
42 posts


One Is the Loneliest Number or Is it?

Object consciousness is an expressing of life. Universal consciousness is ultimately the experience of being one. On the other hand, the mind overshadows the evolution of self-consciousness. Thus, mind dominance manipulates and restricts our conscious awareness. This lack of awareness contributes to our conditioned behavior. Furthermore, this development simulates separation and duality. Thus, to illustrate in words, we overlook the totality of being. Pause for a moment and reflect on this insight. Logically and ultimately, there is only presence(being). And, this is universal.


But, the mind manipulates our consciousness into playing a game. Likewise, the mind insists it knows the game rules. But what about rules that the mind doesn’t know? Here the mind insures that it will sooner or later tells us what it doesn’t know now. Alas, the weight of mind conditioning is a heavy burden on our personal and collective experiences. Additionally, belief structures have the destructive impact of a runaway locomotive. Detachment from the mind, likewise our awakening to consciousness, can change everything. Then the two, object and universal consciousness, suddenly become one. Continue reading


Does Anger Dominate Your Experiences?

Does frustration, confusion, and even anger overshadow your experience of life? What are you upset about? Is it the traffic jam? Or the neighbor’s dog barking? What you experience is the result of your state of awareness. How do you experience something? The answer reflects your inner universe. It is always about you. Your state of being decides how you experience living.


“There will be moments when everything seems overwhelming. But, you are essentially a universal part of the totality. Therefore, only you can change how you see yourself in all things. See yourself as the oneness within the totality and everything you observe and experience will change.”  Continue reading


The Universe Vibrates in Synchronization

You and I are so much more than we think. The face in the mirror masks the true self. We are ultimately universal energy. It is everywhere. This is a priceless treasure. Life vibrates within this energy flow. It is within us and far beyond. We can love. So be aware. Share love and care. We are life. Therefore, and enthusiastically, we should be in love with life. This is my wish to you. I hope that you are joyfully alive. I offer you love. Indeed, you inspire me. And you teach me. All things, objects and experiences, offer a portal to conscious awareness. The mind will say that there is good and bad. But always observe the spaciousness beyond mind details.


You are a gateway to I as one. We can acknowledge universal essence as home. Therefore, let it flow. Living can be so wonderful. Awaken and experience life as it is now. We can consciously share, care, and forgive. Loving life is to unconditionally love living. Thus, practice loving life and love living. Know deeply that you are the creator of your experiences. Accordingly, you will forget mind-generated details. This is a human-made world. And, it has gone rotten. But, you are not and can never be only of this world. You are ultimately responsible for how universal energy vibrates. All objects, whether consciously aware or not, are influencing this universal flow. Continue reading


Everlasting Transformation Begins Within You

We often misinterpret the word spiritual. Therefore, please don’t think that living spiritual is a prerequisite to enlightenment. We are experiencing a shift in awareness. This awakening is allowing an inner transformation to blossom. Spirituality is just a word such as religion, God or Buddha. The word has no real significance. Other than to give our existence structure. The change that we are witnessing is the release of our conditioned behavior and mind-restrictions. We are letting go of personal and collective dogmas.


We don’t need to be spiritual to experience life energy consciousness. Rather, living and being are far beyond believing in something or even thinking anything. Thus, we need to unconditionally experience the truth of living in each moment. It would be beneficial for us to acknowledge that we are within everything. And we are influencing how things manifest. We are absolute at the level of being.

Still, we search for, demand more from, and define life instead of just living life. And, there are so many expectations. Thus, we obsessively attach ourselves to thoughts, feelings, and things. The problem is that we are always asking questions. We always expect something and overlook what is already there. We base our expectations purely on mind-oriented factors. This expectation is due to a state of unconsciousness. Universal intelligence vibrates and will respond to both unconsciously-made or consciously-made energy outputs. Continue reading

Mind and Object Consciousness: What’s Next?

It is really up to each of us to remain detached from the mind’s activities. Whereby we should eventually experience spiritual fulfillment. This is a completion, a realization; nothing more and nothing less. We experience this through absorbed universal awareness of our role to protect and guide each other during this awakening. Therefore, please know, you are not the mind with its list of thoughts and beliefs.


Consequently, we are perpetually protecting and guiding the universe and even the flow of life itself. Furthermore, the person next to you, a tree, or even a fly is not something outside of you; it is you. Looking beyond the abstracts of our existence will allow us to experience the bliss of unity. Continue reading


Asking for Your Support and Kindness

Recently, I wrote about my wishes to reach out and share with more people on a more personal level. Therefore, after long reflection, I am reaching out to ask for your kindness and support.  My wish is to start speaking with groups at schools, libraries, book stories, spiritual retreats, etc. Still, I really have no idea if and how my desire to share more personally with everyone will manifest. Not knowing and letting go is awesome. I simply go with the flow and continue to share the energy of my wish with the universe.  


Well, I exercise letting go and allowing everything to flow. And, it seems that the ebb and flow energy transfer of universal consciousness has offered me a chance to take the next step. Likewise, my desire to continue sharing and serving others through my writings and public speaking might be possible with your help. Continue reading


I Can’t Go on Living a Lie! How About You?

We often believe that everyone and everything wants something from us. The mind feeds us thoughts that cause us worry, uncertainty, and fear. Likewise, we become frantic with ego-infested thoughts of always needing or wanting something. Also, the mind insists everything it tells us is right. Wow! That is a lot to deal with each moment. But, is it possible that we are living a lie? Furthermore, what happened to free-will?


Are we pursuing a lie based on conditioned behavior? Yes, most likely.  But, strange enough, we identify with this lie. It is a lie based on conformity. Both personal and collective. This untruth starts at a very young age.  So, what transpired when we were young? Young children usually experience living without conditioned boundaries. Does the world demand so much that we forget about consciousness? Yes. This would be appropriate to say. Thus, we conform to the mind, people, and situational demands. Hence, conditioned behavior overshadows conscious being. This teaches us to always pursue a mind-made lie.  We are self-conscious of the world around us. However, self-consciousness evolves from object-oriented consciousness.

For the most part, object self-consciousness is only from the perspective of our human form.  The world seems to be full of demands. And, we start chasing these demands at a very early age. Alas, each day seems to only bring more and more demands. These wants and demands clutter and pollute the space of universal consciousness. This manipulates and even restricts our experience of this space. The mind and this conditioned behavior misguide us. Thus, we mostly live a lie. Continue reading


Oneness Flows Just Let Consciousness Show

There is a flow of conscious life energy vibrating through everything. Every life-form contributes to this energy flow, knowingly or unknowingly. This energy is a flowing stream of oneness. There is a life-being that diverts enormous amounts of localized energy into explaining and defining why it lives and loves. (Do you know which life-form I am writing about? I can give you a hint. Look in the mirror.) We want to know why we live and why we love. This behavior is similar to a dog chasing its own tail because the conditioned mind demands it but consciously knows that it will never catch it.


Never underestimate how amazing you can be in each moment. You, through human consciousness, stand on the threshold to pure universal consciousness in each moment. Furthermore, you can release the confines of the mind, allowing object consciousness and life consciousness to reunite in a state of pure awareness. You are manifesting content into the vacuum of space, thereby creating everything from nothingness. How do we awaken and become consciously aware of this dimension? Continue reading


Co-creating all Experiences

I wish to share a personal experience with you. This experience signifies how we are co-creating through the vibrations of energy.  I had various obligations recently involving several appointments.  Furthermore, I also needed to travel to the next city via subway for the last appointment. I had intended to cancel this appointment. But, then decided to just let things unfold.


Everything went well during the morning. I then rode a bus to the train station for the last appointment. There, I purchased a ticket and started up the ramp to board the subway. I glanced at the electronic subway schedule display. To my surprise, there was a message flashing on all the displays that read.

“All subways and trains are not running due to a technical malfunction.”

Instantly a smile spread across my face. I felt a free-falling sensation within the space of conscious awareness. Wow! It was obvious that I co-created this experience. Please let me explain. I had not actually wanted to go to this appointment. And, this is the energy vibration that had manifested from me.  I felt fortunate to have become aware of this energy vibration over the last few days. Hence, I could smile and clearly understand the subway technical malfunction. This was my co-creation. Continue reading


Walking Barefoot on Grass! Oh, What a Feeling

Beyond the realm of the mind is a magical mystery. We interpret and define it through words such as consciousness, oneness, and even love. It is a softness in the air that surrounds everything. This softness is always there, even when we have forgotten. Its softness is like a rose petal after a spring shower. Do you remember the quietness of walking barefoot on Grass?


We experience tranquility as a spring breeze embraces our body and awakens our soul. The leaf of a tree slowly unfolds; it offers us beauty untold. Close your eyes and release the mind’s hold; there you will find riches sweeter than gold. Continue reading