Steve Leasock quotes

72 posts

Articles too Lengthy, too Short or Just Right

I wish to thank everyone for the messages and emails that I receive. I smile from time to time because occasionally someone asks why my articles are so lengthy. But, I don’t smile because I am making fun of this person. The smile results from the sensation of object consciousness as it expands and flows through him or her and me.


It is a process that we each experience. Furthermore, it is unavoidable during the transition from mind to conscious awareness. Whether you consider my articles to be short, lengthy or just right mostly depends on the answer to the following question. Do you read the articles from the mind or consciousness? Continue reading

Bird Song and the Mockery of Time

Worldwide there are 10,000 bird species. Similarly, there are an estimated 100 to 400 billion on the Earth. It is astonishing. Now imagine all of them singing in the same moment. That would surely produce quite a sound.


Still, let’s consider one single bird. It happily sings its song. This opportunity presented itself to me last week. I was reflecting on a few text changes in my third book manuscript. It was around dusk. I could hear one bird in particular singing its song. Then there was a pause. Followed by a random sequence of chirping. Once again, there was a pause. Then it would sing its song once again. The experience was very pleasurable. It was quite soothing. I then felt myself uniting with the moment that was unfolding. We can call this a conscious assimilation between objects. It is a wonderful experience. The portal to consciousness opens and invites you to enter. Continue reading


Flowing Energy Is Everywhere

Everything is energy and energy is everything. Einstein gave us a universal formula for energy. Likewise, individuals interested in physics, more precisely quantum physics, know the significance of flowing energy. Moreover, energy manifests through every object; living and also the so called non-living. It binds the universe…oops. Sorry, I almost quoted Yoda from Star Wars.


“In the standard Lambda-CDM model of cosmology, the total mass–energy of the universe contains 5% ordinary matter and energy, 27% dark matter and 68% of an unknown form of energy known as dark energy.”

The fact is that we cannot dismiss the ramifications of flowing energy in the universe. What would happen when we take away the illusion of solid matter? Universal energy remains preserved and continual. Hence, energy is transferable. It is absolute and ever-flowing. This is regardless of the forms through which it manifests. Continue reading


Awaken and Enjoy the Dream

You are on a picnic. It is a lazy summer afternoon. The birds are singing. Crickets are chirping in the tall grass nearby. A breeze carries the fragrance of wild flowers and strawberries. The moment becomes an eternity. There is the soft buzz of a flying grasshopper in flight. Perhaps the joy of flying is something that all beings share. Suddenly, this buzzing becomes louder. The dream scene fades away. Awaken, the alarm clock is ringing.


The dream had seemed so real. Sadness overcomes you because it has ended. Still, it was beautiful and very tranquil. Likewise, in that moment, you feel totally rested. Therefore, you smile. Not to mention, you sense equilibrium. You sense everything. The interaction with your surroundings is similar to a dream state. How would you describe it? It is to awaken from a dream and realize you are still dreaming. Continue reading


Living Is to Be Alive: Start Now!

Living is so much more than the methods and concepts of the mind. Still, the mind can be useful in the experience of life. This is to say, when we use it wisely. I recently read and viewed inspirational stories of individuals. These people, of all ages, have overcome mental and physical hardships to rise above all expectations. This caused me to repeatedly (non-stop) cry as I reflected on how marvelous it is to be a human being. Not to mention, the beauty of living and consciously knowing that we are alive. We are.


Yet, there is a flip side. We still argue, fight and kill each other as well as initiate unthinkable acts on ourselves, others and the world. All of which are primarily based on unconsciousness. It seems such a terrible waste; although I realize that this behavior originates in our evolution. Continue reading


Essence of Love within You

What is the essence of Love? This presents a difficult problem for the human mind. It repeatedly asks this question and many others. What is consciousness, what is life and what am I? These are a few examples. Additionally, love compels many people to acts of bravery in which a person will risk everything for love. Nevertheless, we don’t truly know what it is. We may never mentally “know” what it is; but we can experience it…we can even unite with it. Isn’t this what is occurring in the dimension of aware consciousness?


Love is an active vibration in life. Furthermore, it is perhaps the essence of consciousness. Who can say for sure? However, it is there. However, we can sense love in the same manner as we have always sensed that there is “something” that we have chosen to call consciousness. Continue reading

Raining Cats and Other Illusions

You may be familiar with the adage It’s raining cats and dogs. This describes an intense rain storm. Likewise, we can use this to illustrate the heavy shower of our thoughts. This mind-made downpour can saturate and literally drown object consciousness.


How do we deal with this turbulent storm of raining thoughts? We usually sit in a rescue boat constructed of similar thoughts. However, the mind tells us that you will escape the rain by clinging to a particular thought. Nevertheless, these toss us back and forth like waves on the water. So, what do we do? The raining storm continues. A shower of thoughts is soaking us. We sought shelter in a boat made of them. Oh no! It looks like we are going down with the ship. Continue reading

Answers but What if There Are None?

We constantly switch back and forth between asking questions and expecting answers. Furthermore, it is in our natural to be curious. This is what we do and have always done. We ask questions and we search for answers. People, this is to say, the personal and collective mind are there to tell us stories and illusions.


Therefore, we usually seek answers based on our experiences. However, many are based solely on assumptions, thoughts and beliefs. Consequently, these cause conditioned behavior to develop. Hence, questions and answers are often fabrications that transpire throughout the tapestry of our experiences. These are the result of traits such as creativity, thoughts, emotions and ego. Furthermore, these traits; among others, are contributing factors in our relentless need to ask questions and expect a reaction. However, this usually originates in the mind and has nothing to do with living in a state of presence. Continue reading

Trust the Universe and Trust Yourself

This is the second article relating to the process of conscious awakening. Do you trust yourself? This is to say; are you confident that what you sense is true? The personal experience that I am sharing suggests that I was not fully conscious. Furthermore, this uncertainty, although short-lived in this example, clearly restricted the naturally flow of life energy.


However, please allow me to share the experience before I continue. I went with a friend to eat lunch yesterday. He picked out the restaurant because it was his idea to eat. The meal was refreshing (salad and fish). We had several conversations varying from work related issues to human behavior and evolution. It was eventually time for us to leave. I had asked him, during the drive to the restaurant, if we could stop at a furniture store on the way home. Continue reading


Process of Awakening Consciousness

I will be sharing personal experiences on an ongoing basis that reflect the process of awakened awareness to consciousness. Many people, perhaps all people, are aware of consciousness at a given level. However, it is not necessary to categorize how conscious you or any other person is in this moment.


The realization of being conscious is enough. This will allow an expansion of the portal to the vastness that is becoming conscious. Moreover, there is a balance, harmony and spaciousness that will automatically occur. It is amazing to experience the process of this natural development. It will become very obvious that everything is happening without you really needing to do anything. Continue reading