
57 posts

Loving to Live and Living to Love

There is something to consider about unconditional love from the level of human existence. It is important to differentiate between our species interpretations of it and its actual source. Loving unconditionally may be possible when we base our existence from within life consciousness and not species consciousness. However, there seems to be a need to use a belief, religion, and or deity to obtain true unconditional love. Must we really nurture mental illusions based on assumptions, beliefs and even science to experience it unconditional?


A key to experiencing unconditional love is in the total acceptance of it.  We should not expect that it conforms to our species demands and desires. An object-based love is usually conditional. It will remain this way until we are willing to step outside of the mind-imposed boundaries. We have always attempted to instill these existence boundaries on life. This could explain why we have mostly remained in a state of conflict throughout our existence; both personally and collectively. The conflict is only within us. Conflict does not come from the universe or life. We and only we are responsible for this conflict. We often take loving and living for granted. Continue reading

Answers but What if There Are None?

We constantly switch back and forth between asking questions and expecting answers. Furthermore, it is in our natural to be curious. This is what we do and have always done. We ask questions and we search for answers. People, this is to say, the personal and collective mind are there to tell us stories and illusions.


Therefore, we usually seek answers based on our experiences. However, many are based solely on assumptions, thoughts and beliefs. Consequently, these cause conditioned behavior to develop. Hence, questions and answers are often fabrications that transpire throughout the tapestry of our experiences. These are the result of traits such as creativity, thoughts, emotions and ego. Furthermore, these traits; among others, are contributing factors in our relentless need to ask questions and expect a reaction. However, this usually originates in the mind and has nothing to do with living in a state of presence. Continue reading


Leaf in the Wind: Gliding with Life

Have you ever watched a leaf gliding through the air? The changing of the seasons, especially autumn is experienced in many parts of the world. Leaves, for example, will fall from the trees during the transition from autumn to winter. Furthermore, there will be leaves to rake and this is when many people are especially vulnerable to specific mind games. A few of which are why must summer be over? or why do the neighbors tree leaves fly onto my lawn? etc. The conditioned mind is especially active.


Nevertheless, we have a deep innate bond with nature. However, this relationship is put to the test, especially during this time of year. This is because one leaf after the other is flying through the air. Therefore, as a result, people start to complain. It is as if nature is suddenly our worst enemy. The mind does not what to accept the change in season. It generally has problems with any change that occurs. Continue reading


Puzzle Pieces to Conscious Awakening

This article is lesson 3 in our contemplation of the conscious awakening process. You have become aware of the difference between mind and consciousness. Otherwise, you would not be reading this article and thus questioning the mind-made details of your existence. The puzzle pieces are falling into place. You are now aware of this mind-made puzzle. Nevertheless, the mind can still obscure our conscious observation. However, this is changing with each experience that expands your object consciousness.


Life and love are an ongoing sharing experience. Furthermore, the expansion of object consciousness is allowing us to experience more and more unmanifested space. This is a profound realization for us to reconnect with our essence. Moreover, we are observing our existence in a state of awareness. Therefore, we are recognizing how and why something manifests. You feel the puzzle pieces falling into place naturally. Additionally, we become conscious to our influence on everything. It is very empowering to become aware of how the pieces of this process fall into place. Continue reading


Energy and the Manifestation of Life

Everyone is familiar with Star Wars and The Force. The force is simply another name for energy. Therefore, we are a manifestation of this mysterious something. Life produces it or it produces life. Who knows for sure? However, we do not need to go into lengthy political, scientific or religious debates about what this energy represents; nor do we need to know where it originated. It is here and now. Furthermore, we are the living example of it.


Object forms of countless shapes and sizes manifest it. The brain and body would not survive without this life energy. Consciousness being a product of life would also not survive without it. This life energy field engulfs everything. The brain has become a type of portal and equally a barrier for consciousness. Consciousness is constant. However, the mind can manipulate and restrict it. Continue reading

Trust the Universe and Trust Yourself

This is the second article relating to the process of conscious awakening. Do you trust yourself? This is to say; are you confident that what you sense is true? The personal experience that I am sharing suggests that I was not fully conscious. Furthermore, this uncertainty, although short-lived in this example, clearly restricted the naturally flow of life energy.


However, please allow me to share the experience before I continue. I went with a friend to eat lunch yesterday. He picked out the restaurant because it was his idea to eat. The meal was refreshing (salad and fish). We had several conversations varying from work related issues to human behavior and evolution. It was eventually time for us to leave. I had asked him, during the drive to the restaurant, if we could stop at a furniture store on the way home. Continue reading

Breath of Life: You are Alive

Breathe in slowly and breathe out even slower. What are you experiencing? We feel life in each breath. However, let’s focus on more than just the biological ramifications. We know that the body is an organism that must have oxygen to exist.


However, the breath you take also entails the flow of life within it. This, in turn, provides the basis for object consciousness to awaken. Thereupon, the portal to universal consciousness opens. Your state of presence allows passage. Continue reading


Origin of Consciousness

Consciousness has been a topic of fascination and frustration throughout our evolution. This has especially been true over the last few thousand years. Scientist and doctors tell us much about how the brain functions. Many speculate on how consciousness works; still others explain theories concerning the processes involved in consciousness. Additionally, the use of religions, science and fantasy attempt to define it. However, it and its origin are still a mystery.


We often relate religion and the supernatural with consciousness. The mind cannot truly comprehend it. Therefore, its origin must come from a higher source. Scientist approach most discussion of consciousness from the perspective of brain activate processes. Spirituality doesn’t really offer prove or non-prove of it. This is the practice of acceptance and non-attachment. Furthermore, this suggests that life and therefore our existence simply is. Continue reading


Consciousness Unites: The Mind Separates

There is a mystery that baffles the mind. Consciousness is unexplainable. Likewise, we can visualize this as a dimension that is flowing. Therefore, the objects in which this energy manifests have the potential to observe themselves and literally all things. We are this vastness of life. We are not in consciousness. It is in us and the center of the universe is this moment as it manifests through you. We have boundless possibilities to co-create within this dimension.


Many people have already experienced universal consciousness. This is that moment when you have felt yourself in other life-forms or things. What you acknowledge in other things is not per say you the person. You are actually living and breathing as the divine presence of life. I often refer to this as consciousness melting process. This is when you have gone beyond the boundaries of mind and body. Object and life consciousness are no longer separate during this experience of oneness. This separation is only a head game. The mind will repeatedly play this game; if we allow it. It sees this as a reality and conditioned reactions obstruct access to the realm of oneness Continue reading


Temporary Static: Here Today Gone Tomorrow

You are a temporary object manifesting energy in this moment. Therefore, you are alive. This, in itself, is wonderful. However, is it significant? We can consider this relatively and absolutely. The former is no and the latter is yes. Nevertheless, acknowledging and accepting this temporal state can provide a stepping stone to infinity.


Yet, we can only truly realize immortality by going beyond object generated static. Nonetheless, our daily situations often seem very ominous; even devastating. This is because of the personal and collective mind conditioning accumulated over hundreds of thousands of years (clock time). Now is forever. The current situation is temporary. How do we realize the temporary insignificance of any given situation? Firstly, deeply understand that the form is always different. This is true, regardless how the mind interprets something. Static is Static. It interferes with our awareness of the unity shared by all things. Continue reading