
34 posts

Two Were Once One: What Is Beyond Dualism?

This is a discussion about the mind and consciousness. Were they one and the same?  Did something happen after we became self-conscious? Did one become two? This is, at least, what the mind has convinced us is true. Likewise, it is this conditioned believing and thinking that causes dualism. But, the apparent separation is strictly mind-made. Thus, it is ultimately not real, Hence, an illusion.


Almost every person will have a different interpretation about this topic. We often use science or religion in an attempt to understanding mind and consciousness. But, your present level of awakened object consciousness is very beneficial.  Let’s consider both from a state of non-attachment to either. Still, many will insist that the one (universal consciousness) cannot be without the other (object consciousness). What is your response to this idea? Please notice that I asked about your response and not your reaction. A mind reaction will not benefit us. Furthermore, this type of duality thinking will actually impair our experience of universal intelligence within the flow of life. Whereas, responding to something is based on synchronicity with consciousness. Continue reading


Science and Religion: But What About Life?

Why do we feel compiled to explain life through concepts such as religion, atheism or science? Personal and collective influences condition us to accept, reject or conform to ideas, guidelines, and beliefs. What do the three conceptual structures have in common? They invoke separation. Moreover, this is true of most existence content. Consequently, this deters the awakening of consciousness.


There appears to be generalizations in most conceptual religions. This is the belief in the big G word. (I am reluctant to use the word because of the conditioned effect it as on people.)  Atheism, on the other hand, rejects these beliefs.  Subsequently, science offers us the mind-conceived facts. However, these have really only added more complexity to the simplicity of life. Object consciousness would surely expand easier without these mind projected influences. Continue reading


Living Is to Be Alive: Start Now!

Living is so much more than the methods and concepts of the mind. Still, the mind can be useful in the experience of life. This is to say, when we use it wisely. I recently read and viewed inspirational stories of individuals. These people, of all ages, have overcome mental and physical hardships to rise above all expectations. This caused me to repeatedly (non-stop) cry as I reflected on how marvelous it is to be a human being. Not to mention, the beauty of living and consciously knowing that we are alive. We are.


Yet, there is a flip side. We still argue, fight and kill each other as well as initiate unthinkable acts on ourselves, others and the world. All of which are primarily based on unconsciousness. It seems such a terrible waste; although I realize that this behavior originates in our evolution. Continue reading

Answers but What if There Are None?

We constantly switch back and forth between asking questions and expecting answers. Furthermore, it is in our natural to be curious. This is what we do and have always done. We ask questions and we search for answers. People, this is to say, the personal and collective mind are there to tell us stories and illusions.


Therefore, we usually seek answers based on our experiences. However, many are based solely on assumptions, thoughts and beliefs. Consequently, these cause conditioned behavior to develop. Hence, questions and answers are often fabrications that transpire throughout the tapestry of our experiences. These are the result of traits such as creativity, thoughts, emotions and ego. Furthermore, these traits; among others, are contributing factors in our relentless need to ask questions and expect a reaction. However, this usually originates in the mind and has nothing to do with living in a state of presence. Continue reading


Leaf in the Wind: Gliding with Life

Have you ever watched a leaf gliding through the air? The changing of the seasons, especially autumn is experienced in many parts of the world. Leaves, for example, will fall from the trees during the transition from autumn to winter. Furthermore, there will be leaves to rake and this is when many people are especially vulnerable to specific mind games. A few of which are why must summer be over? or why do the neighbors tree leaves fly onto my lawn? etc. The conditioned mind is especially active.


Nevertheless, we have a deep innate bond with nature. However, this relationship is put to the test, especially during this time of year. This is because one leaf after the other is flying through the air. Therefore, as a result, people start to complain. It is as if nature is suddenly our worst enemy. The mind does not what to accept the change in season. It generally has problems with any change that occurs. Continue reading


Run and try to Hide

The evolution of mind and body has been a long path. Likewise, there are many behavior patterns that were necessary for our survival. However, this state of existence has resulted from our conditioned reactions. Nevertheless, prehistoric humankind would run and hide to survive.


Nevertheless, this has consequently hampered conscious evolution. Moreover, conditioned behavior causes us to run at the slightest indication of physical danger. Furthermore, our mental well-being is based on conditioned factors. This includes our conscious state of presence. However, our instinct told us to run and hide. This was the only option during the earlier development of our existence. Continue reading

Dissolved Away and Became Nothing

What would it be like if mental and physical attributes suddenly dissolved away? Likewise, what would remain if you suddenly realized that you are not your thoughts or even your body? What are you if there is no longer any attachment to mind or body?


I recently observed universal enlightenment. This was after an experience whereby the mind had been dominating any conscious awareness to the present moment. I had difficulty remaining consciously aware due to repetitive thoughts about a situation that had happened on the previous day. Everything that had seemed to dominate the now literally dissolved away. Furthermore, I once again became aware of the simple act of being present in the now.

It was amazing to feel the spaciousness that seemed to flow in and around me. It felt like a waterfall of energy cascading and engulfing the present moment. The so-called problems that the mind had insisted were threatening dissolved away as I spontaneously became aware of nothing. Continue reading


Universe Is Awakening Through You

The universe appears so vast and yet is still expanding. Human consciousness is, evolutionarily speaking, still very young. Likewise, it is also expanding. Let’s reflect on the possibilities available at our current level of awareness. How far will our consciousness expand before it reunites with the totality of universal consciousness? Can this and will this every happen? 


This reunion seems possible but not certain. Furthermore, this expansion may correlate with the flow of consciousness. Moreover, the mind is placing limitations on the universe that are strictly based on thoughts and beliefs. This may first sound ridicules. Nevertheless, please reflect on this before the mind tells you it is not possible. What you discover will surprise you. Continue reading


Alone Among Billions of People

Do you feel alone? Does this often occur? It is likely that you take this very personal and equally serious. It is probable that you think this loneliness is only happening to you in that moment. Well, it may comfort you to know that there are billions of people that think they are lonely. However, let’s emphasis the word think because it is a mind-conditioned illusion.


Let’s break this down into two statements for discussion purpose.

 1. You are alone. (person-oriented)

2. You are never alone. (energy/spiritual-oriented)

An incidence of loneliness and despair occurs because the majority of people want to be lonely. Yes, you have read this correctly. Loneliness is a choice. Furthermore, it is one of many mind games that you either play or not. It is basically just thoughts and emotions. Additionally, it is possible that fundamental behavior and social structures contribute to our seclusion. Nonetheless, these factors are strictly based on human nature. The mind is very convincing. It insists that others must accept and love you. Continue reading

Searching for Purpose

We are constantly searching for a purpose. The mind thinks that there is a reason for everything. These thoughts have become conditioned reactions. The collective belief is that there can be nothing without a reason. Furthermore, we sadly occupy each moment with the demanding need to have a function. We base the structures of our entire existence and the universe on this very assumption. This necessitated the establishment of mathematics, science and religion. However, the minds attempts to explain the unexplainable have proven faulty.


We become entrapped in the confines of these limitations. Therefore, this behavior pattern remains active in the background of our experiences. Nevertheless, it is reasonable to conclude that we have practical “purposes” in our daily activities. There are numerous experiences that fit into this category. However, there is also the search for a grand purpose. Most people would say there is a grand purpose in my life. There is no grand reason for life. Therefore, to assume that our existence is based on grandeur is purely subjective. Continue reading