develops that stops the flow of universal conscious energy. Thus, we degenerate from a pure universal conscious being to a mind conditioned human. Continue reading

Expectation Distracts Us from Living Life

Understandably, most people encounter day to day activities. And therefore, have primary concerns that distract them from living, truly living, and experiencing life and the presence of being. Expectation and demands overshadow our experience of life. Furthermore, and strangely enough, something unexpected is always happening. But, change is constant in a universe of things/objects.


It might still be difficult for you to accept, but you (presence) are constant. This will become obvious to you after the shift from mind to conscious awareness has begun. Yes, things happen and will continue to happen. But how you observe yourself and the mind will give you clarity. This, in turn, will determine how you perceive everything that unfolds in this moment. John Lennon offers beneficial insight into living life fully. Continue reading


Jump the Gun but Why Try to Run from Now?

Jump the gun is an idiom and probably known worldwide. Originally, known as beat the gun in track and field competitions. This quote has a spiritual significance for us to consider. The now is constant. It may be the only true constant in the universe. This moment is an expression of presence. Now is Undeniable. So how does the idiom help us to understand the isness of now?


This is the internet definition for Jump the Gun.

Act before the proper time.

Synonyms: act prematurely, act too soon, be too/overly hasty, be precipitate, be rash

Be ahead of oneself.

Here we see the usefulness of this phrase in conscious awakening. The two explanations of Jump the Gun offer an open passage to our relationship with the now. This is a sign post that points toward enlightenment. What is enlightenment? We can say that enlightenment is awareness that offers change. Lao Tzu shares the following insight about awareness. Continue reading

Turn Off the Engine and Walk

Don’t let the title mislead you. Our discussion is not about an engine or the environment. Although, ultimately, there is a connection between everything. The mind is a motor. Experiences, memories, and emotions are catalysts. Thoughts are the fuel. Conditioned behavior starts the motor.


Unconsciousness a.k.a. unawareness is the road map we use to travel on after the engine starts. Naturally, the mind always functions. Therefore, please note that our discussion refers to our interaction with the mind. We do not need to ask or define why the mind does what it does. However, our observation of the mind is paramount for conscious awareness. This observer/mind relationship is either conscious or unconscious. Sounds simple enough. Still living consciously is difficult until it is not. What am I suggesting? Conscious observation of how you live will spontaneously and naturally blossom during the process of conscious awakening. Suddenly you are consciousness without understanding how you became actively conscious. The knowing is significant. And consciously being (living) is the ultimate experience of enlightenment. Continue reading


Straightforward Is the Way to Experience Life

The essence of this moment is your true self. We can simplify this by saying the now reflects you. Please understand that this doesn’t suggest that you should reflect the details of any given experience. Rather, you are ultimately the vessel that holds the totality within it. A person must truthfully observe this moment. Otherwise, you overlook the simplicity of living. We can incorporate the word straightforward into a daily mantra. Practice this affirmation in any situation. Say to yourself. I choose to observe this moment in a straightforward manner. Experiencing the now truthfully will reflect this energy out into the universe and back to you.


The now of life is constant and holds the totality within it. We become genuinely empathic to the world around us as we become more and more aware of conscious living. This allows universal consciousness and thus universal life intelligence to expand and pulsate intensively as the unmanifested becomes the manifested universe. We experience this, and when the level of our awareness becomes more awakened, we will continually release higher and higher levels of object consciousness back into the totality.

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Awakening to Life Instead of Denying It

Existence factors add complexity to the simply state of being. At least, this is what we think. Still, we can experience a harmonious state of being through active awareness. The initial conscious awakening or enlightenment is the recognition of this state of being. We can call this being aware of awareness. Eckhart Tolle made this statement an icon.

awakeningAwakening to the dimension of life energy consciousness is the first step to exist in discovering inner peace. Dissatisfaction, worry, fear, and other ailments cause inner disharmony. Hence, the outer universe reflects the inner universe. I cannot emphasize this enough. Get the inner universe in order and the outer universe will become clear. The acknowledgement and expansion of universal consciousness is always possible. But still, difficulties arise because we disregard our true essence. Continue reading


Friendship Is Being True-Blue!

Do you have many friends? We use the word friend too often. Thus, it has no real significance or depth. Furthermore, this mannerism is a conditioned behavior. Thus, we have expectations and there are attachments. Wikipedia defines friendship as “A relationship of mutual affection between two people.”


Also, this affection can include relationships between more than two people. We base friendship, even love, on thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Likewise, and more often, we establish friendship through mutually conceived ideas, desires, and needs. This behavior causes attachment. Attachments and expectancy cause imbalance in the simple act of being. Being suggests simply living to live. Therefore, base an unconditional alliance, whether friend, family or partner on simply being. Continue reading


Everlasting Transformation Begins Within You

We often misinterpret the word spiritual. Therefore, please don’t think that living spiritual is a prerequisite to enlightenment. We are experiencing a shift in awareness. This awakening is allowing an inner transformation to blossom. Spirituality is just a word such as religion, God or Buddha. The word has no real significance. Other than to give our existence structure. The change that we are witnessing is the release of our conditioned behavior and mind-restrictions. We are letting go of personal and collective dogmas.


We don’t need to be spiritual to experience life energy consciousness. Rather, living and being are far beyond believing in something or even thinking anything. Thus, we need to unconditionally experience the truth of living in each moment. It would be beneficial for us to acknowledge that we are within everything. And we are influencing how things manifest. We are absolute at the level of being.

Still, we search for, demand more from, and define life instead of just living life. And, there are so many expectations. Thus, we obsessively attach ourselves to thoughts, feelings, and things. The problem is that we are always asking questions. We always expect something and overlook what is already there. We base our expectations purely on mind-oriented factors. This expectation is due to a state of unconsciousness. Universal intelligence vibrates and will respond to both unconsciously-made or consciously-made energy outputs. Continue reading