Steve Leasock poems

31 posts


A Fire We Call Love That Consumes Us

There is a fire within us. You might know this sensation as something we call love. This emotion fascinates us. We desire it. And, often we hate it. Similarly, people often mistake sensuality for love. There is a need within many individuals that seek love as if it is a purpose to fulfill. Thus, this flame consumes the majority of people due to the demand for more.


Likewise, a person will often seek happiness through another person. The mind primarily influences our search for love. This insatiable need to find something is also prevalent in the search for spiritual fulfillment or salvation. But, still unknown to the majority of people, everything we search is already here within us. Still, many people spend their entire existence consumed by a flame that is only a mind game.

What is life and love? We probably will never know. And, the good news is we don’t need to know. However, conscious awareness is beneficial to the experience of both. The mind cannot differentiate between ultimate reality and the game that it plays. However, you, as an awake conscious observer, can end this long-standing game. The authenticity of your conscious experiences relies on your relationship to the inner self. We can also express this as the inner universe. Continue reading


Life Vibrates So Just Let It Flow

The universe vibrates with energy. Accordingly, life is a frequency of the universe. You can flow with universal life energy. Or, you can attempt to resist it. Either way, you are influencing these vibrations. You exist.  But, often are not aware of the essence of being. It is accurate to write that you are alive. But, are you truly living life? Let’s start this conversation with a quote. Moreover, Abraham Lincoln’s insight offers much more about living than just the written words.

“People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” – Abraham Lincoln


This sounds silly but please stop listening to the mind for a moment. Instead, reflect on what you sense beyond words and thoughts. That deep innate sensation is your true state of being. So, I ask again. Are you truly alive?

The answer is still no for the majority of people. This is because we experience most of our existence in a state of automation. Oh, it is correct to say that we laugh, we cry, and often we are afraid.  But, are we actually truly aware of being? Your individual answer will either reflect a state of unconsciousness being or an active conscious state of being. Furthermore, the mind cannot accept the simply act of being. And the mind does all that it can to fabricate anything that might explain why.  This unconscious behavior is why we mostly exist in a limbo state of automation. Continue reading


Words Are Best Used and Then Forgotten

Words are only symbols. We use them as sticky tags. Thus, they seem to take on a meaning according to a thought or feeling. So, here is poem that offers a portal to the spaciousness beyond the labels and meanings.


Words are only expressions
And yes, these terms take on meaning.
But, these tags, in reference to living, can cause confusion.
So, what is right or wrong?
Everyone wants to know.
But, no one can really say.
And, such assertions only conceal the true way.
A word or phrase always demands attention. Continue reading


Knowing Love Deeply Is to Be Alive Completely

Knowing doesn’t always originate from theory or fact-finding. There is a knowledge resonating within us, through us, and around us. It is here to experience. There is a true knowing within life and of love. Universal intelligence derives from life and nurtured by conscious energy input. We need not search, expect, or even demand it. Life and love are fundamentally energy. Therefore, there is always life. And, there is always love. The key is to look beyond the mind and simply know, accept, and allow everything to be.



There is something I have inside.
You have it to, it would seem.
It is there both day and night.
Thus, joy fills each day.
The nights are peaceful; dreams abound.
What I have…what you have…is for us to feel.
It is a treasure.
It is love.
You cannot buy love.
It is not something that you simply find.
Rather it is love that has found you.
Love, you may say, is often so far away.
When it is there, why does it not stay?
Feeling love is thrilling.
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Smile and Feel the Softness in the Air

A smile is a gesture of happiness and good will. Therefore, it is more than just a facial expression. All objects manifesting life have the ability to channel universal energy and to allow it to flow. We can enter the dimension of life conscious energy in each moment.


A Smile

A smile, every so often, may take a while.
There are sometimes days when you just can’t grin.
Why, you say, on such a day…why should I care?
The expression on your face is straight.

It is true that, at times, a smile seems out of place.
Your mind tells you not to bother.
Who cares the mind will say?
But, this happens only when you listen to your head.
These thoughts overshadow the moment.
Then there is sorrow and dread.
This should not be, but alas, often we do not see.

A smile is the golden key.
There is a twinkle in our eyes.
So, we softly chuckle as life flows.
It is the reason that we know.
Here, in this mystery called now.

This is your home.
And, you choose how to live.
You will remember just be aware.
Life offers so much more when you care.
It is deep within and also around and about.
Do you feel it?

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Blossom Just Like a Flower in the Spring

The unfolding of any person’s conscious awakening process may first involve illness or hardships. But a person free of sickness or financial burden may also become enlightened. Either is fine but not a prerequisite to experiencing conscious enlightenment. Life does not take sides or evaluate an object due to existential merits. It will happen when you are ready, or it will not; you decide. It is as simple as falling off a log; life is there to blossom through you.


Do you wish to join in its celebration?

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The Lass from South Africa, Is This You?

There is a lass from way down South in Africa.
Oh, they say she came from somewhere else.
But who knows? It is of little importance.
For her heart blossomed in Africa.
Indeed, this is profound.
She found her true self that day.


This lass looked within herself for the first time.
She let go of people and things as she came to Africa.
This is to say, she learned to live from within. Continue reading


Prison of the Mind and You Have the Key

There is a place that is always within reach. This place is a dimension of unbounded possibilities. The mind knows of this place and probably doesn’t care if there is such a space. Because, this place is beyond the mind. Thus, conscious awareness remains just out of reach. Likewise, problems arise when we aren’t actively aware of the mind’s activities. This creates a prison of the mind.


This prison is of our own design. We build and rebuild this cage on a foundation of Thoughts, beliefs, conditioning, and fear. And, we choose to stay entrapped within the walls. But, these are only walls that exist in the mind. Yet, are not really a part of the mind. Or are they? The mind processes information. The mind thinks. The next consideration is whether a person thinks that he or she is the mind. Or, is our true self the observer of the mind? The mind itself is probably indifferent to what we do with the information it processes. And, the mind does not intend to trap us. Only thoughts and emotions comprise the mind cage. However, these seem so real. Continue reading


Life Is the Way so Please Don’t Stray

Things happen each day and thereby we often ask why?
There is no plan engraved in stone.
Who is to really say what may come and go our way?
No screenplay of life is to be read and rehearsed.
To live life is the way.


There are things that cause happiness or dismay.
To these we can really only say, what may come will be.
Then there are experiences that confuse and cause fear.
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Sunshine and Life Shine from Within

“The sunshine and life that you are looking for out there is in you. Metaphorically speaking.  So, let it shine!” The sun rises and sets and it often seems that we are a puppet dancing on a string called time. However, you can cut the strings. Furthermore, you are the co-creator of all you experience. The foremost question to ask in each moment would be what you will create now.


Sunshine is something to enjoy.
It is energy of a source that is everywhere.
We can experience it every moment;
It is there each day and in every way.
But, don’t look for it. Rather, feel it
You may now say okay, but the sun is not there every moment.
Surely it is not there every day.
What should I do?
Where is the sun on a cloudy day?
Don’t despair, it is there.
Do you feel it?
The warmth is so intense.
It is a flowing, vibrating frequency.
It is here now and will be here tomorrow.
Be active, be aware, and feel what is always there.
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