
67 posts


Flowers or Daggers: What Will You Choose?

Words are one method by which we communicate. Mind-oriented subconscious energy is another way. We can either unconsciously or consciously behave and react. There is a flow of energy during either process. These frequencies influence everything as they ripple inward and outward. Imagine, if you will, holding daggers in one hand. And flowers in the other. What will you offer yourself, others, and the universe? This is what it means to unconsciously or consciously live life.


The mind can influence these frequencies. Thus, this energy takes on countless forms. Therefore, it would be wise to choose thoughts, words, and actions in a state of presence. This will allow you to unit with universal life energy. Thus, you are indifferent to these mind-invoked frequencies. Ask yourself this question as often as possible. What energy am I offering others, the world and the universe? Focus your awareness on presence. Here and now. This will help to attune you with the flow within the dimension of life. Henceforth, you will actively observe your interaction with the mind. There will be less and less unconscious thoughts and behavior. Continue reading


Detachment or Non-attachment? Why not Both?

Let’s start by clarifying what each word represents to us for practical purposes. There is a difference and yet there is not. Therefore, the practice of both can be very beneficial in the process of conscious awakening. Why? Because detachment is a vital stepping stone to non-attachment. Accordingly, Wikipedia categorizes both with the same meaning. Still it is always best to remember that these are only words. We undergo a transformation from mind existence to conscious living. This is the experience of being. There is ultimately no need to label the act of being alive. Nor is there a need to define or explain how we became aware of consciousness.  



Still, let’s establish a common understanding. Detachment can, at first, cause avoidance, separation, and suffering. But, please don’t let this distract you. This is because the process also allows us to awaken. A shift in our state of being (living) begins. Detachment is the minds attempt to not care when you actually do care. To not love when you do truly love. This disinterest in living and loving is only a mind-illusion. It is not the true self. Continue reading


Thought Compression or Conscious Relaxation?

Ask this question. How do I wish to live? Let’s compare the mind to a computer. It has a program (conditioning) used for the compression of data (thoughts). However, the mind usually overloads us with too many thoughts. Why? Simply because we are not consciously aware. We could also call this living consciously or freedom from mind interference.


Otherwise, the mind will attempt to compress more and more thoughts into your conscious state of being (presence). This compression can be an advantage for the storage and transfer of data on a computer. However, it can be very burdening for a life-form with a deeper level of consciousness. Why? Simply because consciousness suggests that an object has the potential to be self-aware. Self-consciousness, in turn, causes us to ask why. Continue reading

Essence of Life: It Flows and Love Grows

What do you feel about life energy and love? It would seem that life offers the potential for love. But living and loving have become a mind-game. The essence of life and love have become lost in the details of the mind.



What is Love? We talk about it. And we desire it more than anything. But our behavior implies that we don’t know much about love. The truth has simply become obscured by too much content. Still we do know love. We feel it in the depth and essence of our being. This knowledge is within the dimension of life. Life and love have become synonymous. We know this as truly as we can innately sense universality. This is the true oneness of life and love. Continue reading


Whisper Softly: Telling Me Secrets

Do you often hear a soft whisper? It is here. A being without definition or purpose. It is a presence. We have known of it since the dawn of consciousness. And we are always striving to become part of it. Sometimes timidly and other times frantically during our evolution. We grasp for this mysterious something because it feels like home.


Some people are oblivious to it. Still others want to label it. Therefore, space consciousness gets names and reasons for being. This has become a repetitive cycle throughout our history. Some people even call this mystery a secret among many more secrets. And yet the soft whisper of life consciousness shares everything. But we don’t truly listen. Still this presence is intense. Hence people continue to relentlessly search for it. Many individuals want this so badly that they will think and believe anything to get enlightenment. Continue reading


Avoid Thoughts: A Step Toward Enlightenment

Should you avoid your thoughts? Yes, definitely. At least 99% of these are opinions, judgements, sentiments and beliefs. In other words, you don’t need them. This is a follow-up article to Thoughts About Thinking Can Hurt You. Does it irritate you to read about shunning your thoughts? If so, please realize that the mind reacts to almost anything that represents change.


Let’s go an additional step. To avoid your thoughts does not mean to deny or reject them. You should not oppose the mind and its process of thinking. It is best to accept them. But then let them go. Observe any give thought. Especially one or more that stands out from the others. It will be possible to acknowledge most thoughts as repetitive, inconclusive and superfluous. Plainly said, you don’t need to focus on the majority of thoughts. Do you truly desire conscious awakening and to live consciously? Continue reading


Vendetta Against Me: But Why?

The world is against me. Everyone wants something from me. Why me? What have I done to deserve this conflict. Does this sound familiar? Perhaps you have heard such statements. Or said this yourself on occasion. Does it really seem that there is a vendetta against you? It does if you listen to the mind. This is what it is always telling you. And what it thinks will gain momentum when you listen.


Let’s look at this from both standpoints. These being mind and consciousness. There may very well be people that wish to cause you problems. Or even harm you. On the other hand, a situation has no intent to make you suffer. The circumstance may cause you pain. Either due to the experience, person or even self-inflected. Or you may suffer if something unfolds due to conditioned behavior in an unconscious state. Continue reading


Muddy Water and Cloudy Consciousness

Everyone has experienced the effect of muddy water. It distorts a clear perception of any body of water; whether flowing or passive. Unclear water is a result of interaction with the waters nature state of existence. This could be any number of things such as dirt, sand or decomposed wood. This is an excellent example in considering how object existence can influence the flow of life energy consciousness as it expands.


Imagine a clear mountain spring with a small stream flowing from it. The water is crystal clear.  The stream meanders down the mountain side. It is in the nature of things for the pure water to pick up object content as it flows. This could be leaves, wood, sand etc. We could refer to this content as details of the water. The water will assimilate any object to reduce unnecessary manipulation or restriction of its flowing. The properties of any given object become that of the water and visa-versa. Continue reading


Knowledge of Life: It Is Within You

Universal intelligence engulfs us. There is ultimately no need to question it. Still we have called this knowledge by many different names over thousands of years. Hence we have neglected the wisdom and flow of life. Physical conflicts dominate our existence. This is unavoidable for an object in this universe. But there are also conflicts that are unseen. These originate from mental and emotional manipulations and restrictions of the mind. We can change the experience of life.

“But this won’t happen until we have recognized and accepted the space within conscious living.”


There are barriers of the mind. Furthermore, the individual and collective mind invokes countless energy vibrations that can be damaging. Additionally, the lack of awareness causes a feeling of separation between yourself and the flow of life. The incapability to acceptance that there is something there that doesn’t need defining isolates people. Continue reading


Thoughts about Thinking Can Hurt You

You think too much. It seems that you are always thinking. Meanwhile the process of conscious awakening as begun. But you still can’t stop thinking. Friends, books, and spiritual teachers tell you to stop thinking. And still the thoughts rattle around in your head. You try to meditate. Enlightenment is your wish. However, trying to stop thinking only causes you to think more. Oh, the misery! These excessive thoughts are dreadful.


What can you do? How do you stop thinking? The first two conscious steps correlate directly to these questions. First step. Practice “doing” less. Thus, you will automatically do more and be more. Second step. Realize deeply that you can’t stop thinking. No one can stop thoughts. They are the result of a thinking process. The brain is a biological organ. Sadhguru once said that trying to stop thinking is like telling you liver or pancreas to stop working (paraphrase). This is something we can’t and don’t wish to stop. Continue reading